Page 54 of Evidence of Truth

“Mr. Killian!” he exclaimed.

“Hey, buddy. Are you excited about flying?” Killian ruffled his hair playfully.

Anne walked out with the luggage and looked at Killian, hugging Silas. Those two! They were tight. Killian loved being around him as much as her.

“Sweetheart, you have everything?” he asked Anne as he picked up their two bags and placed them beside Silas in the truck.

Anne strapped Silas into the car seat.

“Are you sure you don’t need this?” Killian pointed to the car seat.

“No, Leah rented one for him.”

He turned toward Anne when she finished and pulled her into his arms. “I’m going to miss you.”

“Me too.” She leaned in and whispered in his ear. “I’ll make it up to you when we get back.”

“Tease,” he murmured in her ear.

Anne laughed as she pulled away. “You have no idea.”

“Remember, we still haven’t tried all those positions we discussed. I’ll be rocking your world for a long time,” he said softly, then winked.

He walked Anne to the passenger door, kissed her again, and then closed the door. She watched him walk back and lean in towards Silas. “Remember, bud. You need to keep your mom safe.”

“I promise.”

Seat belts secured, luggage in back, and they were finally on their way. Anne turned around a couple of times to check on Silas. He had his face pressed against the window, watching for the airport.

“I see it. I see it,” he shouted out when they got close.

Killian dropped them off out front. Anne unstrapped Silas while Killian brought their bags around. Another kiss, and he was gone. Anne missed him already.

But now it was check-in, getting boarding passes, going through security, finding the gate, and then waiting—lots and lots of waiting.

Silas was awestruck by the bustling crowd and the planes taking off and landing.

The overhead announcements were nonstop, and Anne was getting a headache. Her nose was teased by the scent of coffee from one of the cafes. They had time, so she got a coffee and chocolate milk for Silas.

Finally, their section was called, and they found their seats. Anne was glad she got a window seat for Silas. His little body was vibrating with excitement.

He looked out the window at all the action, then yelled, “Oh no.”

“What’s wrong?” Anne asked.

“Oh, Anne,” he cried. “I left Teddy at home. Can we go get him?”

Crap. Anne sighed. “No, sweetie, we can’t. Once you’re on a plane, you can’t get off until it lands.”

“Teddy wanted to come. He was so excited to meet relatives.” Silas’s eyes misted up.

Anne blew out a breath. “Tell you what. We will take pictures of everywhere we go to show Teddy when we get back. I’m sure he’ll love them. What do you think about that?”

Silas sniffed, thought about what she said. “I guess,” he said in a small voice.

She patted his leg. “You’ll have fun taking the pictures and showing them to him.”

He nodded and continued staring out the window. While Anne felt bad, this wouldn’t be the first time something was forgotten at home.