Page 44 of Evidence of Truth

She wrote in it every day from sixth grade through high school. Carrying it to her chair, she opened it and started reading. Nothing exciting in junior high, just silly things—her hair was too short, too long, too straight. This girl didn’t like that girl. She had a crush on a boy who didn’t like her. She hated gym. Oh, the angst of being a preteen.

When she got to her freshman year in high school, a piece of lined paper fell out.

Anne carefully unfolded the paper. It was a walk down memory lane.

That year, she had a wicked crush on a boy. They went out for ice cream several times, then he dumped her. She forgot precisely why he hadn’t been honest with her, but it was something about liking another girl and trying to make her jealous.

At the time, she felt it important to make a list of attributes she wanted in a male. Anne remembered it took her a little while to list the important ones. She was surprised the paper wasn’t full of tearstains. The boy broke her heart. Although it wouldn’t be the first time a guy broke her heart. Damn Jason. Enough—no more thinking of the past.

She wrote she wanted a guy who was trustworthy, intelligent, protective, one who wanted kids, loved cats, had a good sense of humor, and was sexy as hell.

Too bad she hadn’t found the perfect male—yet. Although thinking about the attributes she wrote in high school, Anne realized they were the same now as when she was younger.

Outside of the few dates she’d been on, the only male she was seeing was Killian. He sure was sexy, trustworthy, intelligent, and protective. Too bad he didn’t want kids, hated cats and had no sense of humor.

But he was a good kisser—an excellent kisser. Ever since he stayed with her after the break-in and she practically threw herself at him, they kissed a few times. Although the kisses weren’t full-out “I want you in bed” kisses, they were still wonderful. Anne got goosebumps kissing Killian and wondered if his deep, sexy kisses would make her knees weak and knock her socks off. She thought they would.

Her lady parts tingled with anticipation. It’d been so long since she had sex, Anne wondered if she even remembered how.

Anne folded the list up and put it back in the diary. She placed the boxes back on the shelf.

She sniffed a few times, wiping at her nose. There had to be someone out there for her. Was it Killian? Could be. Actually, she hoped so. That is, if he were interested.

Ticktock. Ticktock. She sat in the chair, listening to her clock. Cars passed outside, kids were laughing, people were going about their business, and she was in her bedroom feeling sorry for herself in her lonely house with her cat. However, she didn’t even have Luna, who apparently found something more interesting to do than sit with a weepy woman.

Anne suddenly stood. She brushed the errant tears, inhaled deeply, and let the breath out.

This was not going to be her life. She could call a girlfriend to do something, but what she wanted was a man.

A sexy man who hated cats, didn’t want kids, and had no sense of humor.


Killian wasn’t often surprised, but when his phone rang and it was Anne asking if he’d like to come for dinner, he was momentarily speechless. A second was long enough for Anne to retreat and give him an out.

No way in hell was that happening. He enjoyed her company; besides, he wanted to ask her if she would like to go with him to the barbecue. It would be a giant step for both.

“I’ll be over at six. Can I bring anything?” he asked. She suggested a bottle of wine to go with the spaghetti and meatballs she was making. His mouth watered. Italian food of any kind was his favorite, right up there with barbecue and Chinese—hell, he ate everything, especially if someone else was making it.

“I have a little something for Silas that I’ll bring.”

“Oh, you spoil him,” she replied. “Besides, he’s at Mark and Sam’s tonight. It’ll be just the two of us.”

Just the two of them? Just. The. Two. Of. Them.

Killian didn’t want to read into that any more than he had to. Being alone with her would be a first for them. No Silas as a buffer. He wasn’t sure how he felt about that.

Oh, hell yes, he knew. There was something there. He could feel it. They’d been fighting their attraction to each other.

Anne had said nothing to him, but he could see the desire in her eyes when they were together.

Maybe tonight, he’d get a deeper kiss or two in. Or more. But maybe Anne wasn’t ready for more. They’d kissed quite a few times, but he hadn’t wanted to push it. Going to the barbecue together would be a huge step in their relationship.

Fuck. He was overthinking this, something he never did with a woman. Anne was different. She wasn’t a one-night stand—a fuck and go. She never said, but he knew she wanted it all. The whole fairy tale. The whole love story. That wasn’t him. Or was it? Because she was the first woman that he could see settling down with. Maybe.

Killian’s heart raced. His palms turned sweaty. These thoughts were contrary to how he always felt about relationships.

However, his sister, Gina, had found love despite their awful childhood and told him he’d know when it was right. She had.