Page 26 of Secrets of Euphoria

One thing I knew, I wasn’t leaving without Giovanna. I had the same feeling about her that Ian had the night he met Jade and something inside me told me not to leave without her. I wasn’t sure if Ekaterina would ever part with her, but it didn’t matter. I was taking her with us.

The weekend following Jade moving into her current home in West Roxbury, Ian drove back to Ithaca and shot her former boss between the eyes. The guy’s brother took over the place, and a month later, it was shut down due to hazardous working conditions and maggots in the cheap prime rib storage area. Jade never knew Ian was the one who killed her former boss. He did it before she was privileged to our secrets.

Though I wasn’t scared of Ekaterina, a certain feeling of vulnerability came with being unarmed when I’d not been without a weapon for any reason in years. And none of us understood more than two words of Russian.

“I’d like that,” I nodded once, trying my best to play their game. “Is there a place we can go in private, too?” I lifted my chin at the glass walls. “Somewhere without spectators, I mean.”

The corner of Ekaterina’s lips twisted into a dominant smile. She thought she was in control, but I needed to get Giovanna alone. “Any…thing for Declan brother.” Her broken English got caught in her own words before she shifted her attention to the dancer.

Chance covered his mouth with his fist, turning back to the window, whispering, “Kat’s cool. She just doesn’t know you. She’s practically in love with Declan, apparently. He was telling me last night and you don’t have to trust her, but she’s not going to do anything.” Chance had become great at reading my mind. It was one of the many reasons we’d become closer.

I shot him a glance before Giovanna stood, waltzing over, raking her gaze over me. “Ready when you are.” She swept her hair back, resting a hand on her hip.

With a single nod, I followed her to the elevator. The doors dinged before parting, and we stepped in. She kept her distance as we descended into what I hoped would be a profitable night. Once the doors opened again, she reached over, lacing her fingers with mine. The need to blend in was important, so I didn’t fight it.

The hallway felt like a maze, with armed guards around every corner. I counted them, making a note of each turn we took in case I needed to escape at any point; although I’d have to rely on my martial arts skills while unarmed. Chance was confident we were safe. My brother was jaded by the beautiful supermodel-looking woman upstairs. I wasn’t. One of us had to remain level-headed.

“If I don’t hang on to you, they’ll be all over you down here,” Giovanna pulled me out of my thoughts.

We walked into a spacious, dimly lit bar area with scattered tables and chairs. Vibrant green and purple lights swirled above, adding a touch of a party-like atmosphere. I looked up at the seemingly black windows, knowing that they were her office. My phone vibrated, and I reached in with my free hand, taking it out, and seeing a text from Chance.

I’ve got eyes on you.

Swiping my thumb across the keyboard, I replied.

You’re definitely one of us.

I lifted a smirk at the windows above before bringing my gaze back down, sliding my phone back into my pocket. I could feel him stewing from down here.

“This room isn’t for anything other than talking.” She pointed at the lights. “All the lights in these rooms indicate what’s allowed in each space. When members join, I give them a tour with orientation and force them to sign an NDA at the end. Then, and only then, do they know what each color tells them.”

“Force?” I cocked a brow at her.

“Sir, I assure you, I’m fucking full of surprises.” She giggled. “No NDA, no dicky licky.”

Amused, I rolled my eyes, glancing at her. She had a sassy attitude that I found appealing. I knew she’d fit in perfectly, but with the other dancers being so territorial, she might cause some initial friction. However, her skills were essential for our expansion plans, and that was all that mattered. Of course, I still had my reservations about trusting her. A crucial element in our world, but there was something about her that gave me a sense of confidence.

I observed the people in the room; at least twenty to thirty of them. In their own worlds, they enjoyed one another’s company. Only a few were half undressed, and one fully exposed. “So, green and purple mean?”

She laid her head on my shoulder to further blend in. “Green is talking only, but flirting’s okay as long as they’re on the same page. People usually come in here to get to know one another. Feel out the club. Complimentary drinks, of course, but a three-drink maximum, regardless. New members have two visits to decide if they like it here. If not, we give them a fifty percent refund, but they are still held to the NDA since… well, this shit’s still illegal here. Purple is clothing optional.”

“I like the light idea, for sure.”

“It was my idea.” She shrugged.

A man meandered over, his bare, hairy chest and beer gut hanging over a pair of khaki pants. “Hey, beautiful.” He slipped his fingers through his blonde pompadour-styled hair.

“Hi!” she beamed.

“When you’re done with him,” he pointed at me with his half-full lowball glass, “I’d love to visit with you.”

She squeezed my hand a little tighter, causing me to stiffen. Is she not happy here? Is she being forced to work here? Shit.

“I’m actually claimed for the night, sorry.” She offered him a faux, friendly smile.

“Shame.” He lifted his glass to me. “Good for you, bro. She’s quite the prize here. Hard to get alone time with her.” Before I could respond, he winked at her and spun back around, striding to a barstool.

She led me back into the hallway. We came to a wide arch, security offering a nod as we entered. It was the first room I’d paid attention to from the office above. The cages were much larger than they appeared upstairs.