Page 108 of End of Night

“And why shouldn’t you? Boone put me through hell and back, but I never once thought he would cheat on me. That isn’t who he is, is it?”

“No,” Hedra said shortly. Where the fuck was Camilla going with this?

“You’re lucky, you know… to get this version of Boone. My version of Boone was troubled and broken.”

“He wasn’t broken. He was grieving the loss of his friend,” Hedra said.

“He was,” Camilla said. “And he nearly destroyed me because of that grief.”

“Then why were you so intent on dating him again?” Hedra asked.

“Because I could see how much he’d healed, and I knew Boone was ready for a relationship. Turns out I was right, but you got him first.”

Hedra didn’t reply, and Camilla took another drink before smiling at her. “It all works out how it’s supposed to, I guess. Boone has found his mate.”

“He has,” Hedra said.

“And thank God he didn’t lose you, too,” Camilla said. “It would have been difficult for him to go through that kind of grief again. Although he survived a tragic loss before, he’d survive it again.”

Okay, it was time to tell Camilla to go the fuck home. Hedra didn’t have the energy or the desire to put up with this passive-aggressive bullshit.

“It was great to see you, Camilla, but -”

“Do the police have any leads on who cut your brake lines?” Camilla asked.

Hedra stared silently at her. There was no way Boone would have told Abena about the brake lines. At most, he would have said there was a brake failure. Cold awareness settled over Hedra even as her mind tried to convince her it couldn’t be true. Sure, Camilla had a thing for Boone, but she wouldn’t try to kill Hedra.

Wouldn’t she? You don’t know her that well.

“Hedra?” Camilla prompted.

“Not yet.” Hedra stood. “Can you excuse me, please? I need to use the bathroom.”

She walked out of the kitchen on suddenly shaky legs. There was no way it was Camilla. It couldn’t be. Sure, the leopard shifter had a thing for Boone, but she wasn’t crazy obsessed with him.

Camilla was at the grocery store, remember?

Hedra froze in the hallway, her heartbeat thudding in her ears. She was, but she’d left. Hedra watched her drive away.

She couldn’t drive back after you went into the store? Stop being such an idiot, Hedra. It’s Camilla, and you know it. Call Chase right the fuck now.

Her hand shaking, she fumbled her phone out of her bra, cursing under her breath when she dropped it. She bent and picked it up, freezing in place when Camilla’s hand, her nails turned to long, sharp claws wrapped around her wrist. “Stop, Hedra.”

“Let go of me,” Hedra said. Before she could yank free, Camilla sank her claws into the soft flesh of Hedra’s wrist.

A burning pain shot up her arm, and blood dripped onto the floor. Hedra swallowed her harsh cry of agony. She didn’t want Althea to hear her. Boone couldn’t lose both Hedra and his grandmother on the same fucking day.

Camilla smiled at her before holding out her free hand. “Give me your phone, Hedra.”

“Let me the fuck go,” Hedra said before trying to pull free.

Camilla’s claws sunk deeper, and Hedra moaned softly as fresh pain lanced through her arm.

“Stop moving, Hedra. One twist of my fingers, and I’ll slice your wrist wide open. You’ll bleed out in less than five minutes.”

Hedra went still, her heart a frantic, thundering beat in her ears.

“Your phone,” Camilla said.