Page 43 of Evidence of Truth

The biggest problem for him was that she hid her emotions. She was a complex character, and try as he might, he could not get to her core. Something happened to Anne in her past that scarred her, but she wouldn’t talk about it. Although it wasn’t as if he was exchanging sob stories with her. She didn’t need to know his depressing shit.

“So, what do you think?” asked Danny, slapping him on the shoulder, knocking him out of his thoughts and nearly knocking the glass of beer out of his hand.

“Think? Think about what?” he asked.

“I asked if you wanted to come to my house next week for a barbecue. Hailey wanted to have some friends over. She thought you and Anne would like to come.”


“Oh man.” Danny shook his head. “You really are dense.” He took a swig of beer, set the glass down, and sighed. “Yes, together. As on a date.”

Hmmm. He’d have to ask. Silas would need a babysitter. Killian didn’t know if Anne had used any. This was going to be a get-together for adults. Would she even leave Silas after all that happened?

It might be fun, just the two of them enjoying adult conversation. Or it could be awkward, and they wouldn’t have anything to discuss. Then all Danny and Hailey’s friends would watch them, waiting to see if they kissed before they burned out. Maybe Anne didn’t want to go out with him. Fuck.

This was getting complicated. Thoughts like these were among the many reasons he avoided relationships.


Anne finished picking up her classroom. The weekend was here. The kids left already, all chattering away about their fun plans. Silas was staying overnight at Alex’s house. She had an entire afternoon and night to herself. She could read that new book she got, eat pizza and have a glass of wine, meet a friend for dinner and drinks, or… or … oh, the possibilities.

Taking a few minutes for herself, Anne sat at her desk and glanced around the classroom. She loved teaching kindergarten. Her life was full, and now that she had Silas, it was almost complete.

What was missing was a man to love and who loved her. However, all the dates she’d been on had fallen short. Maybe she was meant to be an old maid with only her cat for company. Surely, Silas would grow up, get married, and have a life of his own. Humph. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. There was no way she was going to get all weepy and sad. Silas deserved all good things and happiness in his life.

She picked up her purse and started walking out the door.

Her friend Jayline was also walking out. She taught first grade, and they sometimes got together for coffee or drinks when Jayline’s husband was out of town.

“Jayline, what’s up?” she said.

“Nothing much.” Jayline bit her lip and furrowed her brow. “Anne, when I left to do an errand at lunchtime, a man was in the parking lot asking about you.”

No! Please let it not be the kidnapper. Anne’s stomach plummeted. She thought she’d seen the last of him since her hospitalization.

“What did he say? What’d he look like?” she asked.

“Oh, he was very nice. Just wanted to know if you worked here,” Jayline replied. “He is quite good-looking, rather tall, with black hair.”

Whew. It wasn’t her attacker, but who could it be?

The last date she was on fit the description, but she had blocked his number. He was too controlling. Besides, he knew nothing about her.

“Oh, the man also said he’d try to reach you.”

“Okay. Thanks for telling me,” Anne replied. “Will you let me know if you see him again?”

“Sure thing,” said Jayline as she opened her car door, got in and drove away.

Anne stood in the lot for a minute. She looked around the neighborhood, but she didn’t see or feel anyone looking at her or anything out of the ordinary. It was too bad Jayline didn’t get his name. She tsked. Nothing to be done about it unless the man contacted her. Now, she was grateful for the security at her house.

Traffic was light, so it took her no time to get home. She pulled into the driveway and turned off the car. She got out of the car and looked around her neighborhood. Calm. No feeling of being watched. She waved to a neighbor.

After opening the door to the house and turning off the alarm, Anne walked into a very quiet living room. Usually, Silas was chatting away and ready for a snack, but it was just her and Luna, who was winding herself around Anne’s feet. Yup—definitely a cat lady!

She changed into leggings and a top. Maybe it was time to clean up the closet, something she’d wanted to do for a while. Anne walked into her office and pulled down several boxes stored on the upper shelf. The first held pictures. She set that aside. One of these days, she’d put everything on a disk, so the box could wait. The other held mementos. Everything from autographed Brownie books to awards won in high school. At the bottom of the box was a diary. It was cotton-candy pink with a lock. Thankfully, it wasn’t locked; who knew where the key was?

Anne remembered the diary.