Page 61 of Charm

Jimmy had the beverages ready in record time with the help of one of the other bartenders, Lenny. Arranging them on the tray I slipped it off the bar, balancing it on my palm as I hurried over to the VIP table. I didn't want to interrupt whatever they were discussing so I sashayed back through the employee door, down the hallway to the room where employees kept their belongings.

“What's going on?” I asked while entering.

He took a step toward me but stopped. “I don't want this to get weird and I'm not doing this because anyone made me do it, so let’s be clear before I go on, cool?”

I crossed my arms over my stomach. “Okay?”

“I'm really fucking sorry for disrespecting you. All I saw was a beautiful girl and didn't know how to handle it. I only took the pics of you to show my friends, but I was dumb and wanted to look cool, so I lied to them and said you were all over me.” He pressed his fingers to his temples. “Saying it out loud, I realize what an idiot I sound like. But I swear on my mother’s life, I didn’t mean you any harm.”

I arched my brow, trying my best to keep from rolling my eyes.

“I've never been in a relationship before because I’m always in trouble and my parents have always had a tight leash on me. So, yeahhh,” he sighed, “I made a poor decision to disrespect you because I had a crush on you and it’s not an excuse.” He waved his hand lazily. “I know I know. I'm not trying to make this weird. I know I got in trouble with my uncles, so I don't want it to seem like I'm only apologizing because of that. I mean every word of it and if you ever need anything, just let me know.”

I wanted to believe the sincerity, but I’d never fully trust him because of the way that he acted before. I nodded. “Okay. I understand and forgive you but it's going to take me some time before I'm comfortable around you again bec—”

“What’s wrong?” James’s deep voice echoed in my ear as he came to a stop next to me, his eyes swelling with rage as soon as he saw Gian. “Why the fuck are you in here with him, Madison?”

“I just wanted to apologize to her for what I said and did before.”

James strode toward him, grabbing his collar and forced him back against the wall. “You have no business speaking to her at all unless it has to do with work, you little shit, and not alone!”

“James!” I gasped when he drew his fist back. “Stop!”

He shoved Gian’s shirt into his body, then pivoted on his heels. Gaze narrowed, he blinked out of whatever spell he was under just as Vincenzo marched through the door, followed by the brothers. Dimitri and Antonio hung back, both with their arms across their chest. Vincenzo came to a stop in front of James and Gian.

“What’s going on?”

“I’d like to know as well, Madison.”

They both turned to me. Gian shifted his weight back and forth.

“He was just apologizing to me in private because the club was so crowded and loud, and I had no problem talking to him for a moment because I know I'm safe here.” I made eye contact with each of them before I brought my gaze back to James. “You don't need a weird scandal and we don't need any more attention on what's going on,” I raised my brows, “so can we just move on from this? All he did was apologize, and he didn't get near me.”

James lifted his gaze to Dimitri. “Did you tell him to apologize?”

Dimitri shrugged. “I actually didn't tell him shit.”

James twisted back to Gian with an expression I'd never seen on him before now. I'd seen him mad in the past but nothing like the fierceness in his almost revengeful stare. “I should take you up to the alley and beat your fucking ass for what you said about my girlfriend.”

His girlfriend?

I knew after last night it was unspoken that we were officially together, but neither of us had said it out loud just yet. Hearing it for the first time in front of other people came as a bit of a shock to me, considering we were keeping our relationship quiet until after the engagement party next weekend. Vincenzo whipped his gaze around to me, brows arched, fist over his mouth. But he didn't look upset. Instead, he looked almost relieved. It was an expression I'd seen on his face before, except when he spoke about Elizabeth. It was peaceful. He offered me a single nod.

“Like I told her,” Gian continued, “I made a mistake because I wanted to look cool. As hard as that is for me to admit, especially in front of my uncles. Weakness is admitting wrong.” He lowered his gaze before lifting it again. “I apologize to you, Mr. Falzone, and both of you.” He nodded at Antonio and Dimitri, then at Vincenzo. “I know this probably means you won't have me trained to work for you anytime soon.”

Dimitri cleared his throat. “Get back out to the bar and don't leave under any circumstance. We'll talk after we close.”

Gian lowered his head, trudging toward the door, but I curled my fingers around his wrist as he walked by. “Like I said, I forgive you, even if they don't. But you're going to have to earn my trust if we're going to work together.”

“Okay, and thanks.” He hurried out of the room.

Antonio offered me a wink before he, and Dimitri, disappeared without another word.

Vincenzo’s eyes darted back and forth between James and me, and a subtle grin materialized on his mouth as he took a step toward me. “Eliza knows he’s seeing someone because he’s been so, as she said, radiant lately. She’s happy for him, but she obviously won’t know it’s you until you both tell her.” He lifted his chin at James. “Like I told him earlier at the gym, if he wants to be with you, nothing should stand in his way, not even his own kids. They love him and want him happy, but pretty soon, your relationship will stand a true test and you both better be ready for it. I told Eliza to make her own decisions as well, and she chose me. Good luck to you both.”

“Thanks.” I nodded. “Do you hate me?”

“Hate you?” He pursed his lips. “No. Do I think you’re both nuts?” He shrugged his shoulder. “Aren’t we all?” He lowered his hand to his pocket, taking out his phone. “That’s Eliza. I need to take it then go handle some work stuff before I head back home.”