“Whoever is hosting can feel any alters that linger close to the front.”

That makes sense.

“Well, thanks for getting me drunk. It helps.” Hell, he’s so good-looking. I don’t know why I’ve been so mad. Why hasn’t he tried to kiss me? Do I want him to? I like getting to know him, but wow, he’s beautiful. And he carries himself with so much power and grace.

I really want to touch his mouth.

“You’re staring.”

“Am not.”And drooling.

“Is it strange for you? To speak to different people in one body?” he asks.

I shake my head. “No. I know it should be. But I like it. It’s an adventure getting to know everyone.” I smile lazily, relaxing deeper into the water and attempting footsie with him.

“You’re touching my foot.”

“I know. Touch mine back.”


“Err. It’s a way of flirting.”

“You’re flirting with me?”

I deadpan. “Careful. I’m in a fragile state. If you reject me, I might burst into tears.”

This time, the corner of Aquarus’s mouth curls upward.A smile!“Yes! I knew you had a smile waiting to come out!”

“You can’t flirt with me when you’re this… naked.”

“And wet.”

His smile, or attempt at a smile, slips away. Those large pupils seem to dilate even more. A calloused hand finds my foot, stroking it underwater.

“Mmm,” I sigh, heat pooling between my legs.

“I’d like to see you again, little siren. Maybe when you’re of sound mind, I can do more than flirt with your foot.”

“Iamof sound mind.”Ish.

But his focus disappears. And I know he’s going back to the sea. There’s the sound of a trickling waterfall as he steps out of the bathtub. But I stay put, wrapping my arms around my knees against my chest, trembling at the sudden cool draft kissing my naked body.

“Skylenna.” The accent is gone. It’s replaced with a familiar warmth. Like reading your favorite childhood storybook. Like smelling chocolate and being taken back to a sweet winter memory.


I look up from where my head rests on my knees. He’s standing by the vanity with a towel around his waist, and holding one out for me, the way he did when I bathed in the lagoon. I’m not sure why he’s come to the front. If there was a trigger, I’m not aware of it.

My stomach clenches and rolls, but I step out of the tub, holding my hands over my breasts and panty line. With water streaming down my body, I walk to him with quivering legs from the alcohol buzzing through my veins.

I didn’t want him to leave. It’s as if he popped the bubble I was safely in. Now, I’m back in the real world. My eyes burn, and my heart twists.

I hope the water pouring from my hair will disguise the tears in my eyes. But one look at Kane wrapping me in the large fluffy towel, and I know he sees me falling apart.

“I can’t talk to you,” I say, holding back my leashed anguish.

“I know, honey.”