Page 56 of End of Night

Boone glanced at Hedra. “She, uh, brought me some cookies.”

“Because she totally wants to bang him again,” Hedra said. “But his fake girlfriend inconveniently showed up.”

Wes and Cooper laughed, and Boone handed the box of cookies to Wes. “Can you put these in the kitchen for me, Wes?”

“Sure.” He took the cookies, and he and Cooper left reception. The phone rang, and as Daisy answered it, Boone stared at Hedra. His urge to mark her was overwhelming, and he was so fucking tired of denying his tiger’s demands.

Please mark our mate. His tiger pleaded. Boone couldn’t remember the last time his tiger sounded so anxious and, frankly, desperate.

I can’t.

Let me free. I’ll mark her. His tiger pushed for control, and Boone battled him back.

Stop. Hedra doesn’t want us to mark her.

“Boone?” Hedra’s soft fingers touched his jaw.

He made himself smile at her. “Sorry.”

“It’s fine.” She studied him carefully. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” he said.

Little frown lines appeared between her eyes. “Can we talk privately for a minute?”

He nodded and turned to Daisy, who had finished her call and was staring at her computer screen. “Daisy, is the boardroom free?”

“It is,” she said.

“Thanks.” Telling himself not to, he took Hedra’s hand anyway and led her through the maze of cubicles to the boardroom.

He shut the door behind them and smiled at her. “What’s up?”

“Tell me what’s wrong,” she said.

“Just tired,” he said.

“Do you regret what happened last night?” she asked bluntly.

“No,” he said quickly. “Do you?”

“I don’t.”

A weight he didn’t realize he was carrying dropped off his chest. “Good. That’s good. Why didn’t you come back to my room?”

“A couple of reasons - I felt sort of awkward about returning to your bedroom with a certain expectation that you might not have shared, and the look on your nan’s face when I went into her bedroom. She knew exactly what I’d been doing, and it was… frankly, it was a little humiliating. Also, I felt bad that I was fucking you instead of doing my damn job.”

He frowned. “You were off the clock, Hedra. My nan should have called for me to help her, not you.”

“I’ve been helping her in the night since I started as her nurse, Boone,” Hedra said. “You know that because you add extra to my paycheque for the nights I help her. Which you shouldn’t do, by the way.”

“Yes, I should,” he said. He raked his hand through his hair. “I don’t want to argue about how I pay you for doing your job, okay?”

“Okay.” She folded her arms across her chest, her gaze assessing and sharp. “Are you ready to tell me what’s wrong?”

Tired of denying it, he said, “My tiger wants me to mark you. I want that too, but he’s being very neurotic and persistent about it to the point that it’s distracting and…”

Hell, in for a penny in for a pound, right? “Exhausting.”