Killian walked out of the shower, savoring the bright sunshine streaming through the window. He sniffed the air, and the lingering scent of their lovemaking made his cock hard. No time for that right now. He exited the bedroom with just his jeans on, wiping his head with a towel.
“Mr. Killian!”
Holy crap. He didn’t think anyone would be here so early. Silas came running toward him and jumped into his arms.
“Hey, little bud, you’re getting heavy.”
“I’m growing,” Silas said. His eyes lit with joy. “Are you visiting?”
Killian looked around the room. He could hear Anne in the kitchen getting dishes on the table. The scent of bacon frying made his mouth water.
Standing by the door with her mouth hanging open was Sam—his boss—Anne’s friend.
“Good morning, Sam,” he said as he nonchalantly dropped the towel on a nearby chair and gently put Silas down. No way was he going to be embarrassed by this.
He’d made love to Anne several more times during the night and once after he woke up.
Anne had been all warm and cuddly, and he couldn’t help himself. He kissed her back, caressed her body, and rubbed between her thighs until she opened for him. Then he grabbed another condom and slid inside her heat. It was slow and perfect.
The entire night had been perfect.
Anne was a responsive lover, and he never felt so alive. She was up for anything and not embarrassed about her body, like some women were. In fact, her body was perfect, as he knew it would be.
Sam closed her mouth, smirked, and said good morning.
“Oh, Sam…” Anne came out from the kitchen, drying her hands on a towel. Looked between Sam and Killian.
“Oh,” she huffed. “Hmmm.” Anne’s eyes roamed around the room and widened when she spotted Killian with his shirt off. She licked her lips unconsciously.
He grinned at her. The room fell into an awkward silence except for Silas, who was telling him about his overnight.
Anne stared at him. Sam stared at the two of them.
Finally, Anne broke the silence. “Sooo, Killian was just visiting.”
“Riiight,” Sam said, but she was smiling. “It’s always nice to have visitors early in the morning.”
Anne nodded.
“Silas, come give me a hug,” Anne said. He ran over to her to give her a big kiss and hug. “I’ve missed you. Did you have fun with Alex?”
He nodded vigorously and told her what they did every minute.
Sam walked over and, in a low voice, said to Killian, “If you hurt her…”
She left the rest of the sentence unsaid. He rolled his eyes—mentally. Sam would probably—not probably, would—injure him in some painful way if he hurt Anne.
“Never gonna happen,” he assured her.
“Good.” She gave him an evil smile, then said, “I think you make a cute couple.” Then she winked.
Cute? Did Sam really say that?