Lexi figured they had some other party surprise they wanted to spring on her, but, knowing that she hated surprises at the best of times, they would get her take on it first. “Sure. Give me ten minutes, I should be done by then.”
“Perfect. See you in a bit.”
Lexi hung up the phone and stepped into the shower. Steam fogged the air as powerful jets massaged her body. Pouring her favorite organic shower wash into her hand, she lathered herself, rubbing the creamy foam against her skin as the calming aroma relaxed her.
A short while later, she sat down at the vanity table wearing only a towel that she’d wrapped around her. Picking up a brush, she ran it through her hair, getting rid of any tangles her detangling spray might have missed when something caught her eye.
There was a man standing outside her room.
In their yard, frozen like a deer in the headlights. He stood on the stone terrace staring at her, eyes round with shock.
The next thing she noticed abouthim was his size.
He was big like her father but carried himself with an animal grace. Dressed in cargo pants and a sandy shirt the color of the desert, old scars played peekaboo beneath the collar of his shirt. He hadn’t shaved that day, his face covered with a shadow that only made him more appealing.
His ruggedness stood out among the sea of perfectly presented Californians. Something terrible must have happened to him, but she didn’t have a chance to think what that might be as she suddenly found herself pinned by his startling blue eyes.
They were as blue as the Pacific Ocean and clouded by a veil of mystery.
Her hand froze in mid-air.
She stared at his chiseled jaw beside a strong, firm mouth. His skin was bronze, like someone who had spent a lot of time in the sun and he had thick almost black hair that was shaved military style. A Celtic band was tattooed around one muscular bicep.
Lexi found herself unable to breathe at how incredibly handsome he was.
But then the truth also hit like a rock — however good-looking he was, he was alsospyingon her.
She noticed the dog by his side next, a German Shepherd who amazingly, having been caught by her, now seemed to be crawling toward a bush to hide.
Stunned by what she was seeing, Lexi dropped her brush and shot up to her feet.
Amillion thoughts ran through Kane’s mind at the sight of Lexi — in that tiny towel, hair and skin still wet from her shower.
Unfortunately, none were very gentlemanly.
Bud had the right idea.
On being spotted he’d immediately gone into abort mode and was now making like a bush, albeit one with four paws and a tail. But him? His brain had gone into meltdown.
And all because of the sight of this near-naked girl.
He’d seen plenty — more than plenty — of beautiful women in this town, many in various stages of undress (he never pretended to be a saint), yet something about this one was causing all kinds of unnerving reactions in him.
Even if she was one of those spoiled, privileged girls that irritated him no end.
The job, Kane. Stop gawking at her body and think about the job.
From beneath the bush, Bud huffed like he agreed with his thought.
Forcing his mind to cooperate, he considered his options.
He could knock on her door and explain what he was doing there. Honesty being the best policy and all that jazz, though, he wasn’t sure she’d give him enough time to talk.
Would he be able to say all of that before she started screaming?
Maybe he could call Wilson, get him to talk to her parents who would for sure be hearing about this in the very near future?