Page 20 of Restored

Chapter Fourteen


ANOTHER WEEK HAS passed and I’m not any closer to talking to Kasey than I was at the beginning of this shit. We just can’t seem to find the time to get together and talk about things. She’s trying to get the shop ready to open and have her grand opening and I’ve been working at Wild Things or hanging out with the boys when I’m not at work. It lets Kasey work at the shop without watching them every two seconds and I get the boys. I love spending time with my boys because they bring joy to my life. All of my happiest moments involve the boys and Kasey. Now, those moments just involve the boys. Everything else is fucking shit and I have no one to blame but myself. So, I have to figure out a plan and put it in motion and not give a fuck about the timing or anything else.

Today, my dad and Rage want to take me to dinner. I’m not sure why we’re suddenly going out for dinner when the club always has something going on and a meal is always prepared for the single guys who haven’t moved into their homes yet. Or the people still staying with us that Horton had in his clutches. Everyone here has to eat. With my mom and Keegan being here, the food has been even better as they round up the ol’ ladies and spend most of the day in the kitchen. Not that we don’t eat good when they’re not here, it’s just different. So, tonight I’m going out to eat with the guys and I hope I come back in one piece.

“Are you ready to go?” my dad asks, walking into my room at the clubhouse where I stay when I don’t have the boys.

“I’m as ready as I can be,” I answer him, nerves filling me because I seriously have no clue what this is about.

I’m sure it’s something about Kasey, but that’s just a guess. My dad and Rage are still pissed at me and everyone else here so that’s the only logical conclusion about what this dinner is for. I leave my room and make sure my door is locked. Venom had all the locks replaced in the clubhouse and we were all given new keys. With Missy having a key to every door in here, we can’t be sure that someone else hasn’t pulled the same shit. So, we all voted not to take any chances and had them changed to make sure this shit doesn’t happen again. The guys also threw out all the condoms in the clubhouse and bought new ones. This shit is fucking ridiculous.

My dad and I walk into the common room where Rage is waiting for us. The three of us head out and take Rage’s truck. I sit in the back alone while they sit up front. None of us speak as we make our way through town and head out of town. Now I’m really confused. We have places to eat here in Cedar Bay so it doesn’t make sense to leave town for dinner. Especially when I have to work in a few hours. It doesn’t really matter where we eat because I’m sure I won’t be eating much food. I don’t have an appetite and hardly eat anything unless I’m out with the boys. It's not healthy, but I can’t change it.

I stare out the window of Rage’s truck as the scenery passes by. I barely register anything as he speeds down the highway toward our destination. I’m lost in my head with thoughts of Kasey and what she’s doing right now. I know Keegan wanted to spend time with her and the boys since our dads were taking me out to dinner. I guess Kasey told her she had plans with a friend and wouldn’t elaborate on what she was doing. All I know is the boys were gonna be with her and she wasn’t really leaving home. So, Keegan and my mom stayed at the clubhouse and helped the ol’ ladies make dinner for everyone else.

It's not until we pull into a semi-crowded parking lot that I finally start to pay attention after shaking my head to get the thoughts from keeping me occupied. Looking around the parking lot, I see a lone biker sitting on his bike a few spots down from us. I have no doubt it’s Valor even though I can’t clearly see him from the trucks parked between us and him. Now I’m really confused about what the fuck is going on and why my dad and Rage are pulling this shit.

“What’s goin’ on?” I ask, needing to know before I get out of this truck.

“We’re havin’ dinner, Anthony. Valor lives in this town and he wants to talk to you. So, we made it happen. Not sure what he wants to say, but this is gonna happen,” Rage answers me, his voice hard and cold as he gets out of the truck and walks away.

With a deep breath, I get out of the truck and follow them to the front of the truck. Valor is standing there as he greets Rage and my dad. I remain back away from them until Valor turns his attention on me.

“Shield, it’s been a long time,” he finally says, sticking his hand out for me to shake.

“It has,” I return, my voice void of emotion.

Valor and I shake hands before the four of us head inside and take a booth that’s away from the other customers so we can talk. I sit next to my dad while Valor takes the seat next to Rage. We all remain quiet while looking at the menus already on the table. It doesn’t take me long at all to figure out what I want to eat and drink. Setting the menu down, I stare at Valor across the table from me.

“So, why this meetin’, Valor?” I ask just before the waitress comes up to take our order.

We all give her our order and hand over the menus before she turns and walks away from us. Valor doesn’t answer me until he’s sure the waitress isn’t going to turn around and come back to our table for some reason.

“I want to let you know where I stand when it comes to Kasey. I’m man enough to know what the fuck I want and to let you know face to face. We all grew up around one another on a regular basis. I knew from a young age that you and Kasey would be together. Hell, I respected that you found your one so fuckin’ early in life. I played the field and was content to fuck a different pussy every damn night while bein’ a Prospect for my club. I put any thought of Kasey out of my mind. Now, that’s all fuckin’ changed.

“The last thing I was expectin’ to see in this town was Kasey and your boys at a playground because she didn’t want to be in Cedar Bay. She didn’t really tell me much of anythin’, but I put the pieces together enough to know shit ain’t good between the two of you. I know you’re hurtin’ her on a daily basis. Also know she moved out and lives on her own. I tried to get her to move here and be closer to the Phantom Bastards. To be closer to me. Instead, she wants to stay close to you for the boys. I respect that because she’s puttin’ them first as it should be. However, that doesn’t mean I’m not gonna make a fuckin’ play for her. I’ll give her all the time she needs to get over your ass. When she’s ready to move on, I’m gonna be there for her. I’ll be there to pick up the pieces every single time you shatter her heart and make her a part of my life. If you want me to back the fuck off, you need to tell me now, Shield. You’re the only one stoppin’ me from goin’ full on with her right now. If you tell me you want her and are gonna fix this shit with her, then I’ll back the fuck off. However, you can’t even have a simple conversation with her. So, tell me what your plan is with her and the kids. Especially the one she’s carryin’ now,” Valor finishes speaking just before the waitress comes back over with our drinks.

“Kasey is mine, Valor. She’s always been mine. I don’t know what the fuck to do because of what I’m feelin’ right now. It’s hard to explain,” I state, looking him in the eyes so he knows I’m telling the truth.

“Anthony, we’ve all been where you’re at. You and Kasey been together so fuckin’ long it feels like forever already and you’re only in your twenties. You’ve got two amazin’ kids and another one on the way. Your life feels mundane and completely routine. Doin’ the same shit day after day and nothin’ changin’. Every fuckin’ one of us has felt exactly as you do right now. It’s how we handled the situation versus what you’re doin’ that separates us. We figured out what to do to spice shit up again. Date nights. Doin’ different shit in the bedroom. Conversations about what was goin’ on. Bein’ completely open and honest with one another. You haven’t done any of that with Kasey. Instead, you hurt her and make her feel as if she’s not good enough to be your ol’ lady while takin’ care of the boys,” my dad says, looking at me instead of anyone else.

“I can’t tell you the times I was hit on by another woman and felt the thrill rush through me. Keegan is the love of my life and I’ll never leave her. However, it’s different to know other women still want you. I get it. That little bit of excitement courses through you and it makes you wonder if there’s someone better out there. I can fuckin’ tell you right now that no one will ever fuckin’ compare to my baby girl. Kasey loves with everythin’ in her and has given you everythin’ she has to give. Now, it’s up to both of you to make this shit work. I can’t see her wantin’ to make things work when you haven’t claimed her as your ol’ lady, but that’s on you and not her,” Rage says, the cold edge never leaving his voice.

“I wouldn’t fuckin’ hesitate to claim Kasey as mine. I know how truly amazin’ she is and would want the world to know she’s mine. There’s no reason for you not to have claimed her already with how long you’ve been together. This is all up to you. I’m gonna keep an eye on Kasey. If I find out that you’re not holdin’ up your end of the deal and makin’ this shit right with her, then I’m gonna step in and make my move. I know it won’t start a war between our clubs because that’s the last thing we all want. This is personal between the two of us. So, this is your only warnin’ that I’m simply bidin’ my time and waitin’ to see how this plays out. I won’t ever step on your toes or pull Kasey away from you. I’m a patient man and can wait for you to work your shit out. Just know where I stand,” Valor says as our food gets delivered and we all dig in.

If I thought I didn’t have an appetite before, I really don’t have one now. Hearing from Valor himself that he wants Kasey is not something I ever thought I’d hear from the man I grew up knowing because of the close ties his club has to the Wild Kings. Now, I have one more person wanting me to rush this shit with Kasey and figure things out before I can think straight about everything. Yes, I know I’ve had months now. However, I’m not about to lose Kasey to Valor. I know he’s a good man and will treat her like a fucking queen.

The four of us finish our meal and we all leave. Valor doesn’t say another word about Kasey as we all shake hands and get in the truck while he climbs on his bike. I don’t say a word as we make our way back to Cedar Bay. This sit down with Valor just made everything with Kasey even more real than it was before. Now I know there’s someone out there who wants the woman I’ve loved most of my life. I have to figure this shit out and make sure the two of us sit down and talk about things and be completely open and honest with one another. I guess I’m the one that has to work on that. Kasey has been open with me and hasn’t held back. I’m the one holding back and it needs to fucking stop. I need to do better.

Stepping through the doors of Wild Things, I take a deep breath. Clarissa isn’t here and rushing up to spew more of her bullshit at me. As I look around the club, there are a ton of new faces. Mainly women, but a few guys are in the club as well. There’s a large man behind the bar with Kountry. He’s got a bald head with a black beard covering his face. His eyes are on what he’s doing behind the bar. The shirt he’s wearing stretches tight across his chest and arms. Kountry is talking to him about shit and I’m sure it’s about what’s expected from him as a new bartender for our club.

There are new girls standing on the stage as one of them dances through a routine. Instead of having three or four girls dancing here, there are seven up on stage now. I don’t even care who they are. I’m not gonna be talking to any of them. The closest I have to get is making sure they’re protected while here and walking them out to their cars at the end of the night when it’s my turn. A few other men are walking through the club with Viking. There are also more girls walking around the main floor and getting the tables ready for the doors to open. Everyone is wearing the uniform we have for anyone who’s not a dancer here.

“What the fuck is goin’ on? I knew we were hirin’ some new employees, but this isn’t what I was expectin’,” I say to Viking as he makes his way over to me.

“Venom thought we should hire more than we originally planned on. It will free us up from steppin’ behind the bar and on the doors. The dancers will bring in money and we’ll have waitresses to take care of the customers. You and I can handle other things here in the club and have time off for a change. We’ve both been workin’ almost nonstop since openin’ the club and it’s time for us to get away from here for a day or two durin’ the week. You’ve had more time off lately, but I need time off too. We’re gonna make it happen,” he tells me, a smile on his face as he looks around at our new employees.