Page 6 of Captivated

“Thanks, Harley,” Candy called out.

“No problem,” Harley replied on autopilot, her mind already on the next set of drinks.


She looked up at the sound of someone yelling her name, ready to tear their ass a new one, when she spotted Roman, one of the prospects.

“What’s up?” she asked, not bothering to hide her puzzlement as he stepped behind the bar.

“Everest sent me over to relieve you for your break. Said Blue’s asking for you.”

She looked over and spotted her friend sitting at the table that she usually occupied. Blue gave a small wave, and Harley grinned.

“Seven beers and three whiskey and cokes for Axel’s table,” she called out over her shoulder as she grabbed a beer, then stepped out from behind the bar and headed toward the only true friend she had in the world.

While she didn’t drink much, every once in a while, she had a taste for hops, so she indulged.

“I’ve missed you,” she admitted as she sat down.

“Me, too,” Blue stated as she reached across the table and squeezed Harley’s hand. “You look more rested than when we left.”

Harley shook her head as she scoffed. “I don’t know how.”

“The dreams are back?” Blue probed.

“More like nightmares,” Harley grumbled. “What gets me is that it’s not about our attack. It’s about the night that Ice almost killed me.”

“It makes sense,” Blue replied. “I had nightmares for weeks. I scared the hell out of Rock and Stone. I’m better now, but I still have moments. Had a few during the trip with the memories that it stirred up.”

Harley’s eyes widened. “Damn. I didn’t even think about that. Are you okay?”

Blue smiled as she bit her lip bottom lip. “I had a bit of good news to keep me distracted the entire time.”

Harley scowled playfully. “You’d better not start bragging about all of the great sex you are having with Rock and Stone again.”

Blue laughed. “No. It’s more than that.” Blue leaned closer to her. “I’m pregnant,” she revealed right as a raucous cheer from the men filled the room.

It took a minute for the words to sink in, but the second they did, Harley screamed as she jumped to her feet. A second later, Blue joined her, and they embraced.

“I’m going to be an aunt,” Harley exclaimed.

Blue laughed as she squeezed her tighter. “And a kickass one at that.”

Harley was surprised when tears filled her eyes. “Shit, Blue. You are making me all emotional. You know I hate that.”

Blue cupped Harley’s face between her palms and brushed away the tear that escaped. “I know, but if there was ever a reason for you to shed happy tears, this is it.”

Harley looked down to get a better look at her friend. “How are you feeling? Any morning sickness? When did you find out?”

“I’ll answer all of your questions,” Blue replied. “But first.”

Harley was shocked when Blue placed her hands on her stomach. There was a slight curve there.

“You’re already showing?”

Blue nodded. “A little. That’s why we rushed the trip a little. Rock figured it out before I did. According to him, I’ve been insatiable, and my breasts are sensitive as hell.” Blue stepped back and motioned for them to retake their seats. “Once we did the math, we realized that between our wedding night and honeymoon, Stone knocked me up. So, we had to start the territory takeover as quickly as possible. Rock and Stone were nervous about me being out and pregnant.”

Harley laughed. “Damn. You are in trouble. Rock will chomp at the bit as soon as you pop this one out.”