Page 92 of End of Night

“Yes,” Cooper said. “Not a problem. I’ll take Alison to Ms. Nkosi’s and make the introductions, and she can accompany Ms. Nkosi to her lunch.”

“What is your plan, Boone?” Hedra asked.

“Mateo is only about forty minutes outside of Rosehaven. First thing in the morning, I’m driving to his house and chatting with him.”

“I’m going with you,” Hedra said.

“No,” Boone said.

“Yes,” Hedra said.

“You can’t leave Nan alone,” Boone said.

She glared at him. “Either we go together, or I walk out that door, and you’ll never see me again.”

He wanted to be upset with her, wanted to hate that she used his love for her as a weapon, but fuck if it didn’t just make his admiration for her grow. He fucking loved how ruthless she could be when needed.

Cooper was typing on his phone, and he waited a beat before looking up. “I just asked Lusa if she would stay with Nan here at the house, and she agreed. We’ll have someone watching the house, but if Mateo somehow gets past them, he’ll still need to deal with Lusa.”

Wes visibly shuddered. “He won’t know what hit him if Lusa gets her hands on him.”

“Okay, we have a plan,” Cooper said. “Boone, do you want me or Gray to go with you tomorrow?”

“No,” Boone said. “I can handle him.”

Cooper nodded and produced a pair of gloves from his coat pocket. He snapped them on and picked up the box with the cow tongue and the note. “I’ll take this back to my place. If Mateo doesn’t get the message when you talk to him tomorrow, we’ll go to the police with the tongue and all the information we have on him. Agreed?”

He glanced at Hedra, who nodded. “Agreed.”


Hedra rinsed her toothbrush and stuck it in the holder next to Boone’s. His arms slid around her, and she leaned against his solid strength, staring solemnly at him in the mirror. “Are we doing the right thing, not telling Althea about this?”

“I think so,” Boone said. “There’s no point in worrying her when this will all be over after tomorrow.”

“What excuse will we use when Lusa comes over tomorrow morning?” Hedra asked.

Boone gave her a small smile. “That’s tomorrow Boone’s problem.”

Guilt rushing through her, Hedra said, “I’m so sorry for dragging you into my fucked up life, Boone.”

He kissed her neck and squeezed her tightly. “Baby, you have nothing to apologize for. I love you.”

“I love you too, but our relationship is new, and this is a lot,” Hedra said.

He studied her in the mirror. “You’re my mate, Hedra.”

Warmth washed over her. She knew it was too soon in the relationship for her and Boone to declare their love and for Boone to call her his mate, but she couldn’t deny her feelings for him, and he couldn’t seem to either.

As if reading her mind, he said, “It isn’t too soon, Hedra. I know how I feel about you, and life is too unpredictable to hide it.”

“I know.” She turned and draped her arms over his shoulders. “Maybe other people will think it’s too soon, but I don’t care. I love you, Boone.”

“I love you.” He nuzzled her neck before taking her hand and leading her to the bed.

He caught her hand when she stripped off her pajama top. “Baby, you should keep those on.”
