Page 57 of End of Night

Before she could say anything, he said, “That isn’t your problem, but you wanted to know what’s wrong, and I don’t want to lie to you.”

He stared at the floor, ignoring his tiger’s pleas to mark Hedra. Christ, he sounded so pathetic.

His tiger purred happily when Hedra’s arms slid around his shoulders. He lifted his head, and she kissed him lightly before resting her forehead against his. “Go ahead and mark me, Boone.”

His tiger trilled with excitement, and a small grin crossed Hedra’s face at the sound. Boone swallowed hard. “It’s okay. You don’t want to be marked, and my tiger will eventually, uh, lose interest in marking you.”

“Will he?” Hedra asked, her voice soft.

“No,” Boone said hoarsely.

“Then mark me. Right now.” She lifted her head and bared her throat to him, dropping her hands to his hips and gripping them loosely.

“Little lamb, are you sure?” he asked.

“Yes,” she said.

He should have asked again, should have reiterated that she absolutely did not have to do this just because his tiger was being an insistent asshole, but instead, he cupped the back of her neck and rubbed his jaw across the delicate skin of her throat.

His tiger’s anxiety lessened with every rough stroke of Boone’s face against Hedra, and he marked her again and again until her throat was red, and Boone’s dick was a hard pipe in his jeans. His tiger was finally relaxed and content, but Boone’s urge to put Hedra on the boardroom table and fuck her until she screamed his name was a raging fire. He sucked in a harsh breath and stepped back, taking Hedra’s hands and squeezing them.

“Better?” she asked.

He nodded. “Yeah, except for how badly I want to fuck you right now.”

She gave him a shaky smile. “Ditto, big guy.”

They stared silently at each other, their deep breaths syncing up before Boone said, “Thank you. That, uh, really helped my tiger.”

“You’re welcome,” she said.

“Hedra, I -”

The door opened, and Max walked into the boardroom. He paused, studying both of them. “Sorry, I thought I booked the boardroom for a client meeting. I must have messed it up.”

“You didn’t,” Boone said. “We were just using the room for a minute.”

Max stared at Hedra. “Hey, drunk girl.”

“Hey, lash man,” she said with a laugh. “They’re even more spectacular looking when I’m not completely wasted.”

A grin broke across Max’s face. “Thanks. You should see them with mascara.”

“Colour me intrigued,” Hedra said.

Boone could smell that Hedra wasn’t attracted to Max, but it didn’t stop him from taking her hand and pulling her up against him. “Time to go, little lamb.”

“See you around, Max,” Hedra said.

He nodded, and as Boone led her out of the boardroom, he had to resist pushing Hedra up against the hallway wall and marking her again. And this time, it wouldn’t be because of his tiger. No, this was pure jealousy and possessiveness from Boone’s human side.

As if she could read his mind, Hedra grinned and said, “Need to mark me again, Boone?”

“No,” he said and then pushed her against the wall and did just that. He swiped his face across her throat twice before making a low growl and pressing a kiss against her mouth. “Stay away from Max, sweet lamb.”

“I’m not interested in him,” she said, her voice a bit breathless. “I know you know that.”

He just shrugged and purred to her. He bent his head to kiss her, his nan’s voice stopping him short.