Page 5 of Captivated

Trigger groaned. “Don’t. He is still pissed at me about questioning his treatment plan for Harley.”

Grimm cleared his throat. “Speaking of, are you making an official claim?”

Tension filled Trigger, and he took a draw off his cigar to control it. “You challenging it?”

“Fuck no,” Grimm replied with a choked laugh. “I like all of my organs where they are. But your ass was moody as shit the entire time we were away. Time for you to do something about that, don’t you think?”

“No, you are just a nosey asshole who probably lost a bet and had to come out here to give me your version of a pep talk.” He paused to inhale deeply before releasing the smoke. “Which sucks ass by the way.”

Grimm shot him the finger. “Fuck you. If your ass weren’t so grumpy, I wouldn’t have to do this sort of shit.”

Trigger shook his head over the fact that he’d pretty much predicted what had happened. “Don’t worry, I’ll be making my move.”

Grimm grinned. “This shit is going to be more interesting than watch than Stone, Rock, and Blue were.”

“Fuck you. What’s the bet?”

Grimm frowned. “What?”

Trigger’s eyebrows rose high on his forehead. “Don’t play dumb. I know there’s money floating around over how things will do down between me and Harley.”

Grimm shook his head. “No one is betting against you. We know you’re relentless, and so does Harley. While she won’t go down without a fight, she knows you are good together.”

“So there is a wager?”

“Paranoid fucker,” Grimm grumbled as he pushed away from the wall. “There isn’t a bet against the two of you getting together.” He stepped over the threshold of the clubhouse before pausing. “However, there is one about the number of times she will try to shoot you with your gun before you lock her down.”

This time, Trigger laughed even though he knew he probably shouldn’t. A few months ago, Harley made the threat during one of their altercations. The irony was she was probably the only woman bold enough to make good on it if she could.

For some reason, that turned him on way more than it should.

He was so fucked...

Chapter 3

Harley hummed under her breath as she popped the caps off a couple of beers before placing them on a tray. Then she poured six shots of tequila and sat them down.