Page 94 of End of Night

He was softening inside of her, his seed starting to drip down her thighs, and she should be getting up to use the bathroom and clean up a little. Instead, she cuddled closer, Boone’s warmth and the love she felt radiating from him was worth the risk of a potential UTI and messy sheets.

“I love you,” she whispered, rubbing her hand across his broad chest.

“I love you too, little lamb.”

* * *

The buzzing of a cell phone dragged Hedra from sleep. She squinted at Boone as he sat up in the bed with a muttered curse and snagged his phone from the nightstand.

“’Lo?” he rasped.

He rubbed at his face, and Hedra sat up when a chuff of surprise escaped his throat. “Wait, Nan is doing what? Wes, are you sure?”

He dropped his phone on the bed and slid out, grabbing a pair of sweatpants and yanking them up his hips.

“Boone? What’s wrong?”

“Nan and Jerry are stealing my car,” he said.

“They’re what?” She climbed out of bed, threw on Boone’s t-shirt and followed him to the front door. Boone wrenched open the door and stepped out onto the porch. “Nan! What the hell?”

Hedra stared in surprise as Nan, grinning widely, waved at them from the passenger seat of Boone’s car. Alfie sat on her lap, and Jerry sat in the driver’s seat. Hedra and Boone watched in silent disbelief as he backed out of the driveway and drove down the street.

Wes climbed out of a nondescript black SUV parked on the street. “Do you want me to go after her?”

Boone shook his head. “No, that’s okay. Thanks, Wes.”

Wes climbed back into the car as Boone and Hedra returned to the house. She shut the front door as Boone went to his bedroom. She walked to the kitchen, studying the note on the table as Boone returned with his phone.

“She left a note,” Hedra said.

Boone read it and muttered a curse before pushing a button on his phone. He put it on speaker phone as it rang, running a hand through his hair when his Nan answered.

“Hello, Boone!”

“Nan! You cannot steal my car to go for a joyride with your boyfriend,” Boone said.

“It’s not a joyride,” Nan said. “I left a note.”

“You’re going to Spalding? Why are you going to Spalding?” Boone said. “And why did you steal my car to do it?”

“Spalding has an antique market that we’ve wanted to go to forever,” Nan said. “Michael wasn’t available to take us today.”

“So you just stole my car and went yourself? Does Jerry even have a license?” Boone said.

“Of course he does, Boone,” Nan said with a low growl. “Don’t be ridiculous.”

“Nan, you and Jerry shouldn’t be alone.”

“Oh, for God’s sake, we’re adults, not children. We’re perfectly fine.”

“You should have asked Hedra to take you,” Boone said. “She would have been happy to go, right, Hedra?”

“Yes,” Hedra said.

“See?” Boone said into the phone.

“Jerry and I need our alone time,” Nan said. “Besides, I’ll be living on my own next week anyway and won’t have Hedra hovering over me all the time. You need to get used to me living independently again, Boone.”