Page 18 of True to You

“V.” I give her a sympathetic smile. “Don’t say that. If someone asks you, you’d better say yes. Unless you don’t like them, then say no. But don’t just say no because you’re swearing off boys because we both know that’s not true.”

“Yeah, yeah.” She waves me off, pulling out a top to look at.

A thought hits me, and I start asking without thinking. “What do you think about Matt?”

“Matt who?”

“Matt Hillard.”

“Oh.” She flashes me a flirty smile. “You mean President McHottie.”

“What?” I laugh.

“You remember? That’s what Cindy called him after he won.”

“Oh, yeah. I forgot.”

“Wait a second.” She stares at me with accusatory eyes. “Why do you ask?”

“What? No reason.”

“Yeah, right!” She practically runs around the rack of clothes, pointing a finger in my face. “Has someone been checking out Mr. President?”

“No.” I try to act as calm as possible. “I’ve just bumped into him a couple times. That’s all.”

“Oh.” She wiggles her brows. “You bumped into him?”

“Don’t be gross.”

“Girl, there’s nothing gross about bumping into any part of Matt Hillard. Believe me. Did you see that scruff he had going on a week ago? That was insanely hot.”

I have to bite my lip, not only remembering it when he bumped into me, but seeing it at the cosplay contest.

“It was a little choppy, but still sexy,” she adds.

“Choppy?” I scoff, before realizing I sound offended.

“Whoa, down girl.” She laughs. “Are you into him, or what?”

“No.” I don’t sound the least bit convincing. I know I have to change the subject. Otherwise, I’ll be close to spilling the beans. “Okay, maybe a little. But, I mean, who isn’t. Anyways, back to prom. Should we text Cindy and get her out here?”


I breathe a short sigh of relief as Veronica pulls out her phone and sends a text message to Cindy. The nagging is still at the back of my mind though. I was not only thinking about Matt, but I was also defending him. I just need time to forget everything. I remind myself that he doesn’t want to be known as a nerd. Even if I did like him, how would that work out? I’ll tell you how: it wouldn’t. Time to get back on track.