Page 86 of The Favor

She opened her door and then slid inside. She glanced over. “Oh, and again, welcome to Ghosttown.” She closed the door, started her engine, and they all watched as she drove away.

They stood silently in the empty lot. What the fuck had just happened?

Saint turned to face the brothers and quirked his brow. “Well, my faith in humanity has been restored.”

Trax burst out laughing.

Chapter Sixteen

“Where are you going?”

Cheyenne straightened her fitted shirt and adjusted her belt on her jeans. She had achieved exactly the look she was going for. She needed to fit in and blend without making herself too obvious. The outfit was days in the making and well thought out. Cheyenne turned to the mirror, giving herself one last look. Nailed it.

“The clubhouse.” She grabbed her bag off the bed and walked to the door Macy was currently blocking.


In the past five days, her frustration with both Trax and Macy had her on the edge of combusting. How two people she loved could drive her bat shit crazy was beyond her comprehension. The days had been long, the nights even longer. Without interference from either of them, it gave her time to think. Really think. She’d taken what both Macy and Trax had said into consideration, and then completely removed it from her thoughts. Any decision she was going to make would be hers. Right or wrong, she was choosing her path for her future.

She tried to get past Macy without answering, but Macy grabbed the doorframe, making it impossible for her to get by unless she sucker punched her best friend. Cheyenne eyed Macy and considered the option.

“Why are you doing this?”

Cheyenne stared back at her friend. “’Cause I can identify the guy who killed Mick. And that’s what I’m gonna do.”

“Did you talk to him?”

Ahhh…him. Trax was referenced as only him or he for the past five days.

She hadn’t spoken to Trax, but not because he hadn’t called. He had. Over and over, leaving messages and texts. She listened to each one and read every message. It was a struggle not to respond. Trax wasn’t giving up on her, and he’d resorted to driving past her bar, slowing down to catch a glimpse of her. His shadow was on the street when she left work at midnight. It was his single headlight following her until she made it home. Last night, she hesitated by the door, thinking he would come up, but he didn’t. He waited until she was inside and then drove away. She wanted to forgive him, talk to him, and just be with him. But before they could start again, she had to do this.

“No, we haven’t spoken.”

“Then wait, why are ya doing this?”

“Because I have to.” She pulled Macy’s arm out of her way and walked down the hall. “I’m the only one who can help.”

She snorted. “You’re getting back with him, aren’t you?”

Cheyenne jerked around, tightening her jaw. “So, what if I do, Mace? It’s none of your business anyway.”

She raised her brows and held her hands up in front of her chest. “Whoa, girl, I’m just asking.”

“No, you’re not. You’re giving me a look that says, ‘Don’t get back with him, don’t go there, he’s not right for you.’ Well, it’s not up to you, Macy.”

Macy widened her eyes. She was clearly getting the message Cheyenne tried to convey. “Okay.”

“Why am I spending my time miserable, thinking about him, and wanting to be with him? Is this how I’m supposed to live? Am I the person who can’t forgive a mistake? A mistake I want desperately to forgive.” She teared up and cursed herself for getting upset.

“Chey,” she whispered. “Calm down.”

“No, I’m not gonna calm down. He bugged my place, and it pisses me off more than you can imagine. And I hate that I can understand why he did it. Makes me feel weak not holding on to the anger.” She swiped her cheek. “But all I keep thinking was he didn’t have to tell me. I would have never found out, Mace. He had to know he was risking us when he did it.” She shrugged. “Maybe he did it to get rid of me.”

Macy laughed. “Chey, he’s been stalking ya for the past five days relentlessly. You know as well as I do why he did it. He was coming clean. He didn’t want a secret between you guys.” Macy gently gripped her arms, and Cheyenne looked up to see her smile. “Can’t believe I’m saying this…” She sighed and shrugged. “It was a good-guy move.”

It was.

Macy sighed and released her arms. “Gimme ten minutes.”