Page 4 of Consumed

Chapter 3

Stone shook his head as a grin spread across the face of his friend and V.P. He understood Rock’s frustration because he’d been dealing with it for the past eight months himself. Because of the life he lived, he’d encountered a lot of shit but the one thing he’d never expected was Blue.

From the second he’d met her his world had changed. He’d been raised in a cruel world where you didn’t have many friends and you always had to watch your back or at least have a tight circle to do it. His father had been the President of the Ravens. He’d done a hell of a job of it, too.

While he’d been in training all of his life to take the reins, his father hadn’t officially started the transition until around six years ago. Four years ago he’d officially stepped down with the desire to enjoy his later years.

He was doing a damn good job of it, too. His parents were currently on a cruise. Their third one for the year. It was strange as fuck to see the photos of them living the life of tourists but they were having fun and that was what mattered.

But it also made him realize that he wanted a little of what his parents had. He grinned when he thought about his mom. She was the only one strong enough to bring his hard ass of a father to heel if necessary. She’d been everything his father had needed over the years and Stone was smart enough to know he needed the same in his life.

He hadn’t thought that possible until he’d crossed paths with Blue. From the moment he’d met her there had been something captivating about her. The way she’d looked him and Rock in the eye as she’d explained the situation behind her request for safe harbor. It had been a mixture of fear and strength.

Until that moment he hadn’t thought finding an old lady had been possible. Especially because of his habit of sharing women with his V.P. Something that started as a wild hair had immediately made sense to them. Even so, he hadn’t imagined them being able to have one old lady between the two of them.

Not until they’d met Blue.

Now, it was all he could think about.

Like Rock, his patience had been tested but he knew Blue needed time. For the first three months, there’d been a tremor in her hand and she’d never sit or stand with her back to the door. While she was still leery, the shaking in her hand was gone. She was also more social. Mainly with Harley, another woman in a situation similar to hers and the other old ladies, but she was respectful to the sweet butts and party girls as long as they didn’t give her shit.

Something that occurred on occasion because she was new on the scene and it was no secret that she’d snagged the attention of the President and V.P. A fact that incited jealously even amongst those who’d never stood a chance.

He patted the small box tucked inside his cut drawing Rock’s attention. One of his brows arched high on his forehead.

“We are doing this?”

He nodded. “Yeah. After tonight Blue will know that we are officially claiming her.”

“About damn time,” Rock mumbled. “Why the fuck are we still standing out here?”

“Because you needed time to chill out,” Stone stated. “Can’t have you raging about this?”

Rock laughed. “We both know you are the hot head when it comes to Blue.”

“Who would have thought we’d be like this behind some pussy?” Stone muttered.

Sharp pain radiated down his arm after Rock punched him and he laughed.