Page 21 of Restored

“Good deal. I’ll be able to spend more time with the boys and have them overnight more. I’ve only had them overnight once so far and I want to make it happen on a regular basis until I get this shit sorted out with Kasey,” I tell him as we make our way toward the bar.

“How was dinner with the dads?” he asks, a smirk on his face.

“Did you know what was gonna happen tonight?” I question, not sure how many people know about the situation with Valor.

“What are you talkin’ about? I knew they were plannin’ on takin’ you to dinner but nothin’ else,” he says, motioning for everyone to leave us alone as we sit on Kountry’s side of the bar.

“Valor was there. Told me to my face that he wants Kasey. If I don’t get my shit sorted out and straight with her, he’s gonna make a fuckin’ move. He’s wanted her for a while and respected me enough to keep it to himself. Now I have to live with the fact that there’s a man out there who we all know and grew up with that wants my girl. How do I make that shit right? How do I see the Phantom Bastards and Valor knowin’ he wants Kasey?” I question him, my voice just above a whisper as I look around the club.

“You fight for your woman if that’s what you want, Shield. If Kasey is your person, then you show her. The time for fuckin’ words has passed and now it’s time for you to show her the man you are. Show her that you love her and will do anythin’ to make it work. You’ve fucked up and need to understand how she feels. This isn’t gonna be easy at all. Put in the work and make it happen. Or, step back and let Valor have Kasey. The decision is one the two of you have to make together. You can’t choose somethin’ for her and she can’t choose somethin’ for you. The two of you have to work together and talk this shit through. I’ve been tryin’ to tell your ass that for months and you didn’t want to listen. You just kept spewin’ shit about bein’ confused and not knowin’ how to explain shit to anyone includin’ her,” Viking says, standing close to me as Kountry makes sure no one else gets close.

“I know. It’s time for me to step up. I’ve got this,” I tell him, a small smile playing on my lips because I know it’s time for me to get my head out of my ass and to get my girl back.

The night at work goes by quick as fuck. Viking and I remain on the floor, watching over everyone and helping them out when they need it. I don’t even get to get my hands dirty with breaking up fights because the new bouncers take care of it before I can even take a step in that direction. From what I can see, it looks as if everyone that’s been hired is going to make a great addition to Wild Things. This is going to make things so much easier on us moving forward. For that, I’m thankful because I need to get to work on repairing things with Kasey.

Chapter Fifteen


TODAY IS ANOTHER appointment for the baby. I let Anthony know because he asked me to. It’s his first chance to prove to me that he’s going to step up and be here for the new baby. I get to have an ultrasound and I keep going back and forth about whether or not to find out the gender of the baby if he or she cooperates. I haven’t talked to Anthony about this yet. With the boys, we found out what we were having. I’m just not sure if he wants to do it this time. I kind of like the idea of knowing what we’ll be having so I can start preparing for when the baby is born. If Anthony doesn’t want to find out, then I guess we won’t. Either way we decide, I’m good with at this point if I’m being honest. The only thing I truly care about is having a healthy son or daughter. That’s the most important thing to me.

Lyric has been spending time with me every single day. She’s not working right now after just getting laid off. I’ve offered her a job at the bookstore with me if she wants something right now. She’s thinking about it. My parents, Glock, and Melody have met her and she won them over without even trying. Lyric has been helping me with the boys and the house as often as she can. I’ve met her sister Paige, but only in passing. She was running late for some meeting or something when we ran into one another outside the trailers as I was getting back from picking up the boys from Anthony.

While I go see Doc for my appointment, Lyric will stay here with the boys. They love her and my parents won’t be far behind me leaving. They want to be here when I get back to make sure the appointment went okay. My dad wants to see the pictures from the ultrasound and find out what I’m having. He always gets so excited for a new grandbaby. He’s like a kid in a candy store as he talks about all the ways he’s going to spoil and love them. If I come home and tell him I’m having a little girl, he’ll lose his mind. My mom will too. They both love the boys but want a little girl to love and spoil. I do too honestly.

“I’m here!” Lyric calls out as she enters the trailer and closes the door behind her to keep the air conditioning inside. “Are you ready to see him?”

Lyric knows all about Anthony and what’s going on between the two of us. I haven’t held anything back from her. She knows about me putting distance between myself and the club members and ol’ ladies as well. There’s not much she doesn’t know about the situation or me. I can say the same about her too. We became really close really fast and there wasn’t anything that was going to get in the way of that. I think this separation with Anthony had to happen so I could meet Lyric.

Grabbing my bag, keys, and phone, I head for the boys where they’re sitting on the couch watching a movie. It’s almost time for their nap and they go down for Lyric as easy as they do for me. Like I said, they love her and enjoy spending time with her.

“Mama loves you,” I say, leaning down and kissing Andrew as he looks up at me. “I’ll be back soon. Be good for Lyric.”

“Love mama,” he tells me as I move over to Griffin where he’s snuggled up with his blanket and teddy bear. “Love you little man.”

“Love,” Griffin says as I kiss him and stand back up.

I’ve got a twinge in my back from everything I’ve been doing the last few weeks. Putting the shop together has been a great experience and I know it’s just a matter of time before my dream is truly a reality. The day I can open the store will be the day I know I’ve made it. When I’m able to pay the bills, employ a staff, and sell the books I’ve come to love so much, I’ll know my dream is real. That I’ve truly done what I set out to do and there’s nothing that’s stopped me from making my dreams come true. The only thing that would make this better would be if Anthony were at my side. Since that’s not gonna happen any time soon, then I’m going to live my best life knowing I’m doing the best I can with what I’m working with.

“I’ll be back soon. Doc usually gets us right in and out. The longest part of my appointment should be the ultrasound. I did remember to tell you my parents would probably get here before I do, right?” I ask Lyric as I head for the door.

“Yeah. And not to be surprised if Anthony’s parents show up with them. I’m not gonna be doing anything but sitting here with my little best friends. Do you want me to take something out for dinner?” Lyric asks, knowing we usually eat together every night.

“No. I should be getting the last of the books in today. I think my dad is gonna make sure they’re inside the shop before coming over here. Tonight I need to check them off my inventory list and get them put up on the shelves. I’m so close to opening and having Kiera come down to do a signing for the grand opening. It’s just the last little bit of shit that has to be done before I can open the door. The sooner I get that done, the sooner I’ll be a business owner,” I answer her. “I’ll probably just get something from the diner on my way in. If you want to come with me, you can. My parents are gonna stay with the boys tonight until I get back. That means Glock and Melody will be with me so I’m not doing anything I shouldn’t be doing.”

“Okay. I don’t have anything else going on so there’s no reason I can’t come help out. Melody and I can start making sure everything is wiped down and ready to go. Glock can help you put shit on the shelves and move the boxes around,” Lyric says, her voice following me out the door as I shut it behind me and head for the SUV.

Getting in, I drive through town to Doc’s office. The one thing I love about Cedar Bay is that it doesn’t take long to get anywhere you wanna be. It’s a five minute ride from my trailer to the office as I park along the street and find Anthony already waiting for me. He’s sitting on his bike across the street as he leans back while still keeping it steady. I mean, it helps with the kickstand down, but it’s still so damn easy to tip one of those machines over. The guys have all been riding long enough to know what they can and can’t do on their bikes.

Shutting off the engine, I get out of the SUV and meet Anthony at his bike. I don’t know what to say to him as I look him over from the top of his head down to his boots. He’s wearing a pair of jeans that hug his legs close. The white tee-shirt covering his torso stretches tight across his body that’s hidden beneath his cut. A bandana is hanging out of his back pocket that I know he covers his face with when he goes on long rides. Today it’s the black one. He’s got a few that he uses, but the black one is his favorite. It’s the first thing I ever got him just after we started dating.

“Hey, sweet girl. Are you ready?” Anthony asks as he watches me step up onto the sidewalk before stepping up to my side.

“I am. Um, I’m having an ultrasound done today. Do you wanna find out the gender if we can? Or do you want to wait. I know in the past we’ve found out. I’m good with either way,” I tell him as we walk up the short sidewalk to the porch.

“We can find out if you want. I’d like to know if I’m honest. Maybe we’ll finally have our little girl,” he says while smiling down at me.
