Page 51 of Evidence of Truth

What? Didn’t he like it?

Anne stopped and cocked her head.

“I want to come in you first,” he murmured. “Come up here, sweetheart.”

Anne moved next to him. Killian reached over for a condom, ripped the package, and unrolled it on his cock.

He turned to her and smiled. “Now I’m gonna have to get you all wet again.”

“I’m ready.” She was so ready.

“Not as ready as I want you to be. Now lay back.” Killian proceeded to nip and suck and lick and finger Anne until she almost orgasmed again. Then he got on top of her and plunged into her core.

His cock filled her. Killian stopped for a moment to let her get used to his size.

“Move.” She couldn’t take him stopping any more. Anne needed to come again, like she needed her next breath.

“Your wish is my command.” Killian pulled out and plunged into her again and again. Just when she couldn’t take it anymore and was on the cusp of coming, she felt his cock get larger and felt his release. It started a chain reaction that ended with her crying out Killian’s name while he bellowed hers.

Killian held her and placed soft kisses on her neck and her breasts. When she finally caught her breath, he got off, pinched the condom, and disposed of it in the bathroom.

He walked back to the bed and snuggled next to her. “Anne, that was the most amazing sex I’ve ever had. Thank you for trusting me.”

“It was fantastic for me, too. It’s been so long, I hardly remembered how to have it.” She pulled his face in for a kiss. “Will you stay the night?”

“Nothing could pull me away.” He kissed her gently. “Go to sleep, sweetheart. You’re safe.”


What was that quote Mom used to say?

Martin shook his head. Oh yeah. “If I didn’t have bad luck, I’d have no luck at all,” she always joked.

And wasn’t that the damn story of his life?

After the disastrous break-in at Anne’s house, Bobby, Jinx and he regrouped back at his apartment to review what went wrong. Of course, what went wrong was that he was dealing with numbnuts. Jinx ditched his post to do whatever, so there was no guard at the beginning of the street. Bobby was asleep on the job, which meant he didn’t see Anne drive in, and he almost got caught after the bitch hit him with a lamp.

The best part of the story, not that there was a best part, was that Jinx was arrested shortly after for robbing a store and currently resided in jail. That meant he and Bobby had to come up with another plan. Although Bobby seemed to have cold feet. The lure of an additional payout from his share wasn’t enough. He wasn’t sure he could depend upon Bobby helping him.

That left him to devise Plan B—or was it C?—to get his hands on the bear. He’d passed Anne’s house several times and noticed security cameras were out front, probably in the back and inside, too. He’d seen a brawny guy entering her house who looked like a bodyguard.

Anne was extra careful now, always walking out with someone. If he didn’t do something soon, the kid would be a teenager and have gotten rid of the bear.

Martin looked around his shabby apartment. He was lucky to get it furnished, which was a joke.

The owner had spared no expense—and wasn’t that a joke? There was a tired sofa and an old bulky TV on a beat-up table in the living room. He wasn’t sure they even made TVs like that anymore. The bathroom was windowless and tiny but held the necessities. The kitchen comprised a couple of pots, plates, silverware, a small two-burner stove, and a refrigerator, big enough to keep his beer and several other items. A lumpy mattress and a two-shelved plastic storage box in the bedroom completed the apartment. If sleeping on the bed didn’t kill him, his drunken and high-as-a-kite neighbors would.

It was what he could afford at the moment. When he got his stash, if he got the stash, he’d buy a house on the beach somewhere. But right now, his cash was running out. When it ran out, he wouldn’t even have what he had. And he had a bad feeling that time was running out, too.

Martin tapped his fingers on the three-and-a-half-legged coffee table, almost knocking his coffee cup off. It was necessary that he get close to Silas without anyone noticing him. He sure couldn’t knock on Anne’s door.

But … he could get a job at the school. He was good at cleaning up. Being a janitor was his job at the prison.

It was time to dig out the fake papers his jail mate’s friend made for him with a job history and names of people who would vouch for him. He hadn’t used them yet, thinking he would need them for his new life.

There would be no life without the loot. Tomorrow, he’d go to the school and apply for a job. They’d be lucky to get him.