Fionagestured forRosalieto have a seat in a folding chair on one side of a small round table.Fionapulled a deck of worn cards out of her pocket and sat down oppositeRosalie.

“Oneof the biggest misconceptions about the cards is that they tell the future.Theydo not.Theycan only reveal what is already true, or what is on the path to becoming true, given current circumstances.”

“Isee,” saidRosalie, intrigued despite her skepticism.Afterall, she’d been someone who didn’t believe in love and relationships just a few short weeks ago, but now she felt differently.Maybeit was time to open her mind to even more.

“I’mgoing to pull three cards, each representing your past, present and future.”Sheshuffled the deck with the practiced ease of someone who’d done it thousands of times.Thenshe laid out three cards face down on the little table. “Thepast,” she said, flipping over the first card. “Thiscard represents the energies and events in your past that are still affecting you.Itcan tell us what you need to release, or learn from.”Shepeered at the card she’d flipped over. “TheMoon.Amajor arcana card, meaning this shaped you deeply in the past.TheMoonoften represents fear and anxiety.”Shepursed her lips, gazing atRosalie. “Youhad a very stressful childhood that shaped who you are today.Lotsof adult anxieties put on a young girl, and you project those fears and anxieties onto the present.TheMoonoften indicates painful memories and emotional distress; this is what you need to release,Ibelieve.Thisis where you heal, by letting go of these emotions.Feelthem, acknowledge them, and release them so that they no longer have power over you.”

Rosaliehad gone very still, her heartbeat whooshing in her ears.Shefelt pinned in place, stunned even, by how accurate that was.

“Myfather left whenIwas a kid, and it destroyed my mom, so in a way,Ilost both parents.”

Fionasmiled sympathetically. “Howvery unfair for you, my dear.Nowonder those fears and anxieties are still with you today.Butthis card is telling you that they no longer serve you.It’stime to release them.”

Rosalienodded asFionaflipped over the second card. “Thepresent.Thiscard represents the energies around you right now, opportunities and challenges. “Ah.TheFourofWands.”Shesmiled. “Thiscard represents celebration and joy.Harmony, and most importantly…”Shelooked up and metRosalie’seyes. “Ahomecoming.”

Rosalie’seyes went wide as her heart doubled its tempo. “Ahomecoming?”

“Thecurrent energy around you is one of happiness and relaxation.Joy, even.Becauseyou’ve found where you belong.You’vefound a way of living that aligns with who you are, deep down inside.Youhave much in your life to celebrate, and this is indeed a very special time.”

“Andthis is the present?Rightnow?”

“Yes.Perhapswhere you are right now is where you belong?Thiscould also indicate that the changes you’ve been contemplating are indeed the right ones.”

Rosalieshivered, but not from the cold.

“Thefinal card represents the future.Thisis the outcome of the present, the direction things are moving in.Itcan also show us what we truly want, even if we don’t want to acknowledge it.”Sheflipped it over. “Ah.Yes.Ahappy ending, my dear.TheAceofCupsrepresents love, new beginnings, and compassion.”Fionasmiled softly, her eyes gliding over the cards. “You’vehad a difficult go of it.Achildhood filled with fear and anxiety.Butwhere you are now is where you’re meant to be.You’vefound where you belong, and that’s a cause for celebration.Ifyou fully release that fear and anxiety, a new beginning filled with love is just around the corner.”

Herlast three words landed onRosalielike boulders slamming into her stomach.

“I…Iused a fortune telling machine.InPourDecisions,” she said, the words spilling out of her as she stared at the cards. “Ittold me love was just around the corner.”

“Becauseit is.Openyour heart to what’s in front of you and let love in.Youwon’t regret it.TheAceis an invitation to take what’s being offered to you, whether it’s a new relationship, a new career opportunity, a new way of living that will bring you love and happiness beyond what you thought possible.Allyou have to do is say yes.”

Rosaliesucked in a shuddering breath. “Thankyou.Thiswas…surprisingly helpful.”

Fionagrinned and then winked at her. “Thecards usually are.Now, a little gift before you go.”Shestood and then rummaged around in a small drawer at the back of her tent and then held up a small stone, a rich, dark green flecked with vibrant spots of red.Shepressed it intoRosalie’sgloved hand. “Bloodstone, for the courage to say yes to all that’s in front of you.”Sheleaned a bit closer. “It’sall yours for the taking if you’re brave enough to say yes.”

Rosalieclosed her fingers around the small stone and then tucked it into her pocket. “Thankyou.Thiswas…really meaningful.Howmuch doIowe you?”

Fionawaved her hand away. “Onthe house.Considerit a welcome home present.”

Rosalieblinked, her eyes burning with tears. “Thankyou.”

“Ofcourse.Comeby the shop any time once you’re settled,” she said with a knowing smile.

“Iwill.Thankyou again.”

Rosaliestood and stepped out of the tent, feeling like a new person.Gonewas the anxious girl who didn’t believe in happy endings, who kept everyone at arm’s length because she was scared.

Andin her place was a woman, ready to claim what was being offered to her.

Jackmet up withRosaliein front of theFerriswheel a little while later, a wide grin stretching across his face when he spotted her from several feet away.Shelooked radiant as she moved through the crowd, her face lit up with happiness.Hisheart flopped over on itself in his chest, and he held out a hand to her as she approached.

“Howwas shopping?” he asked, and she smiled, her eyes soft and bright.God, she was beautiful.Sodamn beautiful.Andsmart and lovely and warm and funny and amazingly dirty in bed.

“Good.Ididn’t buy anything, butIhad fun browsing.”Shewas still smiling, her eyes moving over his face. “Ikinda just wanted to get back to you.”

Heslung his arm over her shoulder. “Iknow the feeling.”He’dhung out by the fire with his brothers, then had hit the midway withChloe, where he’d won her a blue stuffed gorilla.