Page 85 of The Favor

“He did.”

Trax chuckled along with his brothers. “So that’s it huh, two to what, twenty?”

Bailey glanced up at Trax with an amused smile. “Forty-six and growing.”

Kase stepped closer to her, and to Trax’s surprise, she didn’t back away.

“Wondering if you could help us out,” Kase said.

“Sure, what do ya need?”

“We’ve got the application for permits submitted on Friday, and we need to get the construction started soon.” He glanced over at Saint and motioned him forward. “Just hoping we could expedite it.”

Trax watched as Saint stepped forward and offered the envelope to Bailey. She tightened her brows and stared down at his hand but made no move to take it.

“Hoping this can help speed up the process,” Kase said.

This was the strangest payoff attempt he’d ever witnessed. Saint stepped closer, and still Bailey remained where she stood, staring down at his hand.

“It’s for you,” Saint said, eyeing her with a small smile playing on his lips.

Her gaze flicked to Saint. “Is that money?”

He nodded.

Her eyes widened, and Trax bit back a smile.

She lowered her voice as her eyes grew the size of saucers. “Like a payoff?”

Gage didn’t have as much self-control as the others and chuckled before pulling himself together under Kase’s glare.

Kase walked up next to Saint. “Think of it as incentive to push the permits through as soon as possible.”

He cocked a brow and refrained from laughing when her eyes widened and zoned back to the envelope.

The club had never offered a payoff that wasn’t taken. Her hesitance was almost refreshing, but in the end, they knew people didn’t turn down free money. She glanced up at Kase, and then her gaze shifted to Saint.

She eyed the envelope again, and for the first time, stepped back. She slowly perused all of them and drew in a deep breath.

“I know you’re eager, so I’ll make a call first thing tomorrow and see if we can get the permits by the end of the week so you can start construction by early next week.”

It was exactly what they wanted to hear. Kase dipped his chin toward the envelope, but she didn’t move.

Her laugh was nervous. “Look, I’m guessing there’s a wad of cash in there, and while it’s appreciated—” her voice lowered “—sort of.” She drew in a breath and shook her head. “I’ll try to get a rush on the permits for you. Marty owes me a favor, so it shouldn’t be too hard.” She smiled and nodded.

Saint reached out his hand with the envelope. “For your troubles.”

Bailey eyed the envelope again and then glanced up to Saint. Her cheeks turned a light shade of pink. “It’s no trouble, really. Just a phone call.”

Saint cocked his head and glanced back at Trax with a smirk. Trax held up his hands. They were all thinking the same thing. What the fuck?

Saint turned to face Bailey. “You’re not gonna take it, are you?”

“No,” she whispered and then darted her gaze to the ground.

Kase laughed and cocked his head to the side. “You serious?”

“Yes.” She glanced up and smiled. “First thing in the morning, I’ll reach out to Marty. You guys have a great night, and drive safely.” She walked to her car with all four men staring in disbelief. In all his years, Trax had never seen a payoff denied.