Page 37 of Consumed

A loud cheer rang out in the room but she hardly noticed as Stone moved closer to kiss her before pulling back and allowing Rock to swoop in.

The Slayers had given her a million reasons to run to the Ravens. Stone and Rock had given her a million and one to stay.


“Blue, get a move on. Your ass is slow as a damn snail,” Harley shouted from downstairs.

Blue laughed as she rolled her eyes. As much as she wanted to deny that statement it was true. The past six weeks had been difficult, to say the least. Besides being smothered by Stone and Rock over the basic things, she was sexually frustrated.

Ironically, it was she who’d cracked first, doing everything she could think of to get Rock or Stone to give her some sexual relief. While she’d lusted after them for a while. It was worse now that she knew what she was missing out on. Still, all it had taken was one twinge when she snuck off and tried to take care of herself to realize it wasn’t worth a setback. So she’d sucked it up and tried to hide her bitchiness behind lots of good coffee.

No one was fooled. Hence the wide birth most had started giving her when she entered the room. Other than Rock and Stone, Harley seemed to be the only person capable of giving her as much shit as she delved out.

“Blue!” Harley yelled.

“I’m coming,” she shouted as she pushed to her feet, thankfully that there wasn’t much of a twinge in her shoulder after getting completely dressed by herself for the first time in six weeks.

It was the first part of the test that Doc had set up for her today. She prayed that he gave her a clean bill of health. If he didn’t, she was sure she’d go crazy.

Harley was standing at the bottom of the stairs tapping her foot. “Took you long enough.”

“Shut up,” Blue grumbled. “Yes, I feel better, but I didn’t want to overdo it.

Harley’s expression softened. “I get it. However, Stone and Rock have sent me a hundred thousand texts. I’m pretty sure they were a heartbeat from rushing over to rescue you.”

Blue laughed, not even bothering to call her friend out on exaggerating. Only because she knew Harley wasn’t. The only reason they weren’t there was because they were having church.

“They know I’m fine. I have my necklace on,” Blue teased.

Harley frowned. “As creepy as that is, I’m glad those assholes were over-the-top enough to put a tracker on you.”

Blue sobered a little. “I know. At first, I was mad that they did it but then I realized there was no way they would have found me without it.”

“True,” Harley mumbled. “But at least now I know not to accept anything from anyone no matter how nice the gift is.”

Blue chuckled. “The only person you will receive anything from is Trigger. No one else would dare unless they don’t value their life.”