Page 83 of The Favor

“Meeting starts when the mayor gets here.”

Gage chuckled. “Any chance ya know when that’ll be?”

The older man glanced past Gage and smiled. “Here she is.”

Trax, along with his brothers, looked back as a tiny woman walked in. It was actually a stretch. This so-called woman seemed more like a girl, maybe a child. Tiny in stature, bundled up with a large coat and scarf, she stumbled through the foyer and caught herself in mid-trip. This was their fucking mayor? She couldn’t be a day over eighteen. She hurried past their row, tugging off her jacket, which seemed to engulf her.

“Finally,” an old man with a sharp glare shouted. “Meeting starts at seven, sharp.”

The tiny woman bowed her head and pulled off her hat, letting loose a wave of auburn hair. Trax heard a faint, shallow voice. “Sorry.” She rushed forward to the main table set up in the front of the room.

Caden leaned closer to him and whispered, “Can you imagine Kase with her? She’d bolt the second he opened his mouth.”

He was right. They were fucked.

Trax, along with the brothers, watched as the mayor settled into the center seat between the two councilmen. She shook her head, and her hair fell over her shoulder.

“Mhmmm…I like the mayor,” Gage said.

Trax noticed Kase lean forward, angling his glare at Gage. “Shut up.”

The club as a whole was given strict orders to not bring any unneeded attention. Hooking up with the mayor probably wouldn’t fare well for them.

Gage laughed. “Just looking, man.”

Trax chuckled and glanced to the front of the room.

“Before we begin, I’d like to extend my apologies to all of you.” She glanced around the room with a soft smile. “Your time is valuable, and you all made the effort to be here on time. I had a…” She drew in a deep breath and twisted her lips. Trax flattened his lips to keep his smile at bay. “I had an unwelcome visitor.” Her eyes widened as she sighed. “And he did not want to leave.”

Trax glanced over at Caden, who seemed as perplexed as Trax felt. What the hell was she talking about?

A man sitting a few rows in front of them stood. “Was it those damn chipmunks, ’cause we get ’em all the time in our cellar.”

Another woman, leaning against the side wall, laughed. “Bet it was squirrels.” She shook her head. “Nothing more than furry tailed rats. Was that it, Bailey?”

What the fuck was going on here? Trax listened as two more residents piped in. He turned to catch Saint’s amusement and Kase’s irritation.

“It was actually an opossum.”

The room clamored in echoing gasps. Even Trax inhaled a breath. Opossums were especially vicious.

“Oh, for Christ sake.” An old man in the front row shot up from his seat, holding up a stack of papers. “I got a lot of issues to bring to the table here. None of which include your personal dilemmas. Now, can we get on with this meeting?”

Trax clenched his jaw. The sharp tone of the old man did not sit well with him. Shut the fuck up, old man. Trax’s personal thought seemed to be the popular one in the room. He caught the name-calling whispers directed at the grumpy bastard. The most amusing came from the older woman seated in front of them. “How does that man sit with the giant stick up his ass.” Her husband hushed her, but she continued. “Someone needs to remove that stick and beat him with it.”

Trax couldn’t contain his snicker. As he glanced down the row of brothers, he realized, neither could they. Even Kase had a small smirk on his lips.

“Yes, we’ll begin right now. Again, I’m so sorry, everybody,” she said, and her gaze filtered around the room, stopping abruptly at Trax and the club. She smiled softly. If he had to guess, it was a silent welcome.

The meeting lasted a little over an hour. It should have taken thirty minutes, tops, however, the old guy who they came to know as Arnett, had something to say about everything. At one point, an argument broke out between him and another old guy. From the shouting match, Trax learned Arnett had originally run for the mayor position and lost.

During the course of the meeting, he caught sight of his brothers. Gage looked bored. Saint was the only one who seemed interested, though he didn’t think the interest had anything to do with the meeting. Trax had yet to see his vice president take his gaze off the pretty little mayor. It seemed Bailey Preston had made quite the impression on his VP.

“Thank you all for coming out. If you have anything further to discuss, my email and phone number are at the bottom of this month’s bulletin. Please take one on your way out,” Bailey said.

“Let’s go,” Kase ordered, and they followed him out. Saint came up behind him, pausing at the small table by the door. He grabbed a bulletin, and Trax glanced over his shoulder. When Saint looked up, Trax smirked.

“That for business purposes or pleasure?”