Page 19 of Restored

Anthony: Yes you do. You just have to let them in. Instead, you talk to our parents and Valor. Are you seeing him?

Me: No, I’m not seeing Valor. Though if I wanted to start dating, that wouldn’t really be any of your concern. I’m not even close to being ready for a relationship. My heart is shattered and there’s no picking up the pieces. So, we’ll meet in about an hour if that’s okay. Do you want me to feed the boys lunch?

Anthony: I’m sorry, sweet girl. For everything. We’ll figure this out. I promise. No, I’ll make sure they have lunch. I think we’re gonna go out to lunch with my parents. Or at least my mom. My dad isn’t really talking to me right now.

Me: Okay. You can repair your relationship with him. You two are both stubborn though. I’ll see you in a while. Andrew is half asleep and I don’t want him peeing on me so I better get him in the bathroom.

Anthony: I’ll see you soon, sweet girl.

Seeing Anthony’s nickname for me on the screen breaks something even more deep inside of me. From a very young age, Anthony started calling me sweet girl. I can’t remember exactly what happened, but I was upset and crying over something. Anthony came up to me and said something before calling me sweet girl. Hearing him give me a nickname made my heart speed up and my breathing become shallow. The only person who’d ever given me a nickname was my dad. I’ve always been his baby girl. It’s been so long since Anthony called me sweet girl. I can’t stand seeing it on my screen from him.

Getting off the couch, I take Andrew into the bathroom so he can go potty. By the time he’s done, Griffin is waking up. I get him changed and ready for a day with his dad. Going through the boy’s rooms, I grab them some things I know they’ll want to take to their dad’s with them. There are just certain things we’ll have to take back and forth to the houses because the boys need them for their naps and things like that.

Once the boys are ready to go and the diaper bag is filled, I get them out to the SUV and buckled in. Driving through town, it doesn’t take me long to get to Haley’s. I park off to the side and wait for Anthony to get there. I’m early, but that’s nothing new. I’m usually early when I have to be somewhere. So, I leave the engine running and just sit there with the boys. Andrew and Griffin babble back and forth to one another. They have their own damn language it seems and I have to laugh at them as they laugh and talk. It’s one of the purest moments I love witnessing between my boys on a daily basis.

After a few minutes, Anthony pulls up in his truck. He leaves the engine running as I get out and start to get the boys from their seats. Anthony goes to the passenger side to get Andrew while I grab the diaper bag and Griffin from his seat. I turn and open the passenger side door of Anthony’s truck. Putting Griffin in his seat, I make sure he’s buckled in tight. Anthony puts Andrew in his seat and does the same. I set the diaper bag under Griffin’s feet and close the door after giving him a big hug and kiss. Walking around the truck, I give Andrew a hug and kiss before letting him know I’ll see him the next day.

“Is there a certain time you want to meet tomorrow?” Anthony asks me, leaning against his truck after I shut the door.

“No. I’ll be at the shop late tomorrow morning I think. I’m supposed to be getting more inventory in and have to get it all checked in before putting it on the shelves. I mean, if you want to talk to our parents, I think they might be coming in to help me. The boys can ride over with them if you want,” I answer him, looking at the ground instead of Anthony.

“I’ll keep them until you’re done workin’. Is there anythin’ I need to know about them?” he asks me, stepping closer and reaching out with his hand before dropping it without touching me.

“Nope. I think they’re confused by the move, but it doesn’t seem to be affecting them. So far, they’ve been loving having our parents here with them. Especially our dads. They spoil the boys rotten,” I tell him, finally looking up to see the regret and hurt filling Anthony’s eyes.

“Okay. Message me when you get close to bein’ done with work tomorrow and I’ll get the boys around to come meet you. Is there anythin’ you want me to bring you from the house? Maybe somethin’ you forgot?” he asks, trying to delay me leaving him for some reason.

“I didn’t forget anything, Shield. I took my things and half of the boys’ stuff. Nothing else in the house comes with me. It’s all yours. I have to go. I’ll see you tomorrow. If something comes up with them, call me,” I say before turning away from Anthony and going back to the SUV.

Getting in, I hold back the tears as I paste a smile on my face and look out the window while waving to the boys. Backing out of the diner’s parking lot, I head home. Again, I look in the rearview mirror to watch my entire world drive in the opposite direction. The tears start to slide down my face as I drive home. When I pull back into my driveway, I sit in my SUV for a little while. There’s no reason for me to rush in the trailer when the boys aren’t here with me. I literally have the rest of the day and night to myself and nothing to do.

Finally, I get out of the SUV and keep my keys in my hand. I’m walking up to the porch when I hear noise behind me.

“You must be new here,” I hear a woman say, her voice coming from behind me.

“I am. Been here a little over a week,” I answer, turning to face the girl standing before me.

She’s about my height with long dark brown hair. Her eyes are a bright emerald green and sparkle as the sunlight hits them just right. She’s wearing a pair of jean short cutoffs with a black tank top. Her left arm is covered in tattoos that are delicate and flow from one into the next. The girl’s skin is golden tan as she stands behind me with a large smile on her face. She’s got just the right amount of curves on her toned body. I’m kind of envious of her as she continues to smile at me.

“I’m Lyric and I grew up here in Cedar Bay. I’ve lived in these trailers for as long as I can remember. Elaine is a great landlord. She takes care of the place and if you ever have a problem, just let her know and someone will come out to fix it,” Lyric introduces herself to me before taking a few steps closer.

“I’m Kasey. I haven’t been in Cedar Bay for very long. I came here with the motorcycle club. I grew up several hours from here. My dad is a member of the club there. I’m here with my boys. They just got dropped off with their dad,” I tell her, not sure why I’m telling her so much information about myself when I usually don’t.

“It’s nice to meet you, Kasey. I’m not doing anything tonight if you wanna hang out or something. I know you don’t know me, but I believe in getting to know your neighbors. If you don’t want to, that’s perfectly okay. Have you had dinner yet?” she asks, her voice coming out in one rushed breath.

“Oh, um, we can hang out. I’m just getting ready to make something for lunch. If you want to come in, you’re more than welcome,” I tell her, giving her a smile.

Lyric follows me up on the porch and waits for me to open the door. This is so new for me. I typically keep everyone at arm’s length and don’t greet new people. Anthony knew how shy I am and how hard it was for me to make new friends. He kind of protected me from that by always being at my side. Now, I have to navigate this shit on my own and figure out who I want to let in my life and who I want to keep away from. I don’t think I can get rid of Lyric though. She seems as if she’ll be the girl who you become friends with no matter what you want or say. And I think I’m okay with that.

“I looked at this trailer when it became available. It’s simply too big for me though. I live with my sister and we don’t need a three bedroom. How many kids do you have?” Lyric questions me as we make our way to the kitchen and I pull out stuff to make burgers and fries.

“I’ve got two boys and another baby on the way. I’m just over four and a half months pregnant. Right now, I’m not sure what’s going on with their dad. Our break up is new. If you can even call it that. It’s a jumbled mess and I’m not sure what to think or feel about anything regarding my relationship,” I tell Lyric honestly.

“Well, if you ever need someone to talk to, I’m here. I know we’re just meeting, but I’m a great listener and can offer advice since I don’t necessarily know your ex or you. I can give you an outside perspective or something. My sister, Paige, says I always butt in where I’m not wanted. So, don’t hesitate to tell me to back off if I’m overstepping or something,” she says as she gets up and washes her hands.

Lyric and I make lunch together. We talk and get to know one another while cooking and then eating our lunch. Lyric is a great girl. She makes me laugh and comes up with the funniest stories to tell me. The tales about things her sister and her got up to before we moved to town sound fun as hell. Apparently there’s a large fair coming a few towns over in two months. It lasts an entire week and they have a ton of activities for everyone in the family to enjoy. Including rides and games. It’s something I’ll have to think about taking the boys to when it opens.

After eating lunch, we sit on the couch and watch some movies. There’s a few I’ve been wanting to see but haven’t been able to because I usually put something on for the boys. Making sure they have what they need or want will always come first. So, Lyric and I watch one movie after another while laughing and talking all night long. I feel as if I’ve known her most of my life instead of just meeting her today. Instead of being here alone and miserable, I made a friend and had a good time with her. I can’t ask for anything more if I’m being honest. Maybe living here won’t be so bad after all.