Page 109 of End of Night

Hedra dropped her phone into Camilla’s hand, and Camilla dropped it on the floor before stomping on it. The screen cracked, and she stepped on it again until the frame broke and the screen shattered.

“Do you think I’m stupid, Hedra?” Camilla asked.

Determined not to let Camilla know how terrified she was, Hedra said, “I think that’s the second phone of mine you’ve ruined in a week, and you’re buying me a fucking third.”

Camilla laughed. “You can act tough all you want, but I can smell your fear, human.”

“Fuck you,” Hedra said.

“Into the living room. Move,” Camilla said.

Still clutching Hedra’s wrist, Camilla pushed her into the living room. She leaned close, her eyes a bright jade and her fangs protruding from her mouth. “I’m going to release you. Your instinct will be to run. If you do, I’ll kill you. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” Hedra said as the terror thrummed inside of her like a trapped bird. “I won’t run.”

“What a good human.” Camilla released her wrist and took a step back, watching coldly as the blood dripped from Hedra’s wrist to the floor. “Humans are so fragile. I don’t understand why Boone is infatuated with you.”

She smiled at Hedra, the madness in it sending waves of cold rippling across Hedra’s body. “You don’t deserve him, Hedra.”

“Neither do you,” Hedra said.

“You have no fucking idea what you’re talking about,” Camilla snarled. “I deserve to have the Boone he is now. He was meant to be with me, and the only reason he isn’t is because of you.”

“You tried to kill me so you could get a boyfriend?” Hedra said. “Fucking lame, Camilla. You know you almost killed Boone, too, right?”

“That wasn’t supposed to happen,” Camilla said. “That was an accident. I would never hurt Boone.”

“You think killing me isn’t going to hurt him?” Hedra asked.

“He’ll get over it,” Camilla said dismissively. “Once you’re not around clouding his mind and making him believe he feels things he doesn’t, he’ll realize that he’s meant to be with me.”

“You’re wrong,” Hedra said.

“I’m not,” Camilla said.

They stared silently at each other before Camilla said, “Let’s go.”

“Where?” Hedra asked.

“To the tub,” Camilla said.

Hedra stared blankly at her. “What?”

“The tub,” Camilla said. “You’re about to get into a hot bath and cut your wrists, Hedra. Suicide is always a tragedy, and I don’t doubt that Boone will be upset but don’t worry, I’ll be there for him to help him through the grief.”

Hedra thought rapidly. Camilla had no idea the house was being watched, and no one would believe Hedra had killed herself, especially when Chase told Boone about Camilla’s visit. Of course, that wouldn’t help save her life right now, would it?

Her overwhelming fear drifted away to be replaced by cold acceptance. She stared at Camilla as a weird numbness settled in her bones. She might die today, but she would go down swinging.

“Move, human,” Camilla said.

“Fuck that,” Hedra said. “You think I’m going to make it that easy for you? You want me dead? You fucking do it yourself.”

Camilla made an impatient growl. “Stop being so difficult, human.”

Hedra barked harsh laughter. “You haven’t even begun to see how difficult I can be, you crazy asshole.”

The front door opened, and Camilla’s eyes widened. She inhaled deeply as surprise flickered across her face. “Boone?” she whispered. “He shouldn’t be here. He should be at work.”