Page 78 of The Favor

Meg took off, leaving him with a nagging twist in his gut. He wasn’t supposed to see her until he got back from their Ghosttown trip. He could wait on telling her, or he could just man the fuck up and do it. He took on a whole new guilt about the audio tap in her place.

“Fuck,” he muttered.

Chapter Fifteen

Cheyenne walked to the door. It was almost a skip, but she tamped down her enthusiasm, well aware of Macy’s watchful eye. They hadn’t spoken much, which was odd for them. Ever since they’d had the conversation about Trax, Cheyenne did her best to avoid talking about him, and Macy did her best to avoid Cheyenne.

“Can’t go one friggin’ day?” Macy snapped sarcastically, tossing the paperwork on the table and heading for the hall.

“Macy,” she called out but was ignored. She jolted at the slamming door.

She didn’t have plans with him tonight. In fact, Cheyenne had made plans with Macy in hopes of smoothing the situation out. Her best friend could win an award for holding grudges. Trax had called an hour ago saying he needed to stop by before heading out for the next few days. The right thing to do was probably to tell him no, but she’d caved. She wanted to see him, and the idea he wanted to see her before he left was sweet. But Trax and Macy in the same room was going to be awkward, knowing how Macy felt about him.

Was it too much to ask that her best friend and her boyfriend got along? She rolled her eyes. Yes.

She opened the door, and her smile faltered. Trax stood in the doorway, flanked by Gage and Rourke. He hadn’t mentioned they would be coming along. Cheyenne rocked back on her heels. Her past encounters with both men left her uneasy around them.

“Hey,” she said.

He lifted his chin and smiled, setting her mind at ease slightly. He leaned in, pushing her back into the apartment, and kissed her. It was quick but enough to make her stomach flip and her to fall into his side, wrapping her arm around his waist. He folded her into the curve of his arm and pushed through, allowing the guys to follow.

If she expected Macy and Trax to eventually get along, then she needed to try with Rourke and Gage. After all, they were closest to Trax, just like Macy was to her.

“H-hey, guys.” She stammered slightly, and he squeezed her shoulder, trying to put her at ease.

“Hey, Chey,” Gage said with a grin and made his way inside the small living room. She glanced over at Rourke, who lifted his chin but remained silent.

“Need to talk. Macy here?” Trax said and then glanced over his shoulder at Rourke, who raised his brows. “Need her here too.”

Cheyenne watched the small exchange. Something was going on. She silently prayed it ended differently than the last time they were all in the same room.

“Uh, yeah, let me get her.” She pulled away, but Trax gripped her waist, pulling her against his chest. His left hand snaked around her neck, and his thumb caressed her jaw. Something is definitely up. He gazed at her with uncertainty.

“Is it bad?” she whispered.

His hard mask cracked, and he gave her a soft smile. “I hope not.” He reached in, kissing her quickly. The kiss was different, leaving her unsettled when she pulled away.

She walked down the small hall and then knocked before opening the door. Macy was sitting on her bed when she looked up.

“So Trax is here, and he wants to talk to us.”

Macy’s brows furrowed. “Us?”

She nodded. “That’s what he said. Gage and Rourke are here too.”

The sudden flash across her eyes was fast, but Cheyenne caught it. It certainly wasn’t the fear Cheyenne anticipated. Slowly, Macy untangled herself from her blanket on her lap and then walked to meet Chey at the door. She lowered her voice to a whisper. “The blue-eyed guy and the big one with the tats?”


Macy stepped back and looked around the room before walking to her mirror and pulling the bun from her hair. She ran her fingers through her tresses, flattening out the top and giving a shake to her dark strands falling past her shoulders. Cheyenne tightened her lips and watched as she leaned closer to the mirror and wiped the corner of her eye, which had been streaked from her black liner. She stood and did one last inspection. Cheyenne heaved slightly from her chest but was able to bite down her chuckle.

Macy turned around and walked back to her.

“Which one?” A small giggle seeped past her lips, and she smiled.

Macy jerked away. “Which one, what?”

“Just curious, which guy, Gage or Rourke, will be the recipient of all your primping.” Cheyenne winked, and Macy’s cheeks blazed.