Page 95 of End of Night

“I need my car,” Boone said. “How am I supposed to get to work?”

He gave Hedra a guilty look, but considering his grandmother had just stolen his car, Hedra didn’t think he had to feel guilty about lying to her about his plans for the day.

“Get Wes’s little human mate to drive you to work,” Nan said. “She drives Wes every day, doesn’t she? She can swing by and pick you up, too.”

“Wes drives now, Nan,” Boone said, exasperation thick in his voice.

“Then ask him to pick you up or borrow Hedra’s piece of shit car,” Nan said.

“Hey,” Hedra said.

“Oh please, your car is a rolling death trap, and you know it,” Nan said.

“It’s not that bad,” Hedra grumbled under her breath as Boone growled with annoyance.

“Nan, come back here right now with my car,” he said.

“No can do,” Nan said blithely. “Call an Uber, sweetheart. I’ll pay for it.”

“Nan,” Boone said, “I need -”

“Love you, Boonie. I’ll be back in time for dinner.” Nan ended the call, and Boone stared at Hedra.

Hedra couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh my God, the look on your face. You look like a teapot about to burst.”

Boone made another rumbling growl. “It is way too early to deal with this shit.”

She laughed again and pressed a kiss against his mouth. “Go get in the shower while I start the coffee. We’ll have breakfast and then take my car to Mateo’s.”

“If it even gets us there,” Boone said. “Nan is right, it is a piece of shit.”

“Hey!” She gave him a gentle poke in the chest. “Watch what you say about Betsy, mister. She’s sensitive.”

He rolled his eyes before palming her ass and giving it a squeeze. “I’ll be back in fifteen.”

She watched him go, the smile dropping from her face the minute he was out of the kitchen. Her nerves and anxiety about seeing Mateo today hit her like a gust of hot desert air, and she gripped the counter’s edge, trying to control her suddenly run-away heartbeat.

It would be fine. She and Boone would have a polite, non-confrontational conversation with Mateo. Boone wasn’t as hotheaded as her brothers, and he knew how important it was to Hedra that they didn’t hurt or upset Mateo.

Sure, but you’re his mate, and if Mateo does or says anything to make Boone think he’s a danger to you, what do you think his tiger will do to Mateo?

Another shudder went through her, and she swallowed hard, her fingers white against the counter. It would be fine. Boone wouldn’t hurt Mateo.

* * *

“What’s wrong?” Boone squeezed Hedra’s knee.

She glanced at him. “What do you mean?”

“You keep looking down.”

“The brakes feel a little… soft,” she said.

“Because your car is crap,” Boone said.

“Hey!” Hedra scowled at him before petting the steering wheel. “Don’t listen to him, Betsy. You’re a very good girl. Yes, you are.”

Boone laughed. “I really didn’t peg you as a weird car girl.”