Page 84 of The Favor

Saint cocked a brow but said nothing. He was the hardest to read of all the brothers. They filed out of the building and back to their bikes. He knew why they were waiting. Kase had mentioned earlier about talking to the mayor. The intended plan was a cash bribe. He wasn’t sure how that was going to go over.

“I’m heading out unless you need me to stick around?” Caden said as he made his way to his bike.

“Later man,” Trax said.

Caden got on his bike and put on his helmet. Once he started his engine, he glanced over to where the group stood. Trax watched as he stared at Kase, then opened his mouth.

“I’m in.”

All the men knew exactly what he was saying. Kase’s face lightened a bit, and he nodded. They all watched Caden exit before their attention drew back to the town hall steps.

Bailey came out the same as she had come in. Stumbling. She righted herself near the steps but never glanced over their way. She hurried to her car and popped her trunk.

“Hey!” Kase shouted.

She glanced around the back end of her car. Trax expected a little fear to show in her eyes, maybe some apprehension. It happened often when they were in a group. Intimidation played a big role in their life in the club. Most people approached with caution. Nothing shocked Trax more than when her lips spread into a wide grin.

“Oh, hey there.” She stood and slammed her hood down. She walked over and reached out her hand to Kase. There was no hesitation.

If anything, Kase hesitated but took her hand in a quick shake.

“I’m Bailey Preston.”

“Kase Reilly.”

“Caden’s brother, right?” She smiled. “He helped us out a few weeks back with a delivery.” She pursed her lips. “He was a lifesaver.”

Kase slowly nodded and eyed Saint, who stood next to him. This was not at all how any of them saw this introduction going. Even Trax expected a little caution, but Bailey seemed eager and thrilled to meet them. So fucking strange.

Trax took in the small young woman. His original assessment was off, given his closer look. She was probably in her early twenties. Something seemed off, though. She seemed too at ease among him and the club.

“Can I help you with something?”

“Just wanted to introduce ourselves.” Kase glanced over his shoulder. “This is Saint, Trax, and Gage. We’re leasing the McMillian property.”

She nodded. “Yeah, I heard. Well, welcome to Ghosttown.” She smiled with a soft giggle and stepped forward, starting with Gage and then Trax, shaking their hands. She stepped in front of Saint doing the same. This time, the sleeve of her jacket pulled up on her arm. Trax scowled at the harsh scarring on her wrist, which seemed to lead up her arm.

“Saint, it’s nice to meet you,” she said before following his gaze to where they all stared. She immediately yanked her hand away and stepped back.

Her cheeks blazed pink, and her lips curved. She chewed on the inside of her mouth. The silence was awkward, but Trax focused on those scars. He’d seen a lot in his time. He recognized burn marks and nothing self-inflicted. Her stare was aimed at the ground as though she was gathering herself.

Trax had had enough burns to know the pain involved. Nothing he’d ever encountered had been close to the damage on the young mayor. The scarred, coiled, reddened skin was almost painful to see.

She gasped a deep breath and smiled, though he could see it was forced. “We don’t have a welcome wagon set up, but if you need anything, just reach out. We have meetings the first Monday of every month.” She twitched her nose. “Except on holidays. I’m still working the kinks out on the website, but it should be up and running in another few weeks.”

Kase eyed her, and for a second, Trax thought he might ask her about the scar. It was rare Trax felt sympathy for others who weren’t close to him, but the little mayor seemed to bring out a side to him he didn’t think existed. Compassion. Thankfully, Kase didn’t mention the scars.

“The mayor, huh?”

Her pink tongue jutted between her lips in a quick swipe. Her mouth drew into a tight smile. “Write in ballot.” She cleared her throat and gripped her coat at her waist. “Only Arnett was running, had a campaign and all. He worked really hard on it, posters, banners, the whole nine yards.” She drew in a breath and shrugged. “Guess the town wasn’t as impressed as I was, though. Apparently, they had other ideas. And now here I am.” Her shoulders sagged, and she whispered, “The mayor.”

Kase smirked. “You vote for the old man?”

She glanced up through her lashes, and her cheeks flushed. “Uh-huh.”

“Anybody else vote for him?”

She twisted her lips to the side. Even Trax could admit she was definitely cute.