Page 60 of Charm

Striding to our bags, he picked them up and brought them over to the bed. He rummaged through his, taking out a pair of grey sweatpants and a white tank top. “I need to go home and shower and get over to Vinny’s.”

“Are Eliza and Lucas okay?” I rocked up to my knees, taking out a pair of jeans and a T-shirt out of my bag. The denim scraped my hip, causing me to wince.

“I don’t know, but Eliza texted me a few times and Lucas once.” He picked up my phone off the table and gave it to me.

I checked the time. 9:48 a.m. “If it’s quicker to shower at my apartment, you can.” Then, my eyes lowered to my messages. “James,” I respired, and he paused, putting on his shoes, “I have several messages from Eliza as well.”

“Open them.”

Are you okay?

Is my dad okay?

Where did you end up going?

My mom’s so fucking nuts and I hope she rots in hell >:(

She called Lucas a waste and me an ‘old man fucking bitch’ and said she would’ve been better off with Vinny instead of dad!

I’m so pissed!!!!!

“Alicia will regret every last word.” James clenched his jaw. “My kids are two of the three innocent people I’ll kill for.”

Remaining quiet, I finished getting dressed and zipped my bag, coming up with a reply to Elizabeth. Guilt still ate at me, but now was the time to be there for her as her friend, not as the woman who was seeing her father.

I followed James through his office, to the lobby elevators, clutching my phone and bag at my side as we made our way back to his car and got in. Once we were out of the parking lot, he laid his hand on my leg. Curling my fingers around the back of his hand, I nibbled my bottom lip.

“It’s going to be okay.” He squeezed a little tighter. “We’ll tell my kids after the engagement party so Vinny and Eliza can have a peaceful night, and I’ll handle Alicia.”

“This is just all too much.” My eyes filled with tears. I didn’t want to hurt anyone. “I meant what I said to you, but I’m terrified I’m just going to be put in a category with her as someone who’s destroyed your family. I’d never ever want that for you guys. I love all three of you.”

“Let’s get a couple of things straight. You can’t destroy something with a strong foundation. Something can disrupt it, but nothing can destroy it. I’m not giving her the power to destroy anything in my life. She only brought my kids and I closer together. You and I will handle everything together that comes our way from now on because her bullshit brought us closer, too. And my kids will see how happy I am with you. I think my true happiness will only make my family stronger. Eliza and Lucas love you regardless, and they want us both happy. They might be weird or upset at first, but once they see good fruit from this, they’ll support it.”

I took my phone out of my bag, bringing up my messages. He was right. I knew he was, but I was still scared to hurt anyone. James Whitman was too fucking irresistible in every way, and I wanted to show him how it felt to be treated with respect and unconditional love. Hovering my thumbs over the keyboard, I typed several messages out to Elizabeth and read it aloud to James before I sent it.

Hey! Passed out last night and just got your texts a minute ago sorry. Your dad’s okay. He’s calling you soon.

After pressing Send, I realized I’d probably just hinted we spent the night together, but it was too late now, and he didn’t tell me to correct anything before sending it. “Um, does that sound like we spent the night together?”

“Absolutely.” He chuckled. “And we only have to stay quiet until next weekend when they’re having their party.”

We rode the rest of the way in silence. All I wondered was if I truly made him happy, and despite what he said, would I be the thing that pushed him over the edge and destroyed his family? I didn't bother him while he showered and let him focus on his lunch date with his kids.

Once he was gone, I wanted to work on my novel but couldn't get my head in the right space so after a long hot bubble bath I decided to lay down and take a nap. At some point, while I was asleep, Elizabeth texted me to thank me for rescuing her dad last night. It was hard to sense her tone in the text, but a part of me felt as if she knew. Or at least thought she knew something was going on. We'd been friends for so long I was shocked she hadn't figured it out at this point. I just hoped that she would not only forgive her dad but forgive me when we came clean.

Tonight, Abruzzo’s was packed as usual, and the moment I got to work, I hurried around delivering orders. I saw Vincenzo, James, and several of their friends get off the elevator and make their way to the half-round booth in the corner hidden in the shadows. The crowd always paused, watching them glide through like royalty, whispering amongst one another while the band never skipped a beat.

I'd not heard from James since he left my apartment, so I was curious how lunch went with Elizabeth and Lucas. But it wasn't the time or place for questions. Before another waitress could approach their table, I hurried over, taking drink orders. James was at the end of the booth tonight instead of next to Vincenzo where he usually sat.

He brushed his fingers against my skin, then circled a digit on my bare leg. I peeked down, and he offered a peaceful and gentle smile, which was something I hadn't expected, considering what happened last night. After collecting the six orders, I scurried to the bar, putting them into the computer.

Gian stepped over, leaning across the counter. “Hey, can we speak in private, please?” He seemed sheepish and unsure.

My nerves were rattled and much to my better judgment, I agreed. I felt safe at the club even if he hadn't made me feel safe before. Unfortunately, I was too nosy not to speak to him. Vincenzo, Dimitri, and Antonio would come to my rescue if needed.

“Yeah, just let me get these drinks to them real fast and then we can go talk in the back, is that okay?”

He nodded, glancing over my shoulder. “Of course. I’ll head back.”