Page 53 of Evidence of Truth

He wondered if she was being sarcastic but sure wasn’t asking.

“I was just making breakfast. Do you want to stay?” Anne asked Sam.

“Please, please, please,” begged Silas.

“I’m sorry, little guy,” Sam replied as she ruffled his hair. “I have to get home.”

Anne hugged her. As Sam turned to leave, she looked at Anne and Killian, shook her head, and sighed. The door clicked closed.

“Well, that went well,” Killian remarked. He followed Silas and Anne into the kitchen.

He hadn’t been concerned about people finding out about them, although he hoped to ease people into the idea that he and Anne were a couple.

However, that idea went out the door with Sam. The girls would know about it in two-point-five seconds, and the guys already did. It was a done deal. And he couldn’t be happier.

“I would say so.” Anne puttered around, turning the bacon sizzling on the stove. She looked over at the table. “Scrambled or fried?”

“Makes no difference,” replied Killian. “What’re you having?”

“Silas likes scrambled.”

“Perfect.” Killian watched her scramble the eggs. It was a domestic scene he was unfamiliar with, but for some reason, it felt right, and he wanted it to continue.


“Silas, hurry, we’re going to be late,” Anne called out to Silas as she frantically folded one more outfit into her carry-on bag, which was already stuffed. She wasn’t sure what to bring. It was a holiday break, and the weather up north ranged from cold to cool to warm, unlike Florida, which was warm to hot and humid. Thankfully, no storms were in the forecast. It would be smooth sailing or flying, as it were.

Her sister, Leah, just had a baby girl, adding one more to the two girls she had. It’d been a while since she visited her in Connecticut or saw her parents, although they talked and FaceTime’d constantly.

Anne was bringing Silas. He was beyond excited and had been asking her every hour if it was time to leave.

The one possible glitch was Anne hadn’t been sure if she could take Silas out of state since she was still fostering him. However, she had spoken to Lily at social services a few weeks ago and was relieved to know that there would be no problem.

Anne walked into his bedroom. He’d already packed his small suitcase and was rearranging his backpack. His little body squiggled in excitement.

“I can’t wait to meet my cousins and grandma and grandpa,” he said with a big grin. Then he furrowed his brow. “They are my relatives too, right?”

She sat on the bed and gathered him into her arms. “Yes, they are, sweetie.” Anne kissed the top of his head. “And grandma and grandpa are so excited to be meeting you.”

Silas pulled a piece of paper out of his backpack. “I drew them something.”

Anne looked at the stick figures all lined up with big smiles on their faces. Her parents, sister, husband, and the three kids held hands with her, Killian, and Silas.

“Oh, Silas. They’re going to love this picture. When we get there, why don’t we get it framed? What do you think?”

He nodded vigorously. “They can hang it on their wall.”

“Yep,” said Anne. She let Silas up and stood, smoothing down her dress. “However, if we don’t get going, we’ll miss the plane. Do you need help?”

Silas scrunched his face in concentration. “No. I have my clothes. I packed a Lego set, a book to read…” He peered into the backpack. “Oh, some snacks for the plane, a coloring book, pencils, crayons, my tablet and earphones.”

Anne chuckled. “Oh my. I think you have a little of everything. Come on, sweet boy. Killian will be here any second to drive us to the airport.”

“Why isn’t he coming with us?”

Good question. Anne wanted him to come since she was staying at a hotel near Leah’s house, but he insisted she and Silas needed bonding time with her relatives. It was hard to leave him. Ever since they made love, everyone knew they were a couple. The guys teased Killian unmercifully about “drinking the water,” whatever that meant.

The doorbell rang, and Silas ran to open it.