He wasn’t her first, but this one time with him had blown all the others — few as they had been — out of the water. In his eyes, something had connected them… and it wasn’t only sex. She knew he felt the same way, could tell by the protective manner in which he held her.

“What’re you thinking there?” He asked, hoping that it was when they would be going for round two.

“I was wondering what the hell we’re going to tell my parents.”

Kane pulled a face and turned onto his back. “Can we not talk about your parents when we’re lying naked like this. It’s a bit of a come-down after what just happened.”

She laughed, a delicious tickle of a sound.

“I guess we could keep it secret, for now at least, since we’ve not discussed what this is.” She propped herself up onto an elbow to peer at him.

Even with the satiated mood, he could sense the concern her statement brought. She wasn’t a one-night stand type of girl, he was acutely aware of that. This was very much out of character. He needed to put her mind at ease.

“I should say that this can’t happen again…”

“But…?” She took comfort his tone implied otherwise.

“I’m looking at you… and it seems I’m not that strong or honorable as it turns out.”

He joked, his tone light, but his brow knotted, troubled by their predicament.

“I’m a big girl, Kane, contrary to what my parents seem to think. I can make up my own mind about my romantic entanglements: I certainly don’t expect anyone to dictate who I can be with.”

“I’m not saying you can’t. This is just… a complication. My boss isn’t going to be pleased.”

She arched a brow at him, fixing him with her sea-blue eyes.

“He can add his objections to my parents. I’m sure they’ll have a lot to talk about.”

Kane laughed, liking this new fiery side his passion had drawn out. She fell quiet then, her eyes taking on a distant, sad look.

“I’m still shocked by how they kept all of this from me. What were they thinking?”

“I wouldn’t be too hard on them,” His answer surprised him given how he had been feeling about their decision. “They thought they were protecting you.”

A sigh rolled out of Lexi, long and deep.

“That’s what you don’t understand. Despite what they might think, I’ve always taken care of myself. Sure they make the money and pay the bills, but it’s always been very clear to me that they are their own entity. They love me, yes, but I’ve never quite made it inside their inside circle. It’s never been the three of us. It has always been themandme. Does that make sense?”

It did. It suddenly occurred to him how damaging that could be to a child, to always know that they weren’t number one.

“And Dad might seem big and powerful, but when she’s off on location, he’s completely lost without her and I’ve had to be the one to take care of him. Why on earth would they think I couldn’t handle this?”

He turned back on to his side, took her hands in his.

“Because the threat is directed at you this time. It’s different, Lexi. Trust me, I know what I’m talking about.”

His mind went back to those dark times in the service. Flashes of his injured squad mates jumped into his mind, twisting his stomach. His expression became haunted and he turned away, not wanting her to see.

Giving him the space that he needed, her eyes flicked down to the scars on his chest. She hoped one day, he would be able to open up about them. Until then, she was happy to wait. As long as they could be together, she would be patient about this side of him.

A loud rumble came from his stomach. Kane glanced at the clock made completely out of glass that sat on the beside table.

“I should feed Bud. We should try out some of that delicious-looking food too.”

He sat up, pulling her up with him just as the sun burst through the open doorway beyond. The rays lit up around her, casting her in an ethereal light. She looked angelic and not of this world; she certainly didn’t look like she would be with someone like him.

He’d lucked out, big time.