Page 7 of Restored

“Personally, I think this is a great idea,” Wicked speaks up. “It’s not like we don’t have people within the industry in our family who can help you out with this. I’m sure you’ve already talked to them, but Kiara would be the first one I’d contact.”

“I plan on talking to her. She is the first one I want to have lining the shelves in the store. She’s done so much for all of us over the years and I want to show her my appreciation,” I tell him honestly.

“I agree with Wicked,” Bull steps up and sets the business plan on the desk in front of Venom. “We’ve got more than enough money to help you get this started based on the numbers you have here. And the storefront is available with no plans for it. So, as far as I’m concerned it’s yours. Venom, the call is yours. You can make a decision right now, or we can take this to the table when we have church again.”

“With everythin’ goin’ on, I don’t want to bring this to the table. I’m not sure one person in particular would be open to this startin’. So, I’m gonna make a decision now and we’ll let others know when we have to. Kasey, if this is somethin’ you wanna do, then I’m gonna give you the go ahead to make it happen. Bull will make sure you get the keys in a few days. For now, keep puttin’ your plans in place and remember we’re all here if you need us, Kasey. You’re fuckin’ family and we’ll always have your back. If the boys and you need anythin’, just let us know and we’ll be there for you,” Venom says, his voice getting that hard edge again because he knows I’ve been avoiding everyone in the club.

There’s no real reason I’ve been staying away from the club members and ol’ ladies. In my mind, I don’t want them to ask me the questions I don’t know the answers to. At this point, I’m so confused about things with Anthony and myself and the people I’ve grown up with and have gotten to know since being here in Cedar Bay only want to know what’s going on. I can’t blame them because we all want to be there for everyone else. However, this is something I’m keeping close because of all the unknown aspects of it. Anthony and I need to sit down and have a conversation or make decisions on our own. Until that happens, I want to keep my private life as private as I can.

“Thank you, Venom. I appreciate you helping me start this bookstore. For now, I don’t know what’s going on, but decisions need to be made soon. Once I know what’s going on, I’ll let someone know,” I tell them, grabbing up my bag before standing and turning to get the boys so we can leave.

“Are you goin’ to the house for the night or goin’ out again?” Wicked asks me, pulling out his phone.

“I don’t know yet. I think Haley’s working tonight so I’ll more than likely make something at home.”

“You really don’t go anywhere others from the club are. I don’t want to answer the questions I’m sure you’re all dying to ask. So, I’ll probably go home and have a quiet night with the boys before going to bed. Anthony can do as he pleases. Not that he really gives a shit about what I think lately,” Venom states before I leave his office and head through the common room of the clubhouse to get outside.

“Kasey, are you okay?” Sami calls out from the kitchen as I quicken my steps.

“I’m good. Just need to get home,” I answer her as the main door opens and Shield stands in front of me.

“Daddy!” Andrew yells, pulling from my hand to run to him.

Anthony scoops our son up in his arms and holds him close for a few minutes. Griffin soon wants to run to his daddy too and I let go of his hand so he can. I stay close to Griffin in case he gets tripped up and falls on the floor. I’d rather grab him and keep him from being hurt instead of having an unnecessary injury that might require a trip to the hospital.

“Daddy coming home?” Andrew asks him, his voice almost too loud in the common room as everyone stares at us.

“Not right now, buddy. I have to go to work soon. I’ll be heading there for the night and then coming back once I’m done. I’ll have breakfast with you in the morning. How does that sound?” Anthony asks him as he bends over to pick Griffin up in his other arm.

“Yay!” Andrew cheers, every ounce of excitement coming out of our little boy.

Griffin tries to cheer along with his big brother even though he has no clue what’s going on. I can’t help but laugh at my boys. It’s so good to see them happy. That’s why this entire situation with Anthony hurts so fucking much. It’s like he hasn’t thought about anyone but himself and only his feelings matter right now. The boys and I don’t factor into anything he’s thinking about or feeling. If he has to be that selfish right now, I’ll make sure our boys are happy and know they’re loved.

“Are you boys ready to go home? We have to call Papa,” I ask, needing to get the hell away from Anthony and everyone’s prying eyes.

“You’re callin’ your dad?” Anthony asks me, making sure I know that’s captured his attention as concern fills his face.

“Yeah. It’s nothing new, Shield. I call my dad once a week so the boys can talk to him. Did you really fucking forget everything that’s happened in our lives over the years?” I ask him, not intending to but not being able to stop myself either.

“I haven’t forgotten, Kasey,” Anthony returns, setting the boys on the floor at his feet after giving them each a long hug.

“Could’ve fooled me,” I mutter just loud enough for him to hear as I take the boys’ hands once more and step around Anthony to leave the clubhouse.

Without looking back or waiting for Anthony to offer to help me get the boys in the SUV, I head to my vehicle and get them in their seats so I can get in the driver’s side and get the fuck out of here. We just gave everyone a damn show and it’s only going to lead to more questions they have for us. Well, since Anthony is the one making all the decisions and spending all of his time at the clubhouse, he can deal with this shit. I’m perfectly happy to remain at the house all alone with the boys. At least until I find somewhere else to live. I won’t be staying here for much longer. For now, I can find some place in Cedar Bay and make sure I remain close to Anthony for the boys.

After seeing Anthony, I can’t even be happy that Venom has given me the green light to open my bookstore. I’ll have to pretend when I call my dad because if he knows something is wrong, he’ll be down here so fucking quick. That’s the last thing I want because it means he’ll go after Anthony and there won’t be any stopping him. Not because I ask him to or anyone else steps in front of him. When my dad loses his shit, he doesn’t let anyone stand in his way of getting the person he’s going after. I’ve grown up with him and know how my dad is when it comes to someone he cares about being hurt. With the way he is with me, there’s no way he’s not gonna be there for me and go after anyone he feels is treating me wrong.

Pulling up to the house, I get the boys out and help them up the front stairs and through the door. The second we’re inside, I help Andrew go to the bathroom before we all take a seat on the couch. Turning the TV on, I turn the volume down low and put on one of the boys’ favorite movies before pulling out my phone to call my dad. He answers on the first ring and I try to keep my voice as neutral as possible.

Thankfully my dad doesn’t realize there’s shit going on between Anthony and me. I keep our part of the conversation quick and easy, not even mentioning the bookstore to him yet. For some reason, I don’t want anyone else to know until I’m ready to tell everyone. Then, I’ll make sure my dad is the first person I call. He’s always been my biggest supporter and I know this will be no different. The boys talk to my dad for longer than I do and I start making our dinner while they’re still on the phone with him. I don’t plan on doing anything for the rest of the night but hanging out with my boys and going to bed early. I probably won’t be able to sleep, but that’s nothing new. I’m so damn tired from the lack of sleep I’ve been getting.

Chapter Six


KASEY IS UP to something. I’ve got a feeling deep in my gut and I know she’s planning on doing something. I’m just not sure what it is at this point. My own stubbornness won’t let me talk to her about it either. I know a few days ago when she overheard me, I found her coming out of the hallway leading to the offices. I might not have been inside long enough to realize what she was doing here, but I know she didn’t come from the kitchen. Not when Sami was asking her if she’s okay. So, now I want to figure out what’s going on with her. She’s made a comment about moving out of the house, but I have no clue where the fuck she’d go other than back to Clifton Falls to be with her family. Her dad is gonna fucking kill me if he has to come down here to get her and our boys. Plus, I won’t be able to see them and let them know just how much I love them on a regular basis. I’m fucking up all the way around and I can’t seem to stop doing it.

No one in the club is saying anything to me when it comes to Kasey either. Whoever she talked to a few days ago is keeping their lips fucking shut and that doesn’t help the situation at all. I’m about to go make Venom tell me what’s going on. Though, no one can really make Venom do something he doesn’t want to do. So, I’m going to have to suck it the fuck up and figure out some way to talk to Kasey and make sure she’s not leaving Cedar Bay.