Theylined up for theFerriswheel, snuggled together for warmth, her head resting on his chest.

“Well, don’t you two look cozy,” came a female voice, and they both turned.Jackgrinned.

“Hey,Norah,” he said. “Ian.”Henodded at his ex’s fiancé. “ThisisRosalie,” he said, tipping his head in her direction. “Rosalie, this isNorah,Chloe’smom, and her fiancéIan.”

Rosaliesmiled, big and warm, and held out her hand. “Hi.It’sso nice to meet you.”

“Likewise,” saidNorah, smiling with genuine warmth. “Howare you enjoying the festival?”

Theychatted for a few minutes, untilJackandRosaliereached the front of the line.

“Oh,Jack,” saidNorahas she andIanstarted to move away. “Canyou takeChloefor two nights next week?I’mgoing to the city for a work conference, andIan’snot sure of his schedule.”


Shesmiled and patted his shoulder in a friendly gesture. “Thanks.Iowe you one.”

“Noworries.Havefun,” he said as he andRosaliemoved onto the platform.

“Youtoo,” she said. “I’llsee you around.Nicemeeting youRosalie!” she called out, and thenJackandRosalieslid onto a padded bench in one of the little gondolas.

“Sheseems nice,” saidRosalie, and he could tell she meant it.


“Ilike that you have a good relationship with her.”

“We’renot together anymore, and haven’t been for a long time, but she’sChloe’smom, andIdo consider her a friend.Justbecause we broke up doesn’t mean she’s a bad person.Sometimesthings just don’t work out.”TheFerriswheel started to turn, moving forward with a lurch, andRosalieleaned into him. “Maybebecause there’s something else out there for us.”

Shesighed and snuggled into him, and as theFerriswheel rose into the winter sky, small, soft snowflakes started to fall.

“Afterthe past few weeks,Idon’t thinkI’mever going to look at snow the same way again,” she said, holding out her hand and watching a few flakes melt on her glove.

“There’sa magic to it, isn’t there?” he asked, his heart beating hard and fast in his chest.


“Rosalie,I—” he started at the same time as she said, “Jack,Ithink—”Shesmiled and shook her head. “Youfirst.”

Thewheel turned with a soft groan, and snowflakes melted against his overly warm skin.Thefestival was a blur of lights below them, the river a black ribbon stretching out into the night. “Idon’t want you to go back to the city,” he said quietly, the honest, vulnerable words spilling out of his mouth. “Iwant you to stay.Here, with me.Iknow we haven’t talked about the future, butI?—”

Rosaliecut him off with a long, sweet kiss, her gloved palms against his cheeks. “Iwant to stay,” she whispered against his mouth. “Idon’t want to go back to the city.Iwant to stay right here, with you, andChloeand your family.Iwant a life here.”Shekissed him again, hotter and deeper this time, but unhurried.Jack’sheart raced in his chest as he held her, his entire body practically vibrating with hope and happiness. “Iknow we haven’t talked about the future,” she said, staring into his eyes as if she could see to the very core of him.Maybeshe could, because she was giving him everything he’d been wanting for the past few weeks. “ButIknowIwant one with you.”

Helaughed, joy bubbling out of him, and then kissed her again, snow falling around them, sticking to their coats, to her hair.

“Thoughtyou didn’t believe in fairy tales and happily ever after,Crawford,” he said, nipping at her bottom lip.

“Ididn’t.ButthenImet you, and nowIknow better.”

Hesucked in a shuddery breath. “Iam so fucking in love with you,Rosalie.IthinkIstarted falling the minuteIlaid eyes on you in the pub.”

Shelet out a small laugh, blinking back tears. “Ilove you,Jack.Ilove your caring heart, and your sexy body, and your sense of humor.Ilove that you take care of me the way no one else ever has.Ilove how muchIlaugh with you, and how right everything feels whenI’mwith you.Ilove you.”Shekissed him. “Ilove you.”Anotherkiss. “Ilove you.”

“Rosalie,” he whispered, returning her kiss. “MyRosalie.Mybeautiful, sweet, smart,Rosalie.Hereto stay.”

“Hereto stay,” she echoed.

WithChloeheaded to her friend’s for a sleepover after the festival,JackandRosaliecould barely keep their hands to themselves on the drive back to his place.Theymade it inside the house andJackkicked the front door shut, and then hauledRosalieinto his arms, carrying her up to his bedroom.Theywere a tangled whirl of mouths and hands, clothes flying and hitting the floor until they were both naked.