“You need anything, Meg, you call me.” It was an order with a harsh edge to it. He needed her to lean on him. She was notoriously independent. She didn’t fall in line like other old ladies. Always showed respect for the club and Mick, but had her own life outside the club.
“Actually, I do need you to do something for me.” She stepped forward. Trax rounded the bike, wiping his hands with a rag. The bike could wait until later. His own priority was helping her out right now. Everything would take a backseat.
“Name it.”
She smiled with tears brimming her eyes. She rested her hand on his chest over his heart. “Need you to let go of the guilt you’re holding on to.”
Trax froze and flattened his lips in a line.
“Breaks my heart even more knowing you somehow feel responsible for Mick.” Her hand slid up his neck to cup his jaw. “It would piss him off, knowing you were holding on to this guilt.”
“It was my pickup.”
“Which Mick offered to do for you, sweetheart. And even if he didn’t, and you asked, this still wouldn’t land on you, Trax. The only person who has any blame in this is the bastard who killed my husband. Only him.”
Trax drew in a deep, shaky breath. He would have loved nothing more than to let his guilt fade, but it remained, pulling him down, weighing heavily on everything he did.
She patted his cheek with her palm. “Try. For me?” She smiled, lightening the mood, though it was still dark and somber.
“Gonna get him, Meg.” It was a vow, and one he had no intention of letting slide by without retribution. The man who took Mick’s life would pay with his own.
“I know you will. Just don’t want you to sacrifice something of yours to make it happen.”
He knew what or who she referred to. He had no intention of losing Cheyenne, though some things were beyond even his control. He wasn’t sure if Meg knew everything that had gone down with the club and Cheyenne, but since Nadia had been there that night, he wouldn’t put it past her to fill Meg in.
Meg stepped back, walking toward the open bay door and turned. “I’m gonna give you some advice.” She cocked a brow. “And if you’re smart, you’ll take it.”
Trax bowed his head, smiling, and then glanced up. “Let me guess, don’t fuck this up?”
Meg laughed. “Well, yeah, that’s a given. You’ll fuck up, Trax, and so will she ’cause neither one of you is perfect.” She gazed off to the yard. “You’ll do shit, it’ll piss her off, hell, she might even throw something at your head.” She chuckled. “I hope for your sake she’s like me and has horrible aim.”
Trax shook his head with a small snicker. He knew the story she referred to. Mick had shared the night he’d almost lost his head when Meg threw a cutting board at him.
“Just love her, Trax. You be faithful to her and honest with her. I know there’s parts to your life you can’t share.” She sighed, taking on a more serious tone. “And she knows it too after our little conversation.”
He flinched and furrowed his brows. Meg and Cheyenne had spent an hour together the other day. He’d assumed they’d discussed women shit like hair and other bullshit. Obviously, it was a bit deeper than that.
“What did she say?”
Meg shrugged. “She’s scared. It’s a different life than what she is used to and what she envisioned for herself. Can’t fault her for going in cautious. But she loves ya.”
“What did she say, Meg?”
She drew in a breath and crossed her arms. She was battling with herself. “I’m only telling you ’cause I’m not sure she thinks she can tell you about her concerns just yet, and I don’t want either one of you to lose out on something great with each other.” She paused and then broke down the conversation she’d had with Cheyenne.
Trax merely listened. They were valid concerns, but a few comments Meg made had been a huge red flag. Her best friend, Macy, had gotten inside her head. Prison, cheating, fucking biker babies. He tapped down on his temper, but some things made his blood fucking boil. She should come to him with those concerns.
“Loving, faithful, and honest, Trax. Those three things are the key to having this beautiful life with her.”
“Yeah, the honest part is probably what will end us.”
Meg narrowed her eyes, but before she could ask, he held up his hand. “Club business, Meg.” She’d been around long enough to know it was an end to the conversation. He wouldn’t tell her, and she respected that with a sharp nod.
“Okay, but if it’s something that involves Cheyenne, makes it her business too. Don’t discount that and put one above the other. Because it’s her biggest fear as I just mentioned.” Meg sighed, walking over and taking him in for a hug. “You can’t lie to her, Trax. ’Cause even if she doesn’t find out for thirty years, ya never want her looking back, thinking everything you had was a fraud.”
She released him and glanced up, taking a brief second before she finished. “You understand what I’m saying?”
He did. He had to be honest, and it would probably fuck everything up.