Crushing her to him, he delved into her softness. She tasted sweet, yet there was a hint of mystery about her. She shrugged out of her tank top to reveal white lace lingerie beneath. He tried not to stare, but the sight of her half-naked was causing his brain to misfire.

He unbuckled her belt as she stepped out of her shorts. His body instantly responded, heat tearing through his loins.

By God, she was stunning!

His eyes ate up the sight of her, imprinting how she looked into his mind. He wanted to remember this moment forever.

Usually shy under his desire, Lexi found herself feeling bold and sexy. Seeing the reaction in him and how much he wanted her was such a turn-on that her inhibitions fell away.

She pushed against his body, digging her nails into his back. He gasped as she was rewarded by the shiver of his shoulders. She pulled off his shirt, almost tearing it in her haste, and was rewarded by his ripped torso and abs of steel. Scars criss-crossed his chest, physical signs of his tortured past. She studied each one, compassion pouring from her eyes as she traced a finger along the most vivid. When she reached the end of the scar, she lowered to kiss it.

A groan rumbled out of him.

She looked so sweet, yet her body was a wonderland ripe for exploring. His hand landed on her thigh as he moved it across her until it fell into the gap between her legs. She arched her back.

Hands on her butt, he lifted her off her feet, wrapping her legs around him. Lexi gasped, startled, and quickly grabbed onto his shoulders as he walked toward the bed. When Bud raised his head, wondering if he should follow them, Kane stopped him with a gesture.

He lowered her onto the bed. Her hair fanned around her in a halo of chestnut. He ran his fingers over her face down to her neck and her collarbone, feeling goose pimples raise on her skin. He dragged a finger down lower, playing with the edge of her panties. She shuddered, tensing up, waiting in anticipation, but he only moved his hands back up, drawing out the torturous wait longer.

Impatient with the delicate fabric getting in his way, Kane tugged both breasts out of the bra. They tumbled out as Kane nestled his face between those soft cushions. His tongue snaked out while his hands teased and played with her. Lexi’s eyes turned dark with desire as she watched him.

He sank his face into her, delving into her glory. Lexi moaned, pushing herself toward him, loving the wonderful sensations he was causing in her body. He removed her panties, tossing them carelessly to the carpet.

Lying there naked before him, she was quite possibly the most glorious woman in the world.

Her hands reached down and unbuttoned his cargo pants, pulled down his briefs. When he was naked, she drew in a breath, startled by the power he exuded. He was all man, yet in her hands, he trembled like a boy.

He moved on top of her. She writhed beneath him, a dangerous mix of sweetness and heat. His eyes feasted on her beauty that was for him alone before he slid his tongue into her mouth. She whimpered, threading her hand through his hair and squeezing his head tight, moving into him, desperate for more.

His mouth kissed a trail down her body until he found her special place. She gasped, head snaking back and forth across the pillow as he took her out of this world. And when she thought there was nowhere else to go, he moved into her. She met his hips with her own as their bodies rocked as one.

Lexi gasped at the feel of him. “Please, Kane…” she cried.

Lexi moaned as divine pleasure took over. Her gasps were so sexy, her body so exquisite, that the pressure started to build. He moved more urgently, drinking in her every reaction a man possessed.

The pressure built until it reached a crushing crescendo. They went soaring over, wave after wave of their passion juddering through their bodies. She gasped, then shuddered as he collapsed on top of her. She panted, great big breaths as the orgasm washed over her.

When they were done, he brushed her hair away so he could see her face. Her eyes were glazed over with a look of complete satisfaction. He took great pleasure in knowing that he was the cause.

“You are the most amazing woman I have ever known,” he said.

The smile that lit up her face was brighter than a million suns.

He wrapped his arms around her, knowing that everything he cared about in the world was in this one room.

Whoever the person making the threats against her was, he’d better be a bigger man because Kane was going to see to it that he would suffer for daring to even threaten her.

He would see to his pain himself.


Lexi lay cradled in his arms, marveling at the passion that had exploded between them.

They lay on their sides facing each other. He twirled a strand of her hair around his finger, eager to keep in physical contact even though they were both spent. A sexy, satisfied smile played on his lips, those lips that had done such wonderful things to her body.

She ran her eyes over his naked chest, greedily taking him in as if each second might be her last. Five floors below, the sounds of the city and her troubles seemed so distant as to have been in another world.

Then again, maybe this was just how it felt with him.