Page 36 of Consumed

Rock and Stone groaned and she smiled, then it faded. “What happened? I mean I know the basics. Tell me what I don’t know.”

Stone eased down on the bed beside her. “Hawk managed to gain access to the compound. We think Tara helped although we can’t prove it because no one can find her. They stabbed Santos. Hit Harley in the head pretty hard and banged you up pretty good, too.”

Her eyes widened. “Where are they now?”

“Doc patched both of them up,” Rock stated. “Santos is healing but complaining like a bitch. Harley is fine. Wouldn’t rest until she saw you were okay with her own eyes.”

“I want to see her,” Blue whispered.

“Figured you would,” Stone replied as he pulled out his cell phone.

He typed a short message and then put it away before returning his attention to her. She closed her eyes as he reached out to touch her cheek.

“I want to hold you so bad but I’m afraid I’ll hurt you if I touch you,” he admitted.

“The pain isn’t that bad right now,” she whispered.

“You sure?” he questioned.

She nodded. “I need to be held by both of you.”

Stone moved before she could finish the sentence. She gritted her teeth as he moved closer, but he was careful not to jar her. Rock just reached out and took her good hand.

“I’ll hold you tonight,” he stated hoarsely with a wink.

She realized just how shaken her men were. Her heart skipped a beat when she realized how true that statement was. They’d been her only thought once she realized she was trapped in the trunk. Her belief in them never wavered. She knew they would find her.

The corners of her mouth curved upward as happiness surged through her. It quickly faded when the door burst open. She jumped in fear, crying out as pain roared through her.

“Shit, Blue,” Harley exclaimed. “I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m sorry.”

She relaxed as her friend rushed over to her before stopping. “Fuck. What did that asshole do to you? If he wasn’t already dead, I’d kill him myself.”

Blue frowned. “Hawk’s dead?”

Harley’s eyes widened as she looked back and forth between Rock and Stone. “You didn’t tell her?”

Rock shook his head as he rubbed the back of his neck. “She just regained consciousness.”

“Oh, damn. Sorry to rain on your parade,” Harley mumbled, actually looking contrite.

Stone touched Blue’s cheek. “Hey. You don’t have to worry about Hawk or any of the Slayers ever again.”

“They’re all dead?” she whispered, tears filling her eyes.

“We’ll talk about it when you are better,” Stone replied. “I don’t want you upset while you’re healing.”

Blue shook her head, then closed her eyes as dizziness swamped her.

“Careful,” Rock warned as he eased down on the bed. “Don’t overdo it. We barely avoided having to take you to the hospital.”

“I know. I’m sorry. I’m not upset. I’m relieved,” she admitted. “I’ve been so scared since I came here. Afraid this...or worse would happen.” She squeezed Rock’s hand. “The two of you made that go away. I’ll never be able to repay you for that.”

Rock leaned closer to her. “Yes, you can. You can officially accept our claim. Become our old lady, my wife, and the mother of our children.”

More tears began to flow from her eyes as the heartfelt words flowed from the badass man with a heart of gold said them.

“Yes,” she whispered. “As soon as I can move without pain, we’ll do all of that.”