Despite wanting to ditch this whole affair and head outside where she might be able to do some immediate good, she knew that looking the part was necessary. Whether she wanted it to or not, appearances mattered in this industry.

She pulled on a pretty wine-colored number with a skirt that hugged her curves and assessed her reflection in the mirror. The color made her complexion pop, and she liked how curvy yet classy she looked.

But, twisting to examine the dress from all sides, it also seemed too fussy, and she wasn’t very comfortable in it. If it were up to her, she’d be in flats and jeans with the occasional maxi dress. Dressing up was Mandy’s great love though she had been warned many atime, that the public expected more of her, and she couldn’t let her parents down just because she couldn’t be bothered to make an effort when she left the house.

Apparently, in the eventual event that she was recognized, even a short trip at Whole Foods required some effort.

She tried on a tight black dress next. The sophisticated lines felt better, but the plunging frontline was much too low cut and that was before she noticed the thigh-high slit. Her breasts were practically falling out of the dress which might suit the Kardashians but it wasn’t something she wanted for herself.

Rifling through the rack, she came upon a white dress and slipped it on. It was an off-the-shoulder number, beautifully cut with an empire waist and flowing skirt that ended at her ankle. She looked like a Greek goddess — and more importantly — felt comfortable in it.

Lexi smiled at her reflection. This was the one.

Even if a party wasn’t really her style, at least the dress would be.

She took it off and hung it back up. In her marble bathroom, she stripped out of her underwear and turned on the shower when her cell rang. Mandy’s famous face flashed up on the screen, though it wasn’t the usual publicity shot or even a still from one of her movies. It was a picture that Stonewall had taken of Mandy on a happy vacation when it had been just the three of them.

Face devoid of makeup, beaming up at her husband with Lexi between them, this was the mom Lexi knew and loved, the one the rest of the world didn’t get to see.

It was her favorite picture of Mandy.

“Hey, Mom,” Lexi answered.

“Have you decided on a dress?” Mandy sounded strangely subdued.

“I just found one I like.”

“Good. I can’t wait to see you in it. I pulled a few favors to get those to you so quickly, you know how designers are.”

Her mother wasn’t saying anything she didn’t already know, having spent a lifetime watching how this all worked: celebs wore designer gowns at glamorous events giving the designers free advertisement, and in return, celebrities could request clothes from them for free. The bigger the event, the better the gowns.

Judging by the ones on the rack, her charity birthday party was considered big business. Noticing the time, a little after four in the afternoon, she frowned.

“I thought you were working until late?”

“I was, but something came up.” Mandy’s voice sounded hesitant over the line. She picked up on it immediately.

“Oh God, what’s happened now? Have you lost another co-star?” Lexi asked, concerned for the spate of bad luck her mother seemed to be having.

“Nothing like that,” Mandy was quick to reassure.

“Then what is it? You don’t normally come home early and you know you’re going to see whatever dress I pick later.”

“I can’t call to find out how my only child is doing?” Her mother’s voice turned testy.

“Not in the last week of production, usually you’d leave that to Suki,” Lexi replied. Suki was her mom’s longtime assistant without who Mandy would be totally lost. Lexi never held it against her when work took over, understanding how difficult and all encompassing shooting a movie could be. Not wanting her to think she was complaining, she softened her tone.

“This is… unusual is all.”

There was a pause over the line as Mandy gathered her thoughts.

“OK, you got me. I was calling to see if you were free right now?”

“I was just stepping into the shower.”

“When you’re done, can you meet your dad and me in the study? We have something we need to discuss with you.”

It wasn’t her imagination: her mother was definitely being cagey.