Page 69 of Hidden Traitors

“Yours,” she answered when she could speak.

His eyes darkened, and he got up on all fours. His muscular body hovered over her, as he reached into the drawer of his bedside table for a condom. Sheathing himself quickly, he aligned his cock with her entrance and proceeded to slowly push his way inside. Touching and stretching her in the best way possible.

Skyla could hardly breathe as he pushed his way in to the hilt, and then ever so slowly started to pull out. Her eyes rolled back, her arms felt like spaghetti, but she still dug her nails into his back and wrapped her legs around him, as he drove her absolutely out of her mind with his love making. No one, not one single man in her life, had ever made love to her before, and she’d never much cared. But this - this love making was more intense than any fuck session she’d ever had - and it was the most perfect moment of her life.

Unable to hold back the words any longer, she let them go. “I love you, Blake O’Connell.” She stared up at the man who made her feel strong, beautiful, powerful, and sexy.

His eyes widened, and he carefully lowered his face until she could see the tiny gold flecks amidst the sea of blue in his eyes. “I should’ve said it a heck of a lot sooner, but I was waiting for the right moment. I love you, Skyla Madigan, and I plan on showing you just how much every single day for the rest of our lives.”

She hadn’t expected him to say it back, or the relief that washed over her when he had. She arched into him, taking him deeper, and they both groaned at the delicious feeling. “Fuck me,” she said, on the verge of tears from all the mushy stuff.

But Blake shook his head and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. “Not tonight. Tonight, I’m going to make love to you, just like this. I’m going to let your orgasm build up, slow and steady, and watch as it comes barreling through you.”

As if his words were the very thing she needed, Skyla’s orgasm started to build from somewhere deep inside her. It grew and spread through her core, her entire body tightening, until just as Blake said, she exploded.

Blake followed with his own climax seconds later, coming hard and long, until they were both rung out and breathless.

“Give me one second,” he said, and went into the bathroom to dispose of the condom. He returned with a huge smile on his face, and crawled into bed beside her, pulling her back into his arms. “I meant what I said. I love you, Skyla. I have for a while now, and I’m just sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. It terrifies me that I almost didn’t have the chance to tell you at all.” He kissed her shoulder, her neck, her cheek and then her temple. “I never gave much thought to how or when I’d fall in love. And you definitely took me by surprise. But you’ve got me in such a vice, I don’t think my heart could ever let you go.”

Her man, the poet. She nuzzled into him. “Good, because I love you, too, and just the thought of letting you go honestly makes me sick.” Or was something else making her oddly queasy the last few days? She’d blamed it on the stress of AJ and her fear of him hurting Blake, but she still hadn’t gotten her period. Skyla doubted she was pregnant from just that one time, but the thought lingered long enough to make her wonder. A baby? With Blake?

“Hey,” He muttered, picking up on her prolonged silence. “I’m right here.”

“I know,” she sighed, snuggling into him. “And you better not go anywhere.”

“Not planning on it.” He wrapped his arms around her more securely. “With you is the only place I ever want to be.”

Chapter 25

Blake woke the next morning and found the spot on the bed next to him empty and cold. Panic gripped him, and he stumbled to his feet, practically running out of the room. Had last night been a dream? No. It couldn’t be. He rushed into the living room, and instantly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Skyla sitting on the couch, cradling a glass of water. “Are you okay?” He asked, going to her.

Skyla looked up at him and smiled. “I’m good. I woke up a little while ago and couldn’t go back to sleep. I’m anxious to see Hallie. We didn’t get to talk much last night, and I just want to see her for myself, and make sure she’s okay.”

Blake sat next to Skyla and wrapped an arm around her. “We’ll go see her right after breakfast.” He kissed her hair, noting it was damp, the scent of strawberries wafting into his nose. Had he really slept through her getting up and showering? He must not have realized just how exhausted he’d been, though he wasn’t surprised. After the week he’d had, he probably needed several days of nothing but sleep to feel like himself again, but now wasn’t the time for that.

He needed to take care of Skyla, check in with Caden and Hallie, get an update on Brennan’s case, and at least make an appearance at the bureau to ensure he wasn’t falling too far behind on any open cases. If he could take a few off Caden’s desk, he’d do that, too.

An hour later, Blake was showered, had made a large omelet for him and Skyla to share, and they were loading the dishes in the dishwasher from breakfast. “Should we bring her anything?” Skyla asked. She hadn’t eaten much this morning, but he hoped she’d feel better after seeing Hallie.

“Orly visited yesterday with Luke, as did the guys, so I think Hallie has everything she needs. But if you want to bring something for her, we can stop and get it on the way.”

Skyla smiled. “I know she and Caden love those blended coffee drinks.”

“Done,” Blake said. “There’s a coffee shop on the way to the hospital that makes them.”

“Okay,” she said, and disappeared into the bathroom, while Blake finished cleaning up the kitchen. He hadn’t missed her silent tears last night, or the way she’d tossed and turned for much of the night. No wonder he’d slept in so hard into the morning.


“You got us coffees.” Hallie’s smile was weak, but her eyes shone with relief and joy. Seeing her friend awake and not bleeding or in pain, was exactly what Skyla needed today. It went a long way to healing the ache in her chest that had been there since the moment she saw Hallie lying behind the register in a pool of her own blood.

“I thought you might like a sweet treat,” Skyla said. “You do practically live on these.”

“Best medicine ever.” Hallie smiled and tried to sit up in her hospital bed. She winced though, and Caden was immediately at her side, helping her sit up and propping two pillows behind her back. “Thank you so much.” Hallie opened her arms for a hug and Skyla went in, hugging and holding Hallie for so long, she wasn’t sure if they would ever let go of each other.

“I’m so sorry I couldn’t do more the other night,” Skyla started to say. She hated how limited her ability was. How weak she got after just one measly healing session. It was so unfair and had almost cost Hallie her life.

Large hands wrapped around Skyla’s shoulders and she was suddenly being pulled away from Hallie and crushed into to a large, masculine form. Caden. “Don’t you ever apologize for anything that happened that night,” he demanded. “My fiancée would be dead right now if it wasn’t for you.” He pulled back just enough to gaze into Skyla’s eyes. “Do you realize that you almost died yourself, because you were putting all your energy into healing Hallie?”