Page 6 of Restored

Work was fucking insane tonight. Not only was a fight breaking out every few minutes, but we had two separate bachelor parties in the club. They were all about getting the soon-to-be grooms lap dances and laid. When we tried to explain to their drunk asses no sex would be happening in the club, they didn’t seem to understand what we were saying. I had to throw both parties out of the club. Especially when Brantley cut them off because they were so fucking drunk. They started throwing a fit worse than all the kids at the clubhouse combined and throwing glasses. Ariel, one of our strippers, got hit with a piece of glass and it cut her face. That’s not shit I take lightly.

Viking took care of Ariel while I made sure the assholes were put in cabs and taken home. Or wherever else they were going for the night. I don’t give a fuck who you are, who your parents are, or anything else. You’re not gonna come into one of our businesses, start shit because you don’t get your way, and then hurt one of our employees. Those fuckers will be banned from the club and not allowed in ever again. We’ll keep pictures of them up so everyone knows to get Viking or myself to kick them back out if they do show up and are let through the door.

The rest of the night I played bouncer, helped Brantley, and did my usual jobs around the club. When it came time to walk the girls out to their cars, Viking did it and made sure I was far from Clarissa. Yes, she did come up to me once again and tried to push herself on me. This time I didn’t just stand there and let her touch me. I pushed her away and made sure she knew not to forget herself. I reminded her I’m in a relationship with someone and don’t fucking cheat. Clarissa doesn’t need to know things aren’t good between Kasey and myself. She’s not entitled to know a fucking thing about my life.

Instead of following Brantley and Viking back to the clubhouse, I pulled away from them and went on a ride. I’m sure Viking is making things up in his mind about what’s happening and what I’m doing. I don’t really give a fuck what he thinks. What I do isn’t up for debate and it’s none of anyone’s business but mine. Maybe Kasey’s, but even that’s debatable right now. I did hear her the other day when she told me to cut her loose and not cheat on her. Or just cut her loose period. I’ve broken her and she’s usually such a strong woman. Instead of putting me in my place for treating her like shit, she’s been taking it without saying a word in response. She simply goes about her day and waits to see if I’m going to say or do anything. Maybe I should talk to her and make sure she knows we’re over. Though I don’t know why she’d move out of the house.

The house was built for our family. I put a lot of thought into how I wanted it set up and what I knew Kasey always wanted in our home. She got everything she wanted and so much more. Now, she’s talking about moving out of there and it being my house. The house isn’t mine. It’s ours. A place we could make a home for our boys. I don’t want her to leave her family. The club members here are her family. She doesn’t need to cut them out of her life because we’re not together any longer. That’s never been my intention.

The ride through town and the surrounding area does nothing to clear my head. I’m so fucking twisted up inside and no amount of time is going to make any of this shit make sense. I have no clue what Kasey’s thinking or what I’m truly putting her through because I’m not letting myself see it. If she’s anywhere near the house or in town, I don’t let myself go there. That’s why I’ve been at the clubhouse so much. Venom didn’t need to tell me she hasn’t been showing up there. I know she hasn’t been there for a long time. I just didn’t know she was so upset about not being my ol’ lady. It’s been a long time since we talked about it. So, I put it out of my mind.

Heading back to the clubhouse after riding for a few hours, I park and make my way inside. No one’s in the common room since it’s the middle of the night now. I make my way toward my room to find Clarissa standing there.

“What the fuck are you doin’ here? You aren’t allowed in the clubhouse,” I bark out, my voice echoing in the hallway.

“I’m waiting for you, Shield. You know you want me,” she purrs, taking a few steps toward me.

“No, I don’t. Clarissa, I’m with someone and we have a family together. You think fuckin’ you is worth losin’ her and my boys? You’re not. You are nothin’ more than an employee for the club and that’s what you’ll always be. Even if you quit and leave, I still won’t fuck you. Get the fuck outta here,” I bark out as one of the doors behind me open.

“What the fuck is goin’ on out here?” Hawkeye asks, coming up to stand next to me.

“I just got back from a ride to find Clarissa waitin’ outside my room. I’m not even sure how she knows it’s my room right there. Why the fuck is she here, Hawkeye?” I ask, knowing he’s more than likely been at the clubhouse for a while.

“I don’t fuckin’ know. Been a little busy, Shield. Clarissa, it’s time for you to go. We’ll be lookin’ over the camera footage to find out what the fuck is goin’ on. If I ever see you in here again, you’re not gonna like what happens,” Hawkeye promises Clarissa as he grabs her arm and drags her from the hallway and toward the common room.

I listen in as she screams and hollers the entire time Hawkeye is removing her from the clubhouse. Shaking my head, I know this bitch is gonna be a problem moving forward. I’ve got enough to deal with Kasey and this is only gonna add to it. I’ve already gotta explain what she overheard earlier in the common room. Just one more thing added to my pile of shit to do. Going in my room, I close the door and make sure it’s locked before stripping down and making my way to the bathroom. A hot shower is needed before I climb in bed. Tomorrow, I want to spend some time with my boys before going to work again. I’ll have to message Kasey when I get up. For now, I just want to ease the tension from my body and try to get a few hours of sleep. Something I’m rarely able to do lately.

Chapter Five


WALKING INTO THE clubhouse earlier and hearing that Anthony let some girl all over him at Wild Things, finished breaking what was left of my heart. To know that he doesn’t want to have sex with me because it’s become boring also broke something inside me. He’s never once said anything to me about wanting to try anything different or anything. Instead, he kept that shit to himself and has more than likely been fucking me out of pity or some kind of obligation. Well, I’m not gonna be some pity fuck for him. I don’t fucking need him. So, I left before he could make excuses and took the boys with me. Andrew wanted to know why I was crying, but I made up some excuse about biting the inside of my cheek and it hurting very badly. I couldn’t tell my three year old son that my heart had just shattered and splintered apart because of his daddy.

I left the compound completely. There was no way in hell I was about to let anyone see me fall apart. So, I took the boys a few towns over where I know Vault and the Phantom Bastards are. We spent a couple of hours playing at a playground, getting lunch, and window shopping. I ran into Valor and spent some time talking to him. It’s been a long time since I saw most of the members from the Phantom Bastards so it was nice to catch up with Valor. Then, we went back to Cedar Bay and I went back in the clubhouse. It was safe to do so because I knew Anthony had already left for work. Hell, maybe he went in early to fuck that Clarissa girl before her shift. Give her a reason to dance.

Keeping the boys with me, I made my way to Venom’s office and knocked on the door.

“Come in,” he called out, his voice muffled behind the thick wooden door.

Opening the door, I gave him a small smile, and sat the boys down on the couch in his office. Taking a seat in front of his desk, I kept my bag in my lap.

“Is there any way we can get Wicked and Bull in here for this? I need to talk to the three of you about something I’ve been wanting to do for a long time now,” I ask him, nerves filling me as I think of the business plan sitting in my bag.

“Of course. Kasey, are you okay? I mean after what happened earlier, you just ran out of here,” Venom returns, concern filling his face.

The last thing I want to do is talk about what’s going on with Anthony. Especially with our boys in the same room. So, I brush off his concern and let him know I’m okay while he pulls his phone out and messages Wicked and Bull to come to his office. I wait in silence because if I talk more than I have to, I know I’m gonna break. It’s taking everything in me to hold myself together. I’ve done nothing but replay Anthony’s words all day long and I’m about at the end of my rope. This is just the first step in getting my life figured out and making sure I can stand on my own.

Wicked and Bull show up and stand behind Venom on the opposite side of his desk. Taking a deep breath, I reach into my bag and pull out the business plan I’ve spent hours creating. I set it on the desk and look at Venom, Wicked, then Bull before saying a word to anyone.

“I know there are still empty storefronts in town. I’ve been wanting to open a bookstore for a long time. I’ve put together a business plan and done all kinds of research into opening one. I already know which storefront I’d like to use for this and have included it in the business plan. I don’t know if you guys have plans for any new businesses going in, but I’d like it if you all could take a look through my plan and then put it up for a vote as I know you have to do. That’s all I wanted to meet with the three of you for,” I say, standing up and slinging my bag over my shoulder so I can get the boys and leave.

“Kasey, sit down, sweetheart. I don’t know what’s goin’ on with you, but we’re still your family. We’re always gonna be your family. No matter what happens in anythin’ else, we will have your back,” Venom says, pulling the business plan toward him and starting to look through it.

“It’s okay, Venom. I know you have ways to approve everythin’ and this will have to be a club decision. Today isn’t one of your usual church days, so I’m perfectly fine with waiting for an answer. If you do decide not to approve this. I have already talked to Valor and he’s willing to take this to the Phantom Bastards in their town to get it approved. I wasn’t trying to go behind your backs here. I’m just trying to keep my options open and make sure things happen for me. That’s not to say that they’ll definitely approve it if you don’t here. It’s just a backup plan in case the club doesn’t want me to do this,” I inform them as I remain seated while Bull and Wicked look over my business plan once Venom hands it over to them.

“You’ve already talked to someone else about startin’ a business? Before you even came to us? When did you even see Valor?” Venom asks me, his voice showing the hurt he feels at me going to someone else about this.

“I saw him earlier today. When I heard you talking to Shield this morning when I came down to see if we could have this meeting, I wasn’t going to stay around here. So, I went out to their town with the boys. I ran into him and we ended up talking for a little bit. I brought up having to get back to meet with you despite not setting anything up and he asked if I was okay. So, I told him what I wanted. Valor is ready to take this to the table and put it up if this isn’t something you guys are interested in. I’m sorry if you’re hurt by this, but I have to do this for me and the boys. When everything is completely up in the air, I need to have plans in place and something to fall back on,” I state with every ounce of confidence I have inside me because this is that important to me.