After that, it had become a normal thing. Something they were known for but they were always careful in who they selected. They didn’t do sloppy because they last thing they needed was a complication.
Then eight months ago, one showed up at their front door. They second he’d laid eyes on Blue, he’d wanted her. A glance at Stone had told him the interest was mutual. Something about her had appealed to him on a deeper level than ever experienced before.
To be honest, he still didn’t understand it all he knew was it went beyond something physical. The longer she was around, the stronger the feelings became. He’d heard of people meeting and thinking they found the one. He hadn’t expected to experience it. Not with the lifestyle he lived.
A lot of people fantasized about being in an MC but the truth was it was gritty. There weren’t many people you could trust and more often than not you had to look over your shoulder or have someone you could count on watching your back.
While several of the members had an old lady many more didn’t. It took a certain caliber of woman to be able to handle the lifestyle. That was part of the reason why he and Stone hadn’t made an immediate move.
Blue had made it clear from day one that she no longer wanted to be a part of the MC world. He didn’t know if that was possible. Unless she completely changed her identity and looks. Something he wasn’t sure she could pull off if she tried. Her blue-tinted hair couldn’t be missed from over a mile away. She also had a body that didn’t quit.
The only reason he didn’t go berserk over the tiny T-shirts and ass-hugging jeans that she always wore was because all of the club members and prospects knew they had a serious ass-kicking coming their way. Usually, you had a fight on your hands if there wasn’t an officially old lady claim but it was as official as it could get without him and Stone pissing a circle around her.
He bit back a chuckle at the ridiculous image. As hot as she was with clothes on, he couldn’t wait to see how much her butt would jiggle when he slapped it or how her breasts would feel in the palms of his hands. He’d often thought about clenching the dark threads of her hair between his fingers as he thrust into her, holding her steady while she sucked Stone off. It was enough to make him hard as a brick.
The bottom line was Blue was theirs.
Whether she was ready to admit it or not.
The problem was they were running out of time to convince her. As strong-willed as she was, she was also skittish. He hadn’t missed the fear mixed in with the surprise in her gaze when he and Stone had blocked a prospect who was too dumb to catch a clue from approaching Blue.
While they hadn’t come right out and told Blue how they felt, it was obvious to anyone who knew them. That also became the day that Blue went out of her way to avoid them. No exaggeration at all, it was almost as if she knew their schedule by heart. She always seemed to disappear anytime they were around.
The only time she couldn’t avoid them was when she worked the bar at the clubhouse. At first, he hadn’t been keen on the idea but she’d been insistent about earning her keep but it served as one of the only times she couldn’t avoid them. While he was only a heartbeat away from hauling her over his shoulder, tying her ass to his bed, and spanking her ass until she admitted she belonged to him and Stone he was doing his best to go for the diplomatic approach Stone had suggested.
“Calm the fuck down. Your ass is so twitchy you have me on the verge of shooting you.”
Rock chuckled as he looked over at his friend. “It’s your fault. You know as well as I do that we should have been balls deep in Blue months ago.”
“I know but she needed time so we gave it to her.”
Rock arched a dark brow in Stone’s direction. “Gave?”
“Yeah. Time to make our move.”
A surge of excitement rushed through him and he had to force himself not to barge through the entrance and make good on the thoughts he’d just had.
“How are we going to play this?”
“Full on. Can’t give her a chance to say no because she doesn’t want to. We’ve seen that she has to ability to run if she’s forced to. She hasn’t so far. That works in our favor.”
“You think she wants us?” Rock questioned skeptically.
“Yes and no. She wants us but not the patch that we wear,” Stone replied.
“They’re inseparable,” Rock retorted.
“I know that and so does she. But we aren’t the heartless bastards that the Slayers are. That works in our favor.”
“We are just as ruthless,” Rock scoffed.
“Apples and oranges shit,” Stone stated.
Rock shook his head. “Are we working on a timeline?”
“Yes,” Stone answered. “Starting now.”