Page 71 of Hidden Traitors

Blake didn’t miss how Skyla’s eyes widened for a split second. Arlo J wasn’t usually this nice in his demands, but Blake didn’t give a shit. “Seriously?” Blake roared, louder than he should’ve given where they were. “We’re in a damn hospital and I’m an FBI agent.”

Arlo J nodded solemnly. “Then you must realize my desperation.” He looked at Skyla. “I’m even willing to renegotiate our deal, if you’ll just hear me out.”

She remained still and silent, as if seeing this man was enough to break her, and that was the last thing Blake would allow. “She can’t help you, and once I get through with you, no one on this earth will be able to help you.”

Arlo J didn’t take his eyes off Skyla, making Blake want to pummel him to the ground, except upon closer inspection it looked like someone already had. The man had a black eye, and there were bruises that looked a lot like fingerprints on the side of his neck. Someone had worked this guy over, but if he thought Blake was going to stand by and let Skyla heal him, he really had another thing coming. “She’s not doing shit for you, so back off,” Blake warned.

“Not me,” Arlo J said quickly, looking at Skyla. “The woman who took you the other night, she came to me first.”

“Yeah,” Blake said. “We know you sold Skyla out. How much did Vivian pay you as a finder’s fee?”

Arlo J shook his head, looking more and more like a broken man. “She didn’t pay me. She shot up my club. Killed a few of my men. Tortured me until I told her what she wanted to know. But I’m not here for myself.” He sighed, rubbing at the back of his neck. “I’m here for my son.”

At those words, Skyla shifted beside Blake. “Nico?” She asked softly.

Arlo J nodded. “In her rampage to get what she wanted, she didn’t care who she hurt. Bullets flew everywhere. Two hit my boy. He’s in the ICU right now. The doctors say he may never wake up. I would’ve reached out to you, but I honestly didn’t think you were available. I’m sorry...” His voice cracked as his words faded.

“She can’t help you,” Blake growled. “I know the deal you made with her, and I’m telling you right now, it’s off.”

Arlo J raised his hands in the air, a gesture of surrender. “One time,” he pleaded, his gaze fixed on Skyla. “Heal for me one last time, and I’ll never come to you again. I’ll even sweeten the deal for your FBI friend, and give him everything I have on the drug my club has been dealing. Please, just save my boy.”

Blake hated that the other man’s words seemed to be affecting Skyla. He couldn’t stop her from doing it if she wanted to, but he didn’t trust Arlo J any more than he did any other thug. “No,” Blake said when Skyla remained quiet, still leaning into him.

“He never hurt you,” Arlo J told Skyla. “He was there at my command to protect you from anyone who might find out about your gift. Even when he shot your friend, he didn’t shoot to kill as was evidenced by him surviving his wound for well over two hours. You were never in any danger from Nico. The boy has a heart of gold, even if he doesn’t show it. Did you know he rescues stray dogs in his free time?” Arlo J smirked at his own words. “His mother is always telling him, ‘Enough,’ but he doesn’t listen. I have six big dogs roaming my nice yard right now, digging up his mother’s flower beds.” He looked at Blake then. “I’ll show you pictures of them on my phone.” He reached into his front shirt pocket and slowly pulled out a cell phone. Turning it on, he moved closer to Blake and Skyla, and thumbed through several photos of various dogs looking happy and relaxed in a big, beautiful yard, full of trees and flowers. “Nico never wanted this life. I forced him into it. He’s my only son. I wanted him to follow in my footsteps. I’m a selfish man. I know that. Please, heal him so that he can save more dogs, drive my wife crazy, and maybe one day forgive me long enough to let me play with my future grandchildren.”

“I’ll do it,” Skyla said, surprising Blake, and Arlo J, as evidenced by the way his eyes widened at her words.

Blake opened his mouth to protest, but she squeezed his hand to silence him.

“I’ll heal Nico,” she continued. “But I have conditions.”

“Anything,” Arlo J said. “I think I’ve made that clear. I’ll give you anything you want if you just save my boy.”

“No more healings after Nico,” Skyla said.


“You answer all of Agent O’Connell’s questions about the drug and anything else he wants to know.”


“I never see you, Nico, or any of your men ever again, at Madigan’s, or anywhere else.”

“Done.” Arlo J showed absolutely no hesitation. He was desperate and he meant what he said. He really would do anything, agree to any terms, to save his son.

“Okay,” Skyla said. “What room is he in?”

Arlo J told her, and then she looked at Blake, only he knew she wasn’t seeking his approval, but rather his support. Well, she didn’t need to look too hard or too long. She would always have it, even if he disagreed with what she was doing.

“I’ll be okay,” she assured him. “Why don’t you take Arlo J somewhere you two can talk. Then come find me when you’re done. I’ll keep my phone on.”

Blake nodded, and gave her a gentle kiss to the forehead. “I love you,” he whispered so only she heard him. “Don’t overdo it.”

“I won’t,” she promised, and turned back to Arlo J. “I can’t heal him completely. I’m not strong enough for that yet. But I will give him enough to ensure that he makes a full recovery in time.”

Arlo J wrung his hands, suddenly looking twenty years older as tears welled in his eyes. “That’s more than I could ever thank you for. You’re a true gift from God, Skyla. Thank you for all you’ve done for me and mine. There is one other thing though. Since our deal will effectively be over, I will have to cut off all of your father’s dealings with my brokers.”

“Good,” she said. “It’s high time he finds another hobby that doesn’t involve risking my life whenever he gets the whim to lose someone else’s money.”