Page 17 of True to You

Veronica looks a little bummed, but I can see the fake smile she puts on. “Um, just a diet coke.”

“That’s it?” He smiles. “You usually get the vanilla/chocolate swirl with raspberries.”

Her face lights up. “You remember my order?”

“Sure.” He gives her a sly smile.

She looks behind us, at the girl that was just making out with him, and who’s now walking away. “Was that your girlfriend?”

“Something like that.”

“What does that mean?” Veronica’s tone changes from sweet to sour. Oh no, I’ve seen this side of her.

“It means what it means.”

“You mean, you hook up with her until you find someone else to hook up with?”

“Why? You offering?”

Without another word, she throws a slap across the counter, nailing him across the cheek. “Dick.”

She spins around and starts walking away. I give the guy an embarrassed smile, before scurrying after her.

“Okay, that was worth skipping homework for.”

“Guys are such jerks.”

“V.” I wrap my arm around her. “You gotta get over Tim. He’s an idiot.”

“Yes. He is.”

“And you should be grateful you found out he was cheating on you, before …” I lean into her a little closer. “You know.”

“I know.” All her anger disappears, replaced with hurt and embarrassment. “God, I was so close to sleeping with him at that party. At least, I thought I was. I’m such an idiot.”

“No, you’re not. He’s the idiot.”

“Yeah.” She lets out a sniffle. “You’re right.” We walk in silence through the mall a few more minutes before she takes in a long breath. “Okay, I’m sorry. Enough about all that. Want to look at prom dresses?”

“Sure.” I jump at the chance to change the subject, mostly out of concern for her.

Tim is a jackass. She caught him cheating on her and then he had the nerve to try and act like he was breaking up with her. The worst part? He blamed it on her weight.

Yes, Veronica is technically overweight, but I think she looks perfectly fine. I’m a little slimmer, but with our similar black hair, we get confused as sisters all the time. I was super offended for her when she told me what Tim told her after she caught him cheating. ‘I’ve just never been with a big girl before. It’s better that we just stay friends’. What an ass. If I had been there, I would have punched him. And I’ve never punched anything in my life.

As we enter the store, she starts browsing along a rack of clothes, but I can still see the look on her face, knowing her mind is racing. Time to change the subject.

“I was thinking of doing another cosplay dress.”

“Again?” She sighs. “You did that during homecoming. Come on, prom is supposed to be extravagant.”

“Yeah, but this will be amazing.”

“I guess.” She continues looking through the rack. “So, are we doing the group thing?”

“I don’t see why not. I mean, I don’t think I’m going with anyone. I know Cindy wants to go with someone, but I don’t think she’s planning on it.”

“Yeah. I don’t want anyone to ask me.”