Page 91 of End of Night

“No!” His normally calm and collected Hedra had disappeared, leaving a wild-eyed woman who looked ready to crack under the slightest pressure.

“Okay,” he soothed as his tiger purred to their mate. Boone was a little surprised by his tiger’s reaction. He was upset like Boone and ready to go to war for their mate, but his tiger’s bloodlust had been tempered by the need to soothe Hedra, to hold her close and promise her she would be safe.

He reached for his phone, kissing Hedra again when she stiffened. “I’m not calling the police, Hedra, I promise.”

He hit a number and waited patiently for the call to be answered. “Cooper, I need your help.”

* * *

“Okay, thanks, Lusa. Appreciate it.” Cooper ended the call and set his phone on the table. “We have his address.”

Hedra stared at him, her gaze slipping from Cooper to Wes and then to Boone before returning to Cooper. “You have his address already?”

“Lusa is very good at what she does. He lives about forty minutes outside of Rosehaven,” Cooper said. “Look, I know this isn’t what you want to hear, Hedra, but the police need to be called.”

“And tell them what?” Hedra said. “We have no proof that it’s Mateo doing any of this.”

“They can dust for prints on the box,” Boone said.

“So can Grayson,” Hedra said.

“Unless this Mateo guy is an idiot, I’d be surprised if he didn’t wear gloves,” Wes said.

He glanced at Hedra, who shook her head, “He isn’t an idiot.”

“He knows where you live, Hedra,” Cooper said gently. “He’s exhibiting dangerous behaviour, and the cops will take that seriously once you tell them your history.”

“Will they?” Hedra said. “Besides, he won’t know where I am for long.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Boone asked as his tiger made a low growl.

“It means I’m leaving tonight,” Hedra said. “I’ll get a motel room on the far side of the city and -”

“No fucking way,” Boone said. He could smell Hedra’s frustration, but he folded his arms across his chest and shook his head. “You’re staying right the fuck here, Hedra.”

“Boone, I am not putting you or Althea in danger,” Hedra said. “It’s better and safer for the two of you if I leave. Think about your nan, okay?”

“I am not letting my mate stay alone in a goddamn motel when there is a crazed fucking cheetah shifter after her,” Boone snarled. “End of discussion.”

Hedra glared at him before turning to Cooper, her look clearly saying, ‘Help me talk some sense into Boone.’

“Don’t you dare take her fucking side, Coop.” Boone’s voice was a low growl, and his tiger pushed for control. He could feel hair sprouting on his cheeks and forehead, and his fangs had dropped.

Cooper held up his hands. “I’m not. I agree with you, Boone. Hedra is safest here with you.”

“I won’t -”

“We’ll post someone outside the house starting now,” Cooper said.

“I can take the first shift tonight,” Wes said.

Coop nodded, and Boone gave him a grateful look. “Thank you, Wes.”

“Or, I could guarantee yours and Althea’s safety and just find a motel. This is a big city, Mateo won’t find me, Boone,” Hedra said.

He took a deep breath as his tiger retreated, soothed by the knowledge that Wes and the others would watch over his mate when he couldn’t. He cupped Hedra’s face and kissed her gently. “Your safety is as important to me as Nan’s, little lamb. Besides, it won’t be for long.”

He turned to Cooper. “I know it’s short notice, but can I take the day off tomorrow? I’m supposed to be at Abena’s for eleven thirty to accompany her to a luncheon event.”