Nestling her hands into her jacket pocket, she giggled. “I’m not going to ask any questions.”
“It’s for the best,” Ian replied.
As the anticipation built, sirens wailed in the distance and grew louder as first responders took the lead. The children’s excitement was cute as hell as they jumped up and down, their little voices squealing with joy as fire trucks, police motorcycles, and ambulances roared past at the front of the parade. People joined in a chant as an array of flags paraded by, followed by the somber but stirring sounds of bagpipes and drums. Watching our kids’ wide-eyed wonder every year was always a highlight.
Elaborate floats, decorated with intricate designs and symbols of our heritage, rolled by proudly while marching bands played lively tunes, and celebrities waved to the cheering crowd. Every year, we followed the tradition, toasting in the bar first. The women used to join us, but with more kids and the crowd this year, it was too hard; and they’d get their chance later at the Knight’s.
After we arrived back at Ian and Jenna’s house, the kids ate and disappeared upstairs to play or watch a movie in the media room. The guys had been acting strange since we returned, disappearing into Ian’s office several times. They’d come back out, and it was evident they were sending one another texts while sitting in the same room as us.
Giovanna roamed around, examining everything for the first time, complimenting Jenna’s choice of décor. Jenna appreciated every ooh and ahh after they put a ton of remodeling work into the home after moving in. She gave her a full tour downstairs before they returned to the family room, telling her a few cute stories about her and Tyler growing up in the home.
Giovanna curled up on the floor by the hearth, sipping on a glass of cabernet, while Amber and Chance sat on the loveseat. Ian and Jenna cuddled on the couch with Tyler and Mila at the other end, and Luke sat in a chair with me sideways on his lap. I didn’t peek at his phone, no matter how nosy I was, but I was unable to take the secrets any longer. Standing, I strode into the kitchen, picking up the wine and pouring myself a glass.
“Me too,” Amber’s annoyed tone came from the doorway as she came to a stop next to me. “What the hell are they texting about?”
“You guys know that we all know you’re texting one another, right?” Jenna laughed from the den.
Amber and I snickered, returning to the room to see them all staring blankly at her. Tyler pulled Mila a little closer while Amber and I settled back into our seats. Ian took a deep breath.
“What?!” Amber spat, almost choking on her wine. “The last time you sighed that way, several of us almost died. Please don’t let that be the someone’s going to die sigh.”
Giovanna peered around at each of us with wide eyes, drawing her knees into her chest with her empty glass on the brick hearth next to her. “Ummm, hi?” She lifted her hand, waving. “New girl here. What are you talking about? Should I be worried?”
Amber scoffed, turning to her. “Girlll, there’s so much you don’t know?—”
“Or want to know!” Mila interrupted. “I stay out of all their stupid nonsense, and you should too, trust me.”
Tyler flickered a quick scowl at her before rolling his tongue between his lips. “Mila, she comes from a family like… that. She’s used to it.”
“Oh,” she snickered. “Well then, at least there won’t be any surprises for you.”
Giovanna gave a puzzled smile, but I noticed something unsettling in the looks on Ian and Luke’s faces. They were clearly hiding something significant. I twisted to look at Chance, who was staring back at me intently; unusual behavior for him.
“One of you please,” my voice cracked, scared to know, “tell us what’s going on.”
“I can step outside if I need to give you guys some privacy,” Giovanna offered.
Ian flashed a palm. “You can stay since I’m friends with your father, but nothing you hear will ever be discussed in front of anyone other than the people in this room. Since you’re staying with them, you’ll hear about it anyway and you need to be aware.” He exchanged a knowing glance with the guys before lowering his head, glaring at me. “Jade, Dante was released from prison.”
The words echoed in my mind, and it took a moment for me to fully understand what he had said. Finally, I let out a sharp gasp. “What?!”
“I wasn’t sure at first because after I got word,” Ian continued, “I couldn’t find him, but Tyler was able to do some digging and with the info we got from my brother—” he gnawed the inside of his cheek.
“What?!” I shrieked again, jumping off Luke’s lap. “Tell me now… please!” I’d never raised my voice at Ian before. He was someone I respected and knew would never harm me. But even though I was frustrated, I was careful not to cross the line with him. I half-expected him to stand up and confront me, but instead he stayed composed, his arm wrapped around Jenna while he casually rested his ankle on his knee. How the fuck can he be calm at a time like this?! “Ian?—”
Luke’s arms snaked around me from behind. I tried to twist from his grasp, but he pulled me closer. I gave up fighting him.
“There are few people on earth that I fear, and Dante’s one of them! Well, I wasn’t before because he was in prison! But him being free?!”
“Who’s Dante?” Giovanna asked, confused.
I spun around and saw that she had moved to sit on the edge of the hearth, most likely as a defense mechanism in case I lost control. I was at a loss for words. Who’s Dante? Everything that’s wrong with the world, that’s who.
Luke held me tightly, and I couldn’t help but shake. “He’s her ex, and he hired a hitman to kill her and Maddie,” Luke muttered.
“Holy shit,” she exhaled.