Page 27 of Secrets of Euphoria

Giovanna tugged my hand, positioning us against the wall so we’d have a better view. Ten naked people mingled together, talking, and kissing. Two were fucking in the corner while one man stood at the cage on the right, getting sucked off by the collared woman.

She moved her hand up to the crook of my elbow, leaning close to my ear. “To be honest, I find this room to be quite meh.”

I offered a knowing nod. It wasn’t anything special. Jade and I were into the much darker things, but I didn’t judge. “Beginner room.”

“Exactly, but good for them for exploring,” she snickered. “Shall we continue?”

“Please.” I scanned the room once more before we exited.

Again, we trekked further down the hallway, stopping for a moment to observe each room. Themes darkened with lights, becoming more intense until we were at the last. The first gangbang had ended and there was another woman now, taking one cock after another. We put our backs to the wall in the darker area near two naked men kissing and fondling one another.

My cock stirred as I watched the show in the center of the room, picturing Jade here with me, wondering if we’d fuck for everyone or if we’d fuck in the chair next to me, not giving a shit who saw us. I thought about taking my phone out and texting her photos, but phones and photography were strictly prohibited in places like this. Reminding myself why I was here, I withdrew my hand from hers and sat.

As she gazed down at me, I playfully wiggled my finger. With a smile, she climbed onto my lap and straddled me. I grabbed onto the chains around her neck, gently pulling her closer. I placed my lips next to her ear. Her breath caught, and she gripped onto my shoulders, digging her nails into my skin with a hint of panic.

“We need to talk,” I growled. She tried to push back, but I held on to her jewelry tighter. “I have no plan to hurt you. But I don’t want anyone in here to get suspicious.”

“What do you want?” she breathed. “Who are you, really? I knew something was up.”

“I have a friend and business partner who co-owns a club with me,” I whispered, keeping my voice low. “It’s called Euphoria in Boston. Your father was there last night.”

She gritted her teeth and grabbed my hand, attempting to remove it from her necklace. “What did you do to my dad?!” she hissed furiously.

“Nothing!” I matched her tone. “He’s a friend of ours. You should know that, considering I came with Chance, and you know him.”

Her grip loosened, and I let go. She sat up, staring into my hooded gaze for a moment. “And you don’t want me?” She kept her voice low, glancing around at the crowd behind her. Between the moaning, dirty talk, and music playing overhead, I doubted anyone heard us.

“I know me telling you I have a girlfriend might not mean much in a place like this, but I assure you, I only want her.”

She arched a brow. “Then why am I straddling your lap?”

Casting a glance behind her, I noticed one of the armed watchmen striding in our direction. I flashed a smile, pulling her closer and whispering into her ear, “Dance for me.”


“Trust me.”

Her hands resting behind her on my knees, she swayed on my lap in time with the music. The guard approached us, his gaze fixed on her. She met his stare and said something in Russian, causing him to nod curtly before walking away.

“You speak Russian?” I asked, shocked. “What did you say to him?”

The corner of her lip twisted up, and she sat up again, lacing her fingers on the back of my neck. “I told him you were one of my VIPs and yes, I learned a little working here.”

Resting my hands on her thighs to sell the lie, I watched her in faux lust before she stood. Turning around, she sat in my lap once again, her back to my chest. Placing her palm on the back of my head, she turned toward my ear. “Tell me, Luke,” she muttered, “what do you actually want? I know it’s not just a tour.” She looked back at the room, continuing to dance on me seductively.

I put my lips to her cheek, keeping the appearance that I was a customer. “I could tell you and Ekaterina have some animosity between you. I want you to come back to Boston with us.”

She stopped and turned toward me, her expression serious. She reached out her hand and I silently stood, placing my palm in hers. We left the room in the same manner we entered, without saying a word as we navigated through several corridors until we reached a more secluded area of the club. She came to a halt at the end of one of the longer hallways, in front of a red door. Letting go of my hand, she removed one of her five necklaces and used the gold key hanging from it to unlock the door.

“Most customers just think it’s some pendant or something.” She pushed the door open, stepping inside, snorting, “Some ask if it’s the key to my pussy, though. Idiots think they’re sooo funny and the only one to tell the joke.”

I followed, quietly closing the door behind us, and taking in my surroundings. The room was softly lit by a small purple table lamp, its gentle glow casting shadows around the room. In one corner stood a large canopy bed, its black leather headboard adorned with dark lace and chains dripping from the posts above.

Across from it was a plush couch and chair, strategically facing the bed, and a spanking bench that caught my eye on the left. In the opposite corner stood a towering titanium pole, reaching up to the ceiling and standing on a mirrored platform. Everything in the room seemed to be made of deep, rich shades of black, adding to the overall mysterious atmosphere.

She stepped behind me, the lock clicking. “This is my personal space. I don’t allow anyone in here unless… well, ya know.” Meandering to the bed, she perched on the edge. “You can come sit down.”

Clenching my jaw, I chewed the inside of my cheek, sliding my hands deep into my pockets.