But he guides me to bed, helps me into my nightgown, tucks me under the blankets, and keeps one hand on my back while I silently cry myself to sleep.

5. The Key to Breaking

Burning pain explodes through the muscles in my legs, shooting into my lower back.

“They’re not human,” Niles pants next to me, nodding his head to Dessin and Warrose leading our run this morning. It seemed with sleep, Kane went back into the inner world by the time I woke, leaving Dessin to take his place.

We’re following the Emerald Lake River that cuts around the city to Hangman’s Valley—the forest of beasts. The barrier between DaiSzek and us. The woods littered with traps to capture or kill. Dessin wanted to scope it out in person.

“They’re figments of our imagination,” Ruth shouts from behind us. “Like we didn’t escape the asylum.”

“Like we’re in one of Skylenna’s wet dreams.” Niles nods to himself.

It is a sight. Warrose has his shirt off, tattoo markings glistening in sweat and the golden morning sun. Dessin sweats through his black-and-gray soldier’s attire. He refused to wear Demechnef colors of maroon and gold.

And looking at his back, muscles flexing under his clothes, shoulder blades moving in and out as he runs, I remember the burns on his back, stretched under his shirt. The beautiful, devastating pattern and proof that he’s looked after me on so many different occasions. It makes my heart stop and start, flipping happily in my chest. I bury the feeling immediately, drowning it out with the sting turning into a gruesome infection under my breastbone.

The wound of his lies.

Niles glances back at Ruth, who is falling farther and farther behind.

“Did you eat something this morning, Ruthie?” Niles asks.

“Of course I did; Warrose practically spoon-fed me.” She huffs in frustration. “But my legs are so much shorter than all of you. It’s hard to keep up. I have to work twice as hard!”

I look back to Warrose and Dessin. “Can we take a break?”

“No,” they bark back in unison.

“You know… you could always start moaning loudly to get Dessin to stop.” Niles continues running with a smile on his handsome lips.


“Moan. Seduce him, and he’ll stop to ravage you behind a tree or something.”

We stop hearing Ruth’s struggling footsteps behind us, so we look back, catching her resting at the side of the river, legs dangling in the rushing water.

I want to laugh. She’s such a slacker; honestly, it’s a refreshing contrast to Warrose, who has probably never slacked in his life.

Niles and I stop at the same time, turning to go back for her with suppressed smiles.

“It’s kind of cute how she’s not afraid to piss them off, huh?” Niles asks.

“Yes, actually.” Very cute. She’s leaned back on her hands, kicking her small feet in the water, basking in the sun like she’s on vacation.

“Having a nice spa day, Ruthie?” Niles sits next to her, glancing over his shoulder at Dessin and Warrose moving farther away in the distance. “There’s a chance you have bigger balls than me.”

I laugh. “We need to keep moving. They’re going to be pissed.”

“Fine by me. I’ll wait right here until they circle back.” Ruth lets her head fall back. “It’s kind of nice not having to worry about the sun freckling or aging my skin anymore.”

We’re not exactly being displayed like perfect little dolls in the city. We’re hidden away, which gives us more freedom.

I nod. I missed the sun on my skin. When I was little, I’d crave the warmth of the sun every day. Every time I was locked in that dark, cold basement, I’d pray for my next moment in the warm breeze, waiting for my next chance to absorb those golden rays.

I drop down next to Ruth, rolling up my pants to let my legs sink into the splashing river water. The cold is shocking, making goose bumps prickle over my entire body. But it’s revitalizing, soothing my hot, sweaty skin, slowing my heart rate and rapid breathing.

Niles and I sigh at the same time.