Page 72 of Hidden Traitors

Arlo J smirked. “You deserve a better father than that.”

Blake couldn't argue with the man on that point, and when he glanced at Skyla, she didn’t seem offended by his words either.

She started to pull away, and Blake did one of the hardest things he’d ever have to do. He let go of her hand. He trusted her enough to know how much she could push herself, but he was eager all the same to finish with Arlo J, and get back to her as soon as possible.

After healing Nico, she’d be tired, and he wanted to be there for her. To get her home and take care of her. Something he loved doing as much as he loved her.

Chapter 26

A week after healing Nico, Skyla was still looking for his replacement at Madigan’s. She had interviewed over a dozen applicants, but none of them had the experience she was looking for, though now that she really thought about it, Nico’s resume was likely embellished, at the very least, if even a single word of it was true. The front door opened just as she was about to get up from the booth she was sitting in for the last three hours doing interviews. “Any luck?” Blake asked, walking up to her, carrying something behind his back.

“No,” she groaned. “None of them were bad, but they just weren’t what I’m looking for.” Skyla sighed. “Maybe I’m just being too picky. I know I said I never wanted to see Nico again, but he really did leave some pretty big shoes to fill.”

Blake smiled. “I think you’re forgetting how many glasses he broke.”

Skyla laughed. She hadn’t thought about that. “You’re right. So, what’d you bring me?”

Blake cocked his head, revealing a hint of boyish charm beneath the strong and stoic man. “What makes you think it’s for you?”

“Why else would you be hiding it behind your back?”

Blake nodded. “Good point. Okay, here.” He handed her a file with several reports in it.

She leafed through it quickly, not really understanding what she was looking at. “Thank you?”

Blake was usually giving her little chocolates or sending her images of butterflies with inspirational quotes. Strange files were definitely something new.

“I drew those up last week and I’ve been mustering up the courage to give them to you. That is a complete list of charges that could be filed against your father. It could put him away for a very long time.”

“No,” Skyla said, not even needing to think about it. “He’s my dad, Blake. I can’t send him to prison.”

“What he’s doing - what he did to you - is deplorable.”

“I know,” Skyla admitted. “But he’s trying to change. He’s angry right now because none of the bookies he’s used to dealing with will give him a penny thanks to AJ. But I think it’s all a step in the right direction. He’s in a kind of withdrawal, but once he realizes it’s for the best, things will get better. Maybe he’ll even come back to Madigan’s and reclaim his role as proud owner and manager.”

Blake stared at her for a moment before speaking. “What would you do then? I mean, if he came back to run this place.”

Skyla hadn’t really thought about leaving Madigan’s in a while. Not since she and Blake had gotten together. And then there was the positive pregnancy test burning a hole in her purse. She still had to tell Blake about it. But they’d just been through the whole Vivian thing, and her dad was alternating between ignoring her and blowing up at her. She wasn’t ready for more changes. And a baby would change everything.

Right now, Blake was with her because he wanted to be. After she told him about the pregnancy, would he still want to stick around? And if he did stay, would it be because he wanted to, or out of some sense of obligation?

They weren’t ready for this. She wasn’t ready. But if she waited too much longer, her body would do all the talking for her. No,she needed to tell him. Soon. Today. Maybe tomorrow. Definitely before the weekend.

She sighed, remembering he’d asked her a question. “I have no idea, but let’s cross that bridge when we get to it. Besides, with Nico gone, no replacement in sight, and the new lunch menu and hours rolling out next week, I have a feeling this place is going to need all the help it can get, so I doubt I’ll be going anywhere.” Except for maternity leave in a little over seven months. Shit. She really needed to tell Blake.

“Have you talked to him about it?” Blake asked.

Skyla swallowed. Hard. There were so many things she needed to talk about, and with so many people. But she did her best to focus on the conversation at hand. “No, not yet. He’s still on his rampage, blaming me for everything that’s gone wrong in his life, but I’m not taking offense. That’s his usual M.O. when things aren’t going his way.”

Blake’s hand covered hers and she reveled in the warmth of his skin. “How do you deal with that? I could talk to him if you want.”

Skyla shook her head. The last thing she wanted was Blake getting involved in her mess. Royce Madigan was her father, and she loved him. She’d always found a way to handle him, and this time would be no different. “It’s fine,” she insisted. “Anyway, enough about that. Tell me, how did Brennan’s thing go? Did she give her statement?”

“Yes. Her deposition has been formally entered on file, and the judge signed off on full immunity.”

“That’s great news,” Skyla said. “So, what happens next?”

Blake sighed. “I’m actually hoping to convince her to stay in town. I’ve been talking to an old college friend whose brother has his own law firm here in Dallas. I think she’d be a good fit for it.”