Page 68 of Hidden Traitors

“I did. She was horrified about what happened to you and Hallie. She wanted to come by and see you but I told her to wait a few days and give you a chance to rest.”

“What about her case?” Skyla asked while he flicked through the list of options on the TV. She didn’t want Blake to feel like he couldn't talk about his family or his concerns about his sister just because of what had happened to her.

Blake sighed. “She and Mom met with her lawyer today. They seemed to think the meeting went as well as it could’ve. We’ll follow procedure and when the time comes, she’ll need to testify. At this point it’s really a wait and see kind of thing.”

They watched a silly comedy that didn’t make sense half the time, but it made them laugh several times, and that was more than Skyla could’ve hoped for after last night’s events.

A cell phone buzzed on her side of the bed, and she startled, not even realizing it was there, or that her purse was on the floor against the wall. “When did my stuff get here?” She asked.

“Tanner brought it by earlier today when he went by Hallie’s store to clean up and pick up some things for her. Who’s messaging you?” Blake asked. Skyla suspected he was checking to see if AJ was reaching out to her, and while she loved this protective side of Blake, it was really wasted on AJ. She’d made her deal, and she didn’t regret it.

She glanced at her phone and saw it was just her father asking where she was. She smirked. It had only taken him three nights to notice or care that she hadn’t been home to eat or sleep. “Just my dad,” she said. “Probably making sure his meal ticket is still alive and well, and able to perform on demand.” She snickered at the sarcasm in her voice, but when she caught sight of Blake’s murderous expression, she decided it was a good time to take their plates to the kitchen.

When she came back, she was hoping they could change the subject, but Blake still had a fire in his eyes, and it wasn’t the good kind. “You know he’s just as guilty as Vivian of human trafficking,” Blake said. “Using you, your body, your ability to make money - it’s the very definition of what human trafficking is.”

“I know,” she said, not liking what Blake said about her father, even though it was true. “But what are you going to do? Bring him in front of a court of law and claim he’s been selling his daughter’s paranormal healing abilities?”

“If I have to, yes. It needs to stop, Skyla. He needs to know that you’re with me now, and he can’t keep using you like that.”

Skyla nibbled her bottom lip. She would give anything to have a normal and loving relationship with her father, but that just wasn’t in the cards. Neither was backing out of her agreement with AJ. She’d promised him a lifetime of healings in exchange for Blake’s life, and she had to honor that or risk facing the consequences. And that was out of the question.

She placed her phone on the bedside table without answering the message. She was in no mood to deal with her dad right now. She just wanted to spend the night in Blake’s arms and forget about the rest of the world.

“We also have to talk about Arlo J,” Blake said.

Skyla groaned, wishing he hadn’t brought up that name right now. “Not tonight, we don’t.” She climbed over Blake, straddling him, and lowered her head until her mouth covered his.

His eyes flared with a carnal desire as his hands moved to the back of her neck. He kissed her slowly and thoroughly, like she was a fine wine he wanted to enjoy and appreciate.

When he pulled back, they were both a little breathless. “Skyla,” he practically moaned. “It’s too soon. You need time to recover.”

Skyla licked her lips, tasting him on her tongue. “I think I've recovered enough. There’s only one thing I want to do, and you’re the only one I want doing it.”

Blake flipped them, until she found herself underneath his delicious body. His arms caged her in around her face. “You’re damn right I’m the only one who’s going to do anything to you.” It came out as a growl, but there was a tenderness in his gaze. Those baby blues. If all she ever saw the rest of her life were his beautiful eyes, it would be enough for her.

“But I’m going first,” she smiled, and used both hands to tap him on the chest. He flipped them back over faster than she could blink and she laughed. His strength was such a comfort to her. Out in the world. And here in bed.

Watching his eyes go molten as she lowered herself down his body, her core tightened in anticipation, but it would have to wait. This man had gone to hell and back for her, and she wanted to show him how much she appreciated him. How much she cared for him. How much she loved him. She easily pulled down his sweats to reveal a fully erect and gorgeous cock, swollen, with a dark shade of purple on the mushroom top. Oh, he was ready for whatever she wanted to do to him.

Her eyes lingered on the work of art that was Blake’s body until she heard an impatient growl. Smiling, she dragged her gaze up until meeting his eyes. “In a rush, are we?” She loved teasing him. Playing with him. And generally driving him mad whenever she could. It just made it all more fun and interesting. But he gave as good as he got, so she wasn’t too worried.

He grunted and a bead of precome appeared on the tip of his dick. She licked her bottom lip and lowered her head, pushing her hair away as she brought her tongue out to lap it up.

Blake groaned, his thigh muscles tightening in response. The corners of her mouth lifted even as she took him into the back of her throat. She controlled her gag reflex and sealed her lips around his sheath, creating a gentle suction. His eyes flew open and he thrust his hips off the mattress, seeking everything she wanted to give him. “Skyla,” he breathed.

God, she loved this man, and right now the only thing on her mind was showing him just how much. She sucked and licked, twirling her tongue around the shaft and taking him deep, loving the feeling of his cock hitting the back of her throat. “I’m going to come,” he warned, his fingers tunneling into her hair, but she held on tighter, intensifying her hold on him until warm strings of cum hit the back of her throat.

She swallowed, and then again and again, not letting a single drop spill from her sealed lips. “Fuck!” He yelled as his climax roared through him, giving her that much more satisfaction at how she’d completely undone him. She could hardly believe the broody, no words, no smiles, aloof, guy was the same man. And he was hers. That last part was the hardest to wrap her mind around.

After catching his breath, he pulled her up his torso and flipped them over so she was on her back, his cock still hard and ready for her. “You’re mine,” he growled, and smashed his mouth to hers, licking and tasting himself all over her lips and tongue. “Mine,” he whispered, as he peppered fierce kisses and nips all over her body, touching her everywhere all at once, making her body feel like it was on fire, every nerve ending crackling and sparking under his touch.

She was so wet and beyond ready for him. He lowered himself and dove face first into her core. She wanted him inside her, but this exquisite torture of his mouth and tongue was about to unravel the last vestiges of her sanity. Slow, fast, harder, softer, devilishly avoiding the place she really wanted him to go. “Blake, please,” she begged, mindless with desire and need.

He smiled, his gaze a fiery inferno as his fingers grazed over her sensitive nub, sending her torso and hips at least six inches off the bed. But he held her down, focusing his ministrations on her clit with his thumb. Then he lashed into her core with his tongue and she was done for. She cried out, coming harder and longer than she ever had, her entire body shattering with her climax. Before she’d even come out of it, Blake’s mouth was already covering her clitoris, again, his tongue working an unspeakable magic over it, catapulting her into another, even stronger orgasm.

She screamed and writhed through the orgasm, digging her fingernails into his shoulders, as Blake relentlessly kept at it. His mouth. His tongue. She even felt a little of his teeth as he persisted in his sensual torture of her most sensitive spot.

When she finally came back to herself, he lifted his head and looked at her, his eyes dancing as he met her gaze. “Mine,” he growled, as if he hadn’t made his point earlier.